Join us for an additional airing of our post-Valentine's Day show with world-renowned healer and psychology expert to the stars Frank Paris. We talk about his exciting work delving into the hearts and souls of his star-studded clientele to telltale signs that you may be hosting dark energy...and not even know it! Tune in to find how to release the past so you can open yourself to greater love and fulfillment -- or just witness as he applies his profound insights on our callers. Also, call KKNW tonight at 888-298-5569 between 7 -8 to talk get your chart by the Astrologer's mother or your cards channeled by our fav psychic Kyra Oser. That's right -- 2 shows in one day! .
Unless you live in Seattle and can turn to 1150 AM on your radio dial, we'll announce when you can stream us Iive at
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“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer”