Slowing our roll and appreciating beauty.
The Sun has just moved into the sign of the Bull and we all take a collective exhale. I can’t help but think how different this night would be if the George Floyd case rendered a different verdict and Derek Chauvin had walked free. It almost seems fitting there’s a stellium in the sign that while it doesn’t represent peace per se (does any sign really? Libra?), it does represent a stabilizing consistency and slower persevering pace, especially after Aries season when it can be a lot of action and initiative. A reassuring calm is what - after a couple of thick days - seems to permeate the air and demonstrates that earthy, disarming quality of Taurus. Just now, I sat on my porch and watched a couple of deer amble across the hill, dipping their head down to chew on some dry grass… it was the perfect medicine after an intense and exhausting 24-hours. I hope that we all get to walk, observe, stabilize and slow down enough to see all that is going right in the world (doesn’t mean everything is going right, but there sure is a lot that is and it would do us some good to discipline our focus, no?) Where is this Taurus stellium ambling across your chart? Where might you need to get some earth under your feet, slow down and ground that pie slice of life? Like most things, it’s not about adding stuff on, but taking stuff away that we don’t really need to spend our time, attention and money on.
Happy Full Moon! In dazzling Leo, and opposing the avuncular launchpad of Jupiter in Aquarius, we’re reaching far into our futures where everything is possible because we think it so. We’ll get a taste of that this weekend. It doesn’t mean we don’t have to do the work, but there’s a spotlight on what’s special about us and how we can bring that to the collective. Dramatic? Indeed. First 100 Days. Keep going.
“Still what I want in my life, is to be willing, to be dazzled. To cast aside the weight of facts, and even float a little. Above this difficult world. I want to believe I am looking, into the white fire of a great mystery. I want to believe that the imperfections are nothing- that the light is everything.” - Mary Oliver
“It isn’t what you eat, it’s how you feel when you eat it. It isn’t what you say, it’s how you feel when you say it. It isn’t what you do, it’s how you feel when you do it. It’s only how you feel. ”
A beautiful waxing crescent Moon in Pisces.
The Eclipses are Coming, The Eclipses are Coming!
This post is my effort to pay attention to the eclipses which do represent a time of shifts away from one direction and towards another. We’ve just had the penumbral eclipse in Gemini on November 30th, and next is the December 14 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (see how dramatic I just made that!) with its requisite coincidental New Moon. Meaning: this is a shift TOWARDS something. Like any New Moon, this time period represents the beginning of something new — energetically — only this one is more dramatic (see CAPS!). What is at or near 23 degrees of Sagittarius for you? It’s also helpful to look if that aspect will be making any oppositions (to planets you may have in Gemini) or squares to mutable signs Pisces or Virgo, as it is in the “difficult” angles that the most growth may occur. Also, what house is it in??? This is Astrology 101 stuff admittedly, but it’s nice to be able to read your own chart … and distill the themes of this new cycle.
For example, let’s say … you have Mars in Sagittarius at 25 degrees in your 5th House. This means both Sun and Moon are stepping on your Mars pedal … (within a two degree orb. I’d actually use about 5 degrees on either side because this is an eclipse and honestly any planet in Sagittarius may be getting a turbo tune up although the closer to that exact 23 degree mark, the more significant). So then we ask what does Mars represent? Sex. Passion. Beginning. Fire. Starting. Courage. Action. Movement. Doing. But more specifically, what does this planet represent for you? So it’s not just Mars, but it’s Mars in Sag, in your 5th House, trining your Ascendant and trining Chiron. So now we’re cooking. We can really see the importance of this Mars stepping up to the plate of self-expression. Not only is in that 5th House of creativity and self-expression, but trine the Ascendant, we see that “high” Mars will showcase its talents, will demonstrate the courage to perform and because of that Chiron, there is probably a healing aspect here (perhaps some woundedness around “being oneself”). So I’d tell the client to look for opportunities to demonstrate courage under fire, to be decisive about stepping into positions that get one’s pulse rate up and make them feel alive. And if you feel a little wobbly, great! Mars is about trying new things; not about perfection and process. And there could be a relationship aspect here as well with that passionate component of Mars and that 5th House piece about love affairs (and all things recreation!).
If the client had some self-awareness and maybe some foundational astro knowledge, I may ask how they’ve experienced that Mars in the past. What role does self-expression play in their life and if fear were off the table, what would they give themselves permission to desire and do? A lot of times, especially with New Moon, there’s that seeding period … where our trajectory starts with a thought. We finally reach a place where we can actually conceive something as possible and then we have to discipline ourself to indulge those feelings and the law-of-attraction starts to bring some opportunities for growth in … as if testing you on your commitment to test the wingspan you’ve been previously just dreaming about.
What ever is lit up like a Christmas tree with this Eclipse, there are some common denominators with Sagittarian energy. It’s about expansion. It’s about new experiences. It’s about trying, stepping outside our comfort zone have FAITH to believe that our dreams will carry us and we’ll have the footwork to keep up. We want to err on being a little zealous or thinking BIG at this New Moon. Sagittarius also rules travel … so finding a way to open up to adventure. A lot of people may push the final button on moving plans. We’re ready to take up more space … and that can be in your actual home, geographic area, career or love. Again, you can refer to your own chart for details. I wish you a super duper New Moon Solar Eclipse :) And as always, if you feel you’d benefit with an extra pair of eyes on your chart, I’m available for personal readings. Just book on the bookings bar or feel free to send me an email and schedule that way.
You gotta love Scorpio season. It gets us all a little hot under the collar and makes us face whatever has been stewing beneath the surface but perhaps held together with a velvet bow during Libra season. If we think we live in a meaningful Universe and there is an order - no matter how chaotic it seems - than there is also an order to the unfolding of each sign along the Zodiac. Scorpio, the 8th sign, follows Libra and precedes Sagittarius. Scorpio can be seen as the next “lesson” in the 12-chapter Zodiac life book and corrects the excesses of Libra lest we all think everything can be solved by negotiation. Scorpio, in a way like Saturn/Capricorn, strips off the varnish - although Scorpio/Pluto has a different methodology of doing it. While Saturn is the taskmaster and lets the wheels falls off if we’re not abiding by physical laws and fine-tuning our responsibilities, Pluto can act like some looming, dark force beneath the calm surface of the water all of a sudden capsizing us and making us deal with hunches unheeded, power unused, lies we told ourselves and others and throws us in a cauldron where we have to wake up to our survival instincts. But this is also the good news. We need that hot blood running through our veins. It’s the perfect antidote to any anemic responses we’re making in life. Pluto/Scorpio seasons gifts us stakes. When we have stakes we have to make decisions. We are not allowed to go go quietly into this good night …unless of course we have some sort of death wish, or it’s just our time to go. Pluto can represent outside forces outside of our control and Pluto times are times of endings, although if you’re healthy and 34 it’s probably more about shedding an old identity than being hit by a train or dying of cancer. I digress. Stakes. Decisions. So whether that is a manipulative, dying grasp for power or a reckoning of our birthright to fight for what we want against Plutonian forces (people, things, experiences) that have become accustomed to getting their way, we are backed into a corner and the only out is down into ourselves. It may be a little haunting what we find. Survival instincts represent a pretty wide basket. It is our thirst for dominance sometimes in an ill-guided instinct for the preservation of the ego self image (see: Trump), but it is also this realization that we are connected at our depths and those extremes we will go to in order to save another’s life (maybe our own). It is a reminder that we all have this incredible will to survive within us, and this hotbed of emotion and ancient feeling that can make us go to extremes … we always have the choice to act out the shadow (see: Manson), but we also have the capability to fight and show up, tattered and torn, with what is primal and reminds us that there are passions that run so deep, and that to keep life interesting and to keep us honest, we or life will find a way to have that very real part of us expressed alongside our tailored personas and mundane lives. For those of us who have a better relationship to our own shadow and know life is a series of births and deaths, perhaps Scorpio season and Pluto times is less daunting. It can be wicked good fun. In any case, it’s a good time to meet those forces halfway. That can be in a difficult conversation with a friend, confronting our own or another’s mortality, owning up to our fear and how we deal with that and ultimately stepping into our power to be able to hold the light and the dark and make decisions consciously.
Holy October astrology. Well, firstly, we have this Mercury in Scorpio scraping the crusty bits of the truth pan that got stuck or altogether looked over when the Messenger planet was going through peace-making Libra. Not only that, but Mercury is going retrograde on October 14th at 11 degrees of Scorpio AND will be opposing Uranus, planet of shock and awe. We had this exact opposition on the 7th and 8th of October - and again we will get a jolt on October 20th, the difference being Mercury will be in retrograde so could be around similar terrain we experienced at the beginning of October. Usually the advisory rule of thumb with Uranus is to “expect the unexpected” and this will be around Mercurial themes of news, communication, and really anything we’ve kept hidden in relationship realm and I’d say also with negotiations around money with this along the Scorpio/Taurus access. Shocking news around our resources, paychecks, people we depend on or depend on us, could be kicked up in ways we didn’t expect. We’re definitely getting some clues as to where we need to put our thinking caps on so we can adapt to these changes. It can be an electric time, but also dense … the things that come out can feel loaded and Uranus may have a rather glib style that seems a disconnect to the weighted news inherent in Mercury in Scorpio.
We’ve got the Libran Sun doing every bit her part until October 22nd to try and balance things and also increasing are desire to connect although at the same time it’s bringing out a fierce independent streak as well with her opposition to Mars in Scorpio. Again, with all these things it will just shine a light on where your energy has been and how you’ve managed your relationships, finances, boundaries. Because this energy can also bring in heat and passion, and sudden connection! I’d be a bit circumspect especially after Mercury goes retrograde and all your exes or anyone in the unfinished biz club come out of the woodwork, as to the nature of the connection. Yes, you want to keep open, but there are oppositions here that are bringing into our awareness places we’ve placated or denied altogether (again, unless you’re a tireless student of self-awareness but even then…!) or they could also just get flung onto you. Mental imbalance is definitely in the range of a Mercury/Uranus opposition … and can bring a wonderful zaniness to relationships, but those of us who have a harder time under the glare of Mercury in Scorpio’s seemingly insatiable desire to get to the bottom of things and share intimately, may just go full Uranus and act completely from the head up without any regard for making sense or connecting on an emotional level.
And then … AND THEN! We’ve got Mars in retrograde going direct on November 14th (likely when we’ll hear who won for President) but not before this little spitfire (it’s in Aries!) squares Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto … specifically, Mars square Pluto is like the forced maturity that comes from throwing someone into life or death circumstances; Pluto amplifies death, destruction, endings … and with Mars activating that through rapid-fire stressors and orders to shoot the enemy or be shot, something in our life probably got caught in the crosshairs. It peaked one on the 9th, 10th and 11th and will hit us again exact on December 22nd and 23rd … so those should be robust, change-making, get into the grind and grow-or-die days. Fun! It’s just fits and starts of drama, and change and none of it feels particularly stable although yes, part of our means of evolving is to have things taken away. Pluto doesn’t always wrap it in a nice little bow but we should be grateful that this little drain snake made it obvious. It’s good to remind yourself that nothing that is really yours can be taken away; all sorts of commitment can weather this and even grow from this, but usually some sort of stress fires up the dynamic so we have to strengthen our commitments or get called out for fakery.
Mars Rx square Jupiter in Capricorn should also offer some high-drama days, as Jupiter will tend to push things to get bigger, more inflated and even act over-confidently. However, around October 18t, 19th and 20th is also big opportunity that will call on our courage and authority. So get ready to step up to the plate and be on your A game. That is what I see for this month … a lot of pressure, change, information… and honestly, it can be difficult sort through what needs your attention with Mercury retrograde throwing curve balls at us. It would be an understatement to say keep up with your meditation. People who are reactionary will tend to get more reactionary because the retrogrades can seem to thwart their egos and their progress and at the same time, leaders are rising. Firstly in each one of us who holds steady to what feels true and essential and will not be manipulated into act less than, but rather will rise to respond to some of the most dramatic astrology of the year. And YES, that is saying something :) PEACE.
The Astrologer’s Daughter Blog
A New Moon in Virgo. Trine Saturn. Building the long game.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves, too.” - William H. Murray
The New Moon in Virgo — the sign of service, healing through daily discipline and attention to our bodies, our schedules, all the dilly-dally details that does a Virgo good! This New Moon certainly has her work cut out … as bullying Mars in Aries is still squaring off with Saturn and what we have here is a prolonged battle of attrition. The hurry-up-and-wait is the umbrella of feeling over our endeavor to break down and re-build structures through slowing down and facing the grind that only we can do. But it doesn’t mean we can’t whistle while we’re fact-checking our own lives and seeing if our small steps are leading in a conscious direction. Indeed, one of Virgo’s priorities is a job, no matter how “small”, well done. With the trine to Saturn (exact!) and Pluto (less exact!), we are concerned with the long game however. We’re building a puzzle, and while we may not know the exact image that will appear (Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus still in retrograde after all! Oh yeah, and we have no idea who will be president or when Covid will “end”), we are definitely aware that our thoughts, intentions and actions are in need of streamlining in the service of our legacy. What do we want to leave behind? What do we stand for? What are we committed to?
With the Moon here, it can feel satisfying to do the essential and pragmatic steps get our routines place. Our powers of observation - especially for what is not working or any hanging chads in our life - will be clicked into high power. Not much gets past a Virgo :) Are we showing up in a way that support our chosen purpose, our work? We will have to learn our limits of control; there’s just some things that won’t bend to our timeline, and in that may be the biggest lesson of all. We still have to show up and do the work even if the big picture remains out of sight or frustrates the ego’s demand for results and accolades. We can neither throw in the towel or get overly confident, but proceed with the patience and resolve of someone who knows all good things come to those who persevere. This particular New Moon will be smack trine Saturn as I mentioned, so the chart is definitely making its point about the need to weather resistance, do the wrk and be honest about we’re denying realities. We need to use the force to get the sword from the stone, but it’s not brute force as much as quality of attention, awareness, intent. Elbow grease + Jedi force = miracles over time. As soon as we accept the limitations around us, and call on something higher and stronger that we share with all mankind, we will feel more supported. We are truly all in this together, even if it doesn’t look that way all the time. The Moon in Virgo can help us double down on self care, nourishing routines and getting those daily dopamine hits from checking the stuff you can off your ever-growing list. Do the small things right and the big things will come in time.
Retrograde Mars squares Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. One Way, and Then The Other.
course correction BY Fire.
“If you need proof that ideas have power and that radical change is possible, it’s there in the rearview mirror. Evil genius is genius nonetheless. In the early 1970s, at the zenith of liberal-left influence, an improbable, quixotic, out-of-power economic right — intellectuals, capitalists, politicians — launched their crusade and then kept at it tenaciously. The unthinkable became the inevitable in a single decade. They envisioned a new American trajectory, then popularized and arranged it with remarkable success.” - Kurt Anderson, The Unmaking of America: A Recent History
We’re entering what may be the linchpin of 2020 as far as astrology has a say. Others may no less accurately call this “election season” which just so happens to coincide with dramatic transit of Mars squaring the 2020-defining grand planetary trifecta of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn. Mars is exactly square to Saturn right now, slowing down to the degree at which it will retrograde: 28 degrees of Aries on September 10th. The God of War in the sign of competition, action, entrepreneurial feats of conquering is slowing its roll to a dead stop (from our singular point of view here on earth), rendering this planet’s forward-charging instincts a bit muted as far external progress and results. He doesn’t go away, but retracts his claws and burrows inward although no less aware of the fight ahead - be that for his own selfish purposes or the integrity of our country.
Now Mars going retrograde on his (her, its, non-binary, choose your pronoun here) own maybe wouldn’t be such a big deal … I mean we face Mercury retrogrades every few months like a mild and predictable inconvenience. What makes this more heated is one, we’re dealing with a much more aggressive planet which animates our instinct to act and bring fire, and two, he’s squaring off with two malefics - Saturn (now through August 28th, and again by retrograde September 28th - October 7th) and Pluto (October 8th - October 11th) and not malefic, but larger-than-life-everything-I-touch-gets-bigger Jupiter (October 18th - 20th) … and remains retrograde through election day, stationing direct on November 14th. Hopefully we’ll be done counting ballots by then, know who the president is, and/or if Facebook has to hit the political “kill switch” to stop Trump putting himself above of democracy and the truth once again. This will signal a green light for Mars to return to his Aries business-as-usual in a more direct and obvious way without the crimping twist of the retrograde.
Speaking of crimping twists, between September 13th and October 5th, Jupiter (9/13), Saturn (9/29) and Pluto (10/5), will have all been relieved of their retrogrades making for some more big headlines leading up to the election and in our own lives, although Mars - representing the individual - will be somewhat reigned in by Rx mode until November 14th. There’s a bit of the common man vs. well-heeled power, the striving for change vs. the machines in place which can feel frustrating and require our patience and resolve to stay firm on our chosen course. Mars in Aries is about the individual and the instinct for self-preservation, justice for me, my, mine … while the Capricorn planets - especially Pluto - are about institutions, entrenched power structures and government. There’s red tape and delays and even obfuscation, and our ability to act and get results may feel somewhat hampered by something else’s grip over us.
Pluto brings up what’s rotten so we can know what needs to be healed. It seems very clear where we’ve been getting it wrong - the abuse of power by Trump being one, but also environmentally, financially, law and orderly (the list goes on) - but that doesn’t mean that just because a lot of us get it, that systems in place will die easily. To the extent that more malpractice is revealed at the top, is to the extent we will see Mars galvanize individuals to act out. Now, this doesn’t mean that the “individuals” are necessarily on the right side of history. Biden could win (I’m taking the liberty of naming him the protagonist in this - and by comparison, how can you not?!) and the individuals that rise up could be fight the new power structure that are coming to replace the old. The timing isn’t great for a peaceful pass off of power, but maybe collectively we learned enough through this Pandemic, and things will go swimmingly. The nation is ripe for change, but a Mars square Pluto can be a formidable obstruction to peace indeed.
This transit is of course affecting us as individuals, drawing us into what may feel like the fight of our lives. Pluto can oftentimes represent something bigger than ourselves and our own buffet of personal choices; something over which we have no obvious controls or kills switch. Pluto dredges up what we left for dead in our psyche, our ancestry, our personal history, our karmic lineage … and says “take a look! You actually need this to pass go and collect $200!” And it’s possible Pluto can bring up your own dishonest or break in integrity, and this is your chance to pay your reparations, take accountability and get on with it without the option of sticking your head in the sand. But maybe you’ve done a lot of work and made friends with your demons and been a world class citizen … and you’ve dealt with death and destruction and a bad hand so many times in this life or the last, that you know this all transitory and you’re not afraid of being taken under the wave for a bit. I think of that beautiful song “Empty” by Ray LaMontagne “Do your best, destroy me. You see, I’ve been to hell and back so many times, I must admit you kind of bore me.”
Having extinguished your shadow through sheer awareness that it follows you around, maybe Pluto has nothing on you and instead you can use this groundswell of energy to consciously transform your life for the better and implement institutional, large-scale, public-reaching, role-re-forming change that pits you on the platform of your life. Totally possible! A good Aries/Capricorn square can put the work in to get big results! By the time of the “great conjunction” (next blog post) between Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius arrives in December, your number might be called. The vision of your future is sealed and you’ve applied that firepower and courage of Mars in Aries to re-direct your life purpose in ways that get you excited about the future. We’re all ready to look towards new heights after this collective descent into uncertainty and a prolonged reminder of our mortality. We’ve been asking ourselves the deep questions, and Mars is spurning us to take matters into our own hands to delivers those answers our heart as decided on. I’m also curious how it will play out!
Virgo Season Is Here!
“Perfect is the enemy of the good.” - Voltaire
The Sun has just moved into Virgo and the smell of Trapper Keepers and White Out wafts in the air. Leo season is but a memory, and we’re now asked to ground that flash and fire of that dominating sign into sensible systems and solutions that work in our day-to-day lives. Virgo knows the value of good habits and remarkable taste (I can say that because I’m not a Virgo!). A job well done may not quite meet their eye line, because Virgo is looking for the job best done and perfection can be an elusive standard indeed. Nonetheless, it is the passion in striving for the best output. If you shoot for the stars, you may just reach the Moon as “they” say. And we’re in the season of that passion for excellence through doing the mundane tasks that demand our attention to every last detail.
Mercury, busy-body planet of all things communication and correspondence, is also here as the Messenger never travels too far from the Sun. In Virgo, Mercury can be a shrewd critic and formidable editor, valuing clarity above all. If there are cracks and creases in your business model, personal relationships, self-care routine, household task mastering, this is the time to roll up your sleeves and plug the energy leaks … To Be Continued in Today’s Weekly Astrocast/ @astrodaughter.
Mars squaring Pluto: Burning down to re-Build
Mars is squaring Pluto as we speak. What does that mean?!? Well, Mars and Pluto are both considered “malefics” - some old-timey vernacular that basically meaning “bad.” Whereas, Jupiter and Venus were termed “benefics.” Not very evolved, I know, as most of reading this probably subscribe to the belief that’s nothing wholly “bad” or “good” - just lessons. As Tony Robbins preaches in his prime-the-mind videos, and I paraphrase, nothing is happening to you, everything FOR you. Yes, even your freaking tire blowing out on the freeway. “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other as though everything is a miracle. “ ~ Albert Einstein.
So, yes, Mars square Pluto does requires a little positive thinking cap. In a square angle, these two are battling each other for dominance. The energy doesn’t flow - without effort and compromise - like perhaps a buzzy trine. These two are at odds. We have to be careful however of not conflating “at odds'“ with “bad.” Like the great Steven Forrest said, we can sleep through a trine. Squares shake us, bring energy and friction …and thus growth. To ourselves and the world, but perhaps not without a little combative sparring first.
Right now, like t-t-t-today junior!!! we have Mars in Aries (yes, Aries!) squaring Pluto in Capricorn (exact as of this writing — August 13th, 2020 — Bronson Canyon, CA) until August 16th. And as a really sobering after party, Mars will then move just a couple degrees past that exact square to Pluto - and BAM - come into a square with Saturn (the other malefic!) from August 24th - 28th. To say it’s a month of persnickety events would not be untrue. Also, I’m stressing the exact degree because - yes - that is the height of the energy but experientially, I’ve found you can feel this stuff several degrees out, as especially as it is “applying” - or moving towards that exact degree. In short, we’ve been in this energy since the last week of July and also just because it’s not an exact square to Saturn, doesn’t mean we’re not feeling it now.
The way I see it, Mars square Pluto does the excavation, and then Saturn cleans up the mess, and mind you - both Saturn and Pluto are in retrograde as Mars is applying its heat and pressure spurring us to DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! but also get everything aligned and deal with some major challenges. The trick with squares is sometimes we pick sides, rather than realizing we have to find a way for them to both have a say. This can happen with our own natal squares as well. We get more comfortable with Venus, and ignore the Saturn square that’s saying “take it slow.” So Mars in Aries is a fiery planet in a fiery sign. It’s like the God of War leading a little army of warriors that are all on board saying “damn the torpedoes” we need to move. It draws on our reactiveness, impulsivity, fun, passion, spontaneity, carpe diem, burn baby burn energy … take your pick. Now Pluto in Capricorn is anything but. Pluto is not direct and obvious like Mars in Aries. Pluto in Capricorn is Gandalf the White (at its best) - wise, knowing, cautious and wary of quick results that Mars in Aries proposes. They may have an equally weighty agenda … but Pluto is often that which represents the energies beneath the surface; some of which we are unconscious of. Conversely we may think we’re Gandalf the White, but Pluto can also be our urges for power and control and Pluto’s resources can be dominance, manipulation and deception - especially when it feels threatened. “High” Pluto seeks change and evolution … but there’s a part of all of us that can get attached, invested in our ego or entrenched habits that we think bring comfort and control but really have just been serving up a hot plate of stagnation.
But you can’t read someone’s chart and know how evolved they are; something that may be more available through an energetic read of the individual perhaps. Like with any astrological transit, there’s not a one-size-fits-all response. Evolutionary Astrology is after all the astrology of choice and free will. So a Mars square Pluto brings a “clash” of certain energies but we could get a meditator who spent their youth in war-torn Yugoslavia, and is less fazed when the going gets tough. So how Mars in Pluto affects you - or rather how you react to a Mars/Pluto - is up to you. I will go so far as to say that Pluto is a pretty relentless driver of growth, change and evolution. “He” will go to pretty great depths to dredge up anything that hasn’t been confronted … oftentimes fear and uncertainty. And in Capricorn, there’s this real pressure to be more self-reliant, to be accountable, mature, responsible, take care of yourself in the world. Mars in Aries is lighting up and irritating those Plutonian grooves need to go deeper, take more accountability, rise up, be in their power and their truth. This is about work and purpose, and I think our responsibility to rise and demonstrate our abilities in a very conscious way. Mars is waking up the sleeping Giant. We’re getting these calls to action and amassing our energy for a more expressed way of being, and yet squares usually spell some resistance. Part of us wants to serve ourselves and our immediate desires and get ‘er done and part of us wants to stroke our long beard and see what this will look like 10 years out and is there enough substance in the equation.
This is call to use our power and drive in a responsible way … so just as love will bring up anything that is unlike itself (fear!) … so whatever is in the way of applying your will power in a way integral to your goals and capabilities, will come up. Is there a breach in clarity? Do you lose steam? Do let others manipulate you? These little mini or mega challenges will come up and be populated with the perfect players and circumstances to let you know what is occupying that space psychologically - how do you feel about the relationship between Pluto and Mars? How are those two getting along in your chart, in your life? How well do you balance self and society, courage and responsibility, the short and the long game?
With any transit, it’s helpful to look at what houses the transits are lighting up AND natally where is Mars and Pluto for you? Some people may have more to learn in this department depending on how activating this is in their natal chart and how fundamental Mars and Pluto are in their chart (I mean every planet is pretty fundamental but certain planets do take on more focus if their connected to Sun or Moon or in an angular house, for some examples.). Is this square, squaring/opposing other planets in your chart … ? If you’re a Cardinal sign - Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer - it most certainly is. Of course we’d look at degrees to see how exact.
And then of course, we consider that Mars will immediately (although in the zone NOW) move into a square with Saturn (exact by August 24th), and we get yet another shot of Herculean adrenaline for growth, change and achievement but also a certain protocol (Saturn) that must be followed. Saturn in Capricorn is about the marathon while Mars in Aries is the sprint so the two may have to meet in a series of consecutive 100 meter dashes? Compromise! The good news is that we are getting stirred up … and we do want a race … we will at least be confronting that part of ourselves that can’t shake the KNOWING that there is something more beneath the surface and we need to find a responsible, measured, focused way to scratch that itch, scale that mountain, achieve that vision. We need the heat and the follow through … although with so much in retrograde, I see it as more as getting us in the right mindset for follow through. Like Mars is daring us, and Pluto and Saturn in Cap are like, “but are you suuuure? You’re going to be in this for a long time. What do you really want to do with your one precious life?” And this all to say nothing of Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn as it related to our “institutions” - governing bodies, police, schools … the old guard is also feeling the heat. And likely any corruption will dig heels in hard … that part of the culture we’ve regarded and “allowed” to rule us and make the rules … is getting a right hook from Mars in Aries that wants new! Now the institutions that are in integrity have a lot less shadow to be lit up … and can use this more for that positive square prospect of growth and participatory change, but where there is subterfuge, Mars will light a fuse. And we’ll see this - unless the United States somehow clears its karma card - before the election as unrest or old power plays. It could be the people vs. the powers that be. On an individual basis, we’re similarly undergoing this shadow shake down but also this powering up; the two are not un-related. So do some reflection on what you truly want to become, to put out into the world, to represent … Mars may dare you to take some chances, to deal with things you’d rather keep buried. We have to find a way to let this energy flow - whether that’s through physical feats, crying into a pillow, seeing things as they really are - so we can allow ourselves to be an integral player in the new world we’re building. It’s up to each one of us.
I’m not even sure what that title means yet, but hopefully I’ll pay it off.
Let’s start with “bones". Usually this is the part of the body (are bones even considered part of the body? Google?) associated with Capricorn — the sign 180 degrees across the sky from Cancer, the sign where we’re actually receiving this incredible energetic portal for a HUGE new beginning. HUGE because we’re talking about not just a New Moon but a Solar Eclipse … and the Summer Solstice.
THE SCIENCE (from Forbes magazine): On Saturday, June 20, 2020, the solstice will occur as the Earth's north pole reaches its maximum tilt towards the Sun. Just 9 hours later, the Moon will pass perfectly between the Earth and the Sun, creating an annular solar eclipse for a myriad of observers across Africa and Asia. It's an incredibly rare occurrence to have a solstice solar eclipse. The solstices happen twice a year, and the Moon cycles through its full set of phases every 29.53 days. In order to get a solar eclipse, the Moon needs to be in its "new" phase: the phase that it only achieves when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.
According to Forbes, there’s about a 3.4% chance that of the concurrence (Solar Eclipse + New Moon). In astro currency, rarity increases the value. And the value is the energy that is ripe for a birth of some kind — intending anew. All great things begin with a thought … and New Moons are the optimal time to plant those seeds, solar eclipses heaping on the Miracle-Gro. Also, the manifestation of eclipses is said to come to pass 6 months to a year to the day (!) after the the eclipse event. Of course, you can’t just make a wish and think it will grow without tending to it. But just as there are optimal times to seed in order to get the best harvest; so goes the logic here.
Back to the bones! So this Eclipse will take in the Cancer/Capricorn polarity. And while this is a New Moon and on the face of it represents a step forward, an opening, a blank slate of sorts … this is actually an eclipse in a series of the Capricorn/Cancer polarity that began in July 2018 and will culminate on July 4th of 2020 (a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 13 degrees of Capricorn which will conclude this cycle). So there’s already been a theme established, which will likely have highlighted the natural tension and attraction between Cancer (home / family / roots / tribe) and Capricorn (work / achievement / success / status), manifesting some sort of headlining event which can be an ending - home or job related - or of course a beginning as well.
The one on June 20th is a beginning. Something is ready to come through, often in dramatic fashion; some headlining event which gives us the clue to the underlining theme. There will be physical disconnection of the Sun’s vital light to earth and similarly a disconnection from the light of our consciousness, purpose and vitality which doesn’t sound great, eh? However, it is actually what allows something new to sweep in. What is no longer truly ours - be it a relationship, an attitude, a job, a home - won’t re-attach. Or this will be the beginning of the end, however it can be quite “sudden” as well. And look, sometimes that is admitting to what is no longer hours. Eclipses are like accelerating evolution, helping us pivot in a way that can lead to an entirely different destination. I think of them as little corrective stones that make sure we’re bumped along the “right” path … and of course that’s different for everyone and one would have to look further into the chart (or just deeply consult their own soul:)
It is helpful to be aware of where the eclipse is happening in your personal chart. Some eclipses are more action-packed than others depending on where it hits. I’d expect a more headlining event or change of direction / consciousness if say the eclipse was hitting close to an angle (ascendant, descendant, MC or IC), and/or especially if dialed into your natal Sun or Moon, as well as other planets in the chart. That will give the idea of the “what” — the content of the eclipse — while seeing what house zero degrees of Cancer hits, will highlight the “where” in your life. It takes a bit of synthesizing but it can help contour a theme and get you clear on what it is the Universe seems to be trying to uncork for you. And looking back to what was happening in your life through the 2018/2019 eclipses will also give you a clue as to what is this about. Pause for dates (July 2nd 2019, July 16 2019 … ? There’s more). And honestly, we’re already in it. We can already feel the energetic shift … and a lot of us are ready for the change. Eclipses can bring surprises however.
While Pluto/Jupiter are not hit directly by this eclipse at zero degrees of Cancer by an opposition; the fact that they’re in Capricorn does have relevance. It’s noteworthy that Pluto and Jupiter are both in retrograde (also Venus, Mercury and Saturn). I mean is it just me, or does this speak to the “Reckoning". Let us not forget that the US OF A is a Cancer … a 13 degree of Cancer so I’d actually really expect some news on the eclipse of July 4th — her/his birthday too! Some symbolic culmination or ending — perhaps finishing the job of Pluto in Capricorn to get rid of the rot in institutions / power structures / leaders … the government industrial complex. And again, we already see the writing on the wall … pandemic, protests, recession, an election coming up … I mean could we put anything else into the cannon?! Hopefully we’ll have something to celebrate … but we’re not getting away without hitting our rock bottom, and honestly we wouldn’t want to. This eclipse is a beginning for all of us; to OPEN our hearts and live in NEW relationship with our planet, with people of color (as reflected in the policies of institutions from the police to education) and different sexual orientations and gender identities, with ourselves and goals that are really rooted in our LOVE, and while we’re at it, why not all sentient beings … why are we still torturing animals?! The animals that started the Covid. Nature has a sick sense of humor. We weren’t listening to the whispers, but I hope we all start to get it (myself as much as anyone). Put your vision (and a collective one) in the cauldron… like the CARE BEAR STARE (anyone?!). We got this … maybe.
The Mad Scribblings of an Astrologer in The Time of plague, PLuto and “please stay home.”
But seriously, I’m doing a Zoom presentation on the astrology of the Pandemic on Tues, March 31st (see events on Homepage - join us!) and these are my notes for anyone interested in what the planets have to say about this whole … umm, deal. Tons of run on sentences and grammatical errors. Notes, people, notes. Enjoy!
But first, fun facts!
Pluto - length of time to go around the Zodiac or Sun or its orbital period is 248 years (!)
Neptune - 165 years (2012 - 2025)
Uranus - 84 years (2018 - 2026)
Saturn - 29 years
Jupiter - 12 years
Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn (every 20 years) exact on December 21, 2020!
Jupiter was conjunct Saturn in the early 80s in Libra and it was the AIDS crisis - it changed the way we behaved in relationships / sex - this time its about Capricorn themes (money, power, externality).
…but that conjunction within range now (!) through the end of year - and Pluto there too - it’s getting complicated.
Pluto - Lord of Karma, has a 248 year orbit, meaning it moves VERY slowly and makes sure we get the LESSONS. It will be in Capricorn for 15 years (stays in a sign from 12 - 21 years depending on retrogrades etc) from 2008 - 2023 .. so we are wrapping up a cycle, pressing towards those last degrees although Pluto will be here until 2023. The Cosmos wants to make sure we get it. Do we get it? Yet?
So Pluto, as the slowest moving and most outer planet(oid) - the two are related - can define a generation - we're talking about a 20-year period to upend, transform, change, reveal the shadow, give urgency, a sense of getting to the root of something - for good, bad and ugly. The theme of what it activates and drops into is described by the sign. So in CAPRICORN.
CAPRICORN is about authority, the 10th House, the top of the chart. So this driving need for position, status, achievement. The resources are sobriety, goal-setting, self-discipline, ambition, persistence. The shadow is the opposite of that. The same underlining motives can lead to the best and worst. So the shadow can be inflated ego, obsession with control and power, snobbishness, distance, the 1% so to speak (not that everyone at the top is bad, not at all). And also Capricorns obsession with the EXTERNAL picture - this need to present an image of control and success. There's obviously a volcano underneath there, esp as what’s underneath is out of sync with the image. Karma can be a bitch, and the truth doesn’t long stay hidden with Pluto. It can get out of balance. This drive for profit and prestige - "it's just economics." What happens when our health is just about the bottom line? Our food is just about the bottom line? Factory farming about the bottom line? The greed to fill the pockets of a few - with power - at the expense of the rest. I mean it's not the whole picture - but where that picture DOES exist - it is in for a Plutonian awakening. It's about the ABUSE OF POWER. I mean look at Harvey Weinstein and the #meetoo movement - Men in power doing dastardly things and getting away with it - or thinking they’ll get away with it - because of position. So yes, this has torn down a lot of successful white men. Others too, and sure, even some women - but these were women with power. Abusing their status to intimidate, control, threaten with loss of livelihood. That's a real fine illustration of shadow Pluto in Capricorn... hitting everyone on the way down, because you abused your power on the way to the top.
A Pluto transit will reveal the shadow; what we're unaware of, what's operating beneath the level of our awareness, in the deepest darkest corners of society's psyche will come up with all the tar of middle earth and repugnant stench of lies. In Jungian theory, what we don't know controls us - "until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate" - so if we pan back and apply that to the collective shadow, then it's like all the leaders that control through EGO, power-hungriness, domination ... are really just an expression of the collective shadow ... it goes back to "be the change you want to be in the world." If there was no macho in the home or family or world, we wouldn't have a shadow to cast, we would probably have a lot less tolerance in falling for or becoming enamored by leaders with BSD'S. And look it is changing ... we've had a woman run for President, Weinstein is in jail, careers ruined ... women in office ... the shadow of domination in this and many other areas is bringing brought to the light. We have to create the NEW RULES, or I guess with Pluto a new collective conscious about what is TRUE and what if FALSE ... how are we going to govern ourselves by what feels right in the gut. And sure, that changes over time. We're getting less and less tolerant of control through domination ... we've had enough. So now it's like, will the REAL leaders rise, and will the rest be revealed for what they are. Nixon was a Capricorn :) Sneaky bloak!
And Capricorn is not just about leadership - although authority and standing in community is an expression - it's about business, commerce, capitalism, control. Who has control? Who are our leaders? How are we conducting business - not just for survival, pleasure - which is more of Taurus's domain - but for authority. So the way that's done ... in all aspects of society - our bosses, lobbyists controlling laws with money, I mean this is the dark side of power - that is serves interests that aren't for the people, and these SPECIAL interests that don't support the people it purportedly governs will be REVEALED ... this is all coming to a head, we're playing with this black putty and having to look at ourselves. And yes, maybe we've been or always have been or have since a mini personal crisis been expressing the "light" of Pluto in Capricorn ...look to where Pluto is transiting in your chart (as in what house is Capricorn at the cusp of for you?), you can get an idea of where in the life that shadow may be revealing itself but also WHERE is ripe for unearthing POWER, ASSERTING CONSCIOUS CONTROL, DIGGING IN ... because there is a charisma to Pluto, a force if you will .. it's sorcery - it combines the seen with the unseen - it takes it cues from the depths ... so there can be a real drive to get to the bottom of that house's terrain. And look, if Pluto is there in Capricorn, so is Jupiter and Saturn had been there since Dec 2017 and March 21t 2020 - that's quite a run. Likely, you've had to DO THE WORK.
So that's been in the background of all this ... and then we move inward towards the Sun ... and we get Neptune, then Uranus, then Saturn and Jupiter ... now in astrology, we look for pattern, trends, where is the energy being thrown especially with an eye for stressful (growth-producing) aspects between planets.
And we see that not only in PLUTO in Capricorn, but also JUPITER since December of 2019 - December of 2020, so just add a big exclamation point to everything I just said. And of course when do those two planets combine forces - the exact conjunction can really be manifested as an external event, and Jupiters expands everything it touches. It's the largest planet in the solar system (the size of 250 earths) so it's adding A LOT of gravity to that transformational process of Pluto ... although Jupiter can bring a sort of goodwill energy and adventuresomness to the sober processes of Capricorn, and look, outside of this invisible global menace, this can be a year of people RISING UP TO THEIR PURPOSE, their WORK ... but it's also the death of a lot of peoples' work, I mean quite literally right now. But people have been going through perhaps to a greater degree since Jupiter entered Capricorn, because the whole idea of Capricorn is to set the bar high enough that you're actually motivated to DO THE WORK and show up with all those Capricorn resources like discipline and ambition and focus and concentration .. and Jupiter too ... Jupiter loves the impossible. So these two really pack a powerful punch, and can gift this sort of CAN DO attitude ... and yes, it can feel like we're over-reaching, it should feel a little that way ... this is the year of building business one believes in, but with Pluto, the death has to take place first, right? And then jolly old saint Jupiter comes in and helps pour cement into the gaping hole in the ground. SO where are we in that process? Well, Jupiter is ON Pluto t-t-t-t-oday junior! So we're at it ... we're never going to get closer to seeing the magnitude of our shadow and our gifts ... the mountain peak has revealed itself, and perhaps how far are head was in our ass - as an individual or a nation - may predict how tough the climb out.
Now this will get more interesting as we combine yet another planet - which moves even more slowly (remember the slower the orbital period around the Sun, the more defining of the era - the more rich and drawn out its lessons so we really get it, the more power) ... so as Saturn - which has a 29 years orbital period - is added to the mix in May ... we're really getting cinched. What does Saturn add? So everything I've said about Capricorn ... although yes, Saturn is a planet and Capricorn is a sign. But Capricorn is the correlating planet -- so its qualities transfer - although the planet represents the "what" - the actor, the player on the stage, the driving force - and the sign is the "how" - how does that driving force takes place. So Saturn implements restriction ... it's about rules and rigidity and sobriety ... not so much about looking at the shadow like Pluto, but about looking at where we need to button up, get professional ... in a word: MATURE. Grow up. Get rid of excess, get wise on our time and energy investment. Now Saturn's been going through Cap for the past couple years .. and just on March 21st has it began its sojourn into Aquarius -- although will retrograde (May 11th 2020) and will re-enter Cap (December 16th) for good ... so it's dancing between these two signs, dipping its toe in Aquarius and offering its stern, tough-love, restrict, mature strength to a sign about community, progress, connection, humanitarianism .... and combining with Pluto and Jupiter which is about GETTING ON THE PATH ... so in a lot of way we're seeing where we've strayed and we're putting ourself back together ... the common denominator of these 3 planets and sign combos, I believe is about re-building, re-envisioning our world so its more in alignment with what's really true for us esp in regards to our calling - and maybe with the calling of the collective - the globe - being that we've all been dropped into this biological war against a common enemy. So this necessity to be strong, to be unified, within ourselves ... following our inner sense of truth and authority ... seeing where we need that DISCIPLINE, that belief in what we're here to do and that willingness to commit to the journey ahead ... and if we're not quite there ... if we're still in the throes of that Plutonian death - that transpersonal creeping planet that throws a generational saber our way .... it's what's beyond our control. Yes, it still affects our personal lives as much as this global crisis has drained money from the stock market which holds your personal investements ... but there's going to be a collective shift to embrace new purpose, new career, new position, status ... a new relationship with power and authority ... but first, it's like we're being forced to stand still. I mean we're literally on home arrest for the most part. And one of Capricorn's resources is SOLITUDE. Introspection, reflection. The monk pondering life and quiet values on top of the hill. That's high Capricorn ... yes, Capricorn's destiny or energy is somehow tied to leadership, but it doesn't have to be from ego or loud. It's earned authority -- it's the quiet, oft-withheld articulated wisdom of the elder ... it serves by example and with QUIET DIGNITY.
Especially today with PLUTO/JUPITER conjunct exact and SATURN restricting Mars (movement, action), we have to go inside - we have to call upon our reserves of strength and act as our own authority, we are all SOBERING UP. There's a marked seriousness, a sense of mission ... that's Capricorn. And it doesn't want us to act rashly. It wants slow and patient steps ... especially these few days ... we are really being ground to a halt, so we can drop in and shift enough to see that the PEAK has moved or will reveal itself in time. TIME IS THE VEHICLE.
This is a time to slow down and LISTEN. We are undergoing some of the biggest changes as a world, as a nation as individuals. And so acting, not out of the momentum of the past - which has been just about forced on us (thanks, Universe!) and reviewing not just what we desire but what is necessary for the collective survival of the planet ... and BEING YOU is one of them. But YOU likely have a call. But more than what it is - it's how WE show up - so whether you style hair, dog walk or a member of the UN - this about CHOOSING consciously and being ON PURPOSE. Not undermining your own agency, not settling, and not listening to or living by rules that are born in the darkness of ego and obsession with the external ... now there are good rules ... mature rules, mature Saturn on Mars ... which is a sense of surrendering that Martian need to act now and do what the individual wants ... and abide by Saturn (conservatism, restriction). It's the way it is right now so we don't have to think much about it. There are other forms of defiance than spreading the Covid - those rules come from science and people that want to protect life. Notice Trump wants to rush to open, or has historically wanted to, because he's in it for profit, for personal gain, for the seduction of future power .. that's the PLUTO in CAPRICORN ... that's the tar that is coming up from the center of the earth to be SEEN and healed. And who knows, maybe he'll transform ... more likely, we have the invitation to transform when the ugliness is so bad - the ego, the dark motives, the misguidance, the lack of example, the chauvinism, the evil - that we can't turn away, but together - Saturn in Aquarius - we resolve to act on the right side of our nation's brothers and sisters, our global family ... and that is the power ... but to get there we have to bury our own hatchets, make peace with our own egos or rigidity to being "right" -- in politics, opinions, status, education - and get to the gut of what it is to live as moral beings in a moral society ... it is a responsibility that we are waking up to on the brink of extinction ... not just this virus, but our home - the PLANET. We have to look what we've dumped into the trash heap and covered with hedges or fake palms trees. We have to re-design society ... crafting our morals and responsibilities to benefit the whole. That is high Pluto in Capricorn. And that is done one human, one neighbor at a time heeding the call deep within themselves, connecting to something you can't put a dollar amount on, and following the good - trusting in this dark and uncertain time - that curbing our former excesses and listening when it has been dropped on a silver platter to do so (quarantine baby!) - will lead us into the future. We have to tune in in the dark, with our own families, our silence, four walls, and some walks, and this is the perfect time. It’s carving time.
New Virus, New Moon, New Power to the People
Happy New Moon! Right!? Crazy astrology calls for crazy times and this years astrology has packed a powerful punch. As we speak, the Corona virus is metastasizing with the US epicenter spiraling in New York. The planets are doing their own dance above, today - March 24th and the New Moon in Aries - marking a new chapter in the wave of this pandemic.
What’s notable about the times right now, from an astrological perspective, is this stellium of planets in earth sign Capricorn. Mostly notably, is the planet(oid) Pluto - the Lord of Karma - which dredges up the wound around all things Capricorn - money, power, government, institutions, leadership, status, career, achievement - in order to regenerate and heal. Pluto also brings things to an end. So I guess in addition to the Lord of Karma, you could call in the Lord of Death or Transformation. Change is nothing new, Pluto just helps nature along and cues us to the nature of what needs to undergo this sort of death and change of form. When we look back, we’ll call it progress. When we’re in it, it feels like crisis.
Now Pluto is not acting alone. This equal-opportunity, global leveler around abuse of money/power is traveling with Mars, Jupiter and while not in Capricorn, Saturn is only a few degrees from Pluto as well. This is a powerful combination of planets, with the pinch coming to head on May 14th - with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn all with in 5 degrees of one another. We often see Jupiter as the merry reveler of all things epicurean and delightful, although in Capricorn, this avuncular planet wears glasses (NOT ROSE COLORED) , has a brief case and wants us to look at the facts. Jupiter also has the affect - of expanding/growing the energy of whatever it touches. It’s enthusiasm is contagious you could say :)
In these skies, Jupiter is pouring fuel on both Pluto (death, remember? Although I honestly mean this in more of a transformation of the way we do business, our values, and the structure/application of centralized power) and Saturn (limitation, restriction, maturity, brass tacks). We are being forced to confront, both on an inner and global level, what no longer works; what has become antiquated in our value system from the excess of materialism and over-identification with getting ahead, doing business, procuring profit without thought to collateral damage. And in the next couple days as this fiery, action-hungry, justice-fighting Aries Moon waxes in Aries and forms as tense square to the big 3, we’re experience a real reckoning with reality - especially regarding our finances and possessions and the shit show that is our supreme leader mouth false information that has cost time and lives.
The planets are going to be doing a version of this dance through the end of the year. This is not going to have a pretty bow on it, in my astrological opinion. People are talking about this upheaval and facing a lot of uncertainty - but we are already hearing how the national detention - shelter-at-home - has also brought some peace, bonding, simplicity and some recognition of what truly brings life as sense of meaning and true connection. Yes, we still need money and leadership and that is all hanging in the balance at the moment. We’re going to come out of this different; a changed society and hopefully one that sees itself as part of the global community. We can all relate and we fight against this external and surreal-y obtuse external threat. It hasn’t gotten as bad as it did in the movie everyone’s watching - Contagion (!), yet, but then again, we still don’t have the vaccine.
Keep meditating, looking up, following your inner wisdom (which hopefully has something to do with washing your hands and distancing as much as possible) and we’ll reap that good stuff that Capricorn has for us on the other side. Sure, sure it may be a little idyllic, but I still love the idea behind Kitty Meara’s poem. I’ll leave you with it:
And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.
MERCURY Retrograde, Again?!?
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces … what feels like going back in emotional time could lead to a better future.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
While most people curse the day Mercury goes retrograde, there are actually a lot of hidden perks and benefits. Yes, you have to be willing to see the silver lining and stretch some dormant muscles, but navigated with a little appreciation for the meaning in the cosmic cycles and self-awareness, you’ll make it by golly!
This Mercury retrograde is like any other Mercury retrograde in that the buzzy planet ruling communication and commerce appears to go backward from our POV on earth, and seems to stir up trouble in the communication sector down here. We’re not supposed to buy electronics, sign contracts or really count on anything proceeding with the straight and narrow sense that our efficient selves desire. Computers crash, emails go missing, plans change … life happens.
It’d be a good study to see if there’s any more regularity to these irritating mundane “Mercur-ial” events or it’s just our confirmation bias providing a convenient and trendy scapegoat! From experience, it does seem like a particularly wonky 3-week period but like everything in astrology, it does matter what this planet is up to in your particular chart (is it crossing your Moon? Squaring your Sun? Are you Gemini rising making Mercury your ruling planet?). Some are definitely worse than others so it’s helpful to see what this pesky messenger planet is trying to relay.
What about that silver lining? Mercury Rx periods can have a certain reflective effect. Just as it appear Mercury rolls effortlessly back over territory once trodden, the same process seems to happen in our mind and experience (the ex-factor being one of them!). It can be viewed as nature’s way to make sure we didn’t miss anything; that we re-visit some steps and decisions that may be worth a double take. Yes, it seems it also comes with completely ridiculous re-routing that feels like it was put there to F*%$ with us, but it’s also another opportunity to make us laugh and practice calm when we get the cosmic leg pull.
February Mercury retrograde (2/16 - 3/9) is in the watery, feeling sign of Pisces; also the sign of illusions, imagination and magic or magical thinking. This one may tug at our heart strings, pulling our minds back over emotional terrain and giving us another go around to process where our rose-colored glasses got us into trouble, or where we experienced a heartbreak, or just some tender inner spaces that need our compassionate Piscean re-perception. Mercury brings a fine-toothed comb to the subconscious perhaps stewing up ancient memories through dreams or synchronistic events that give a mystical sense of deja vus. It can slow things down, but that’s also a form of cosmic protection.
See where your Mercury is traveling in your chart and what if any planets it will be aspecting — to give you a flavor of what’s up this mischievous planets’ sleeves. A major theme with Pisces is compassion and this inner knowing that we are all connected … Mercury may bring up places or memories where you’ve been less than generous - which to Pisces can be behaving anything short of Mother Teresa. You could be set up to forgive and let go of perceived injustices and adopt a mindset that generates more openness and let the past truly be in the past. Think of it like Marty McFly going back in 1984 to make some things right … this Mercury retrograde may be like the 2nd chance to mend some things on the inside and rather than letting things fade from neglect or misunderstanding, be healed, appreciated and re-vitalized into the photo.
The Weekly Astrocast for January 4th 2020
Goal check! Are your objectives…?
“So you're passionate? How passionate? What actions does your passion lead you to do? If the heart doesn't find a perfect rhyme with the head, then your passion means nothing. The OKR Framework [Knowing your Objectives & Key Results] cultivates the madness, the chemistry contained inside it. It gives us an environment for risk, for trust, where failing is not a fireable offense. And when you have that sort of structure and environment and the right people, magic is around the corner.” ~ Bono
The big news this week is Saturn, now at 1 degree of Capricorn, is joining Pluto exact (at 2 degrees) on January 12th, culminating in the completion of our runway for take-off. Now where you’re taking off to is, per usual, always personal but we’ve all been whipped around by the fates, our blindspots and this nagging sense that we could do, be, serve more. There was a necessary emptying-out period - which was really highlighted from 2016 - 2019 - and now that we’ve become completely aware of where we need to grow up - as a person, nation and world - seems fairly obvious. And with 5 planets in Capricorn (yes I’m counting Pluto, and I’m not even counting the South Node), this is a very realistic yet aspirational time. Things aren’t going to happen unless we get our will pointed in the right direction - and this past year has been about making that shift to what we truly want to accomplish. Capricorn is about the work. It’s also about the mindset and the discipline to follow-through with the thousand tiny steps that get us to our personal peak. Before we could set our plan into motion, we had to see what was obstructing us. Saturn - Lord of Karma (and hard lessons, the need for maturity and steely-eyed focus) on Pluto - the call to transformation through brining up the shadow, the truth and all of our energetic wounds down from childhood down the line of our ancestry, has been like a years’ long workshop in tough love. Saturn makes us look at things; it lays bear our immaturity and pie-in-the-sky thinking. If we don’t wake up and pay the toll to Saturn - work, attention to the real world, humility, reliability, integrity - then real things happen. Things like not being able to pay our rent, our relationships crumbling (of course that could be to good thing) …. or likely of a more Plutonian-theme - our shadow overtakes us and expresses through all manner of neurosis and mental degradation. Since Trump got elected, our mental health has taken a nosedive - and like this writer in the NYT expresses, it’s no coincidence. Keep in mind: these are the cases of mental illness that are reported. You can read it here:
However, when we deal with Saturn on Pluto, we also receive “real” gifts. Our discipline and willingness to confront difficult things head on gift us money, new customers, greater sense of self and confidence, a new job, new relationships. And this tends to come after we’ve put the headstone on the grave of another piece of our controlling and limiting subconscious. We’ve been doing the digging, even laying our ghosts to rest … and some sprouts have been popping up around our plot. When Saturn perfects on Pluto (that is, makes that exact conjunction on January 12th), then we may begin in the coming days and months really witness what our matured goals and behaviors have netted. It won’t just be a mindset, but the gifts that that mindset has attracted because Saturn forced us under threat of debilitation and depression.
Other excitement this week - besides today’s Moon/Uranus conjunction in Taurus (which will happen once a month for the next 7 years) - is Mars has moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius, water to fire, feeling to experience. We’re more poised to act big on part of what we’ve had to go into the underworld to retrieve for ourselves. We’ve been so focused energetically-speaking on getting to the bottom of things and carving through our consciousness (or attracting events the past 6 weeks that have done that for us), that playful, self-righteous, enthusiastic Sagittarius will help us put those insights into motion … and start the climb with a real sense of faith and can-do spirit.
I’ll leave you with this quote, which I snatched straight out of my law-of-attraction planner (which I highly recommend for you goal-setting / intention / note-taking nerds out there - you can buy on Amazon here): “Take the limits off yourself. You will never rise higher than your thinking.’ - Joel Osteen. That is the true invitation right now … there has never been a better time to rise out of your shadow, commit to what you know is your highest destiny (desires!) and discipline yourself through those tiny action steps and alterations in thinking to achieve it each day - you are ready and the world needs you more than ever to be more YOU and bigger than you ever thought possible. We should all die trying and enjoying ourselves in the process.
If you’re curious to get personalized weekly horoscopes (plus a bonus 25-minute call each month to ask about anything!) or a personalized monthly horoscope (plus bonus call), it’s $35/$25 month if pay for 6-months up front. You can get a sense of exactly what that mountain top looks like and where your energy will best serve you. Email me for questions or to sign up.
Thank you and enjoy the days. XO Astrodaughter
Overview for one, for all!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We’re definitely starting the year on new feet, probably pointing in a more purposeful direction after we’ve purged old identities and woken up to the fact that our talents and gifts are needed in this crazy world! This hasn’t been without hard decisions and trade-offs, but we’re realizing this really isn’t a dress rehearsal and the synchronicities were too obvious to ignore. The Cosmos seem to get right to business, peppering January with some cinching celestial events – not least of which is shock-and-awe Uranus turning direct (the 10th), an end-of-an-era Lunar Eclipse (the 10th) and get-your-shit-together-yesterday Saturn conjunct Pluto (the 12th). We’re also in ambitious Capricorn season, especially so with lucky Jupiter gracing this industrious sign until December of next year doubling down on the bet we’re making on ourselves and our work. We’re ready to show up in the way we’ve been guided, and it seems to be towards ventures that are game-changers and take into account not only recent personal upheaval but showing up as the world needs us – which can mean huge leaps for some people. Remember: it takes 10 years to become an overnight success. As planets start to shift into Aquarius mid-month we’ll get an extra dose of clarity and be really ready to connect with our tribe and move forward with a knowing glint in our collective eye that we’re the one we’ve been waiting for.
Reading your Sun and Rising Sign for a more complete horoscope! Need a little more? Ask me about my monthly subscription to a weekly personalized ‘scope!
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
Capricorn, it’s your year … at least your Jupiter year as this lucky behemoth graces your sign until December of next year. While rooting in new professional turf seems to still be the name of the game (thanks to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn), Jupiter adds a spark and a certain winning vibe to all of your ambitious pursuits. Not only that, buzzy deal-maker Mercury in Capricorn will be adding electricity to your sign all month ensuring that January may not be as slow for you as you’d usually expect. It’s a year to become more of you – and Jupiter will help to expand what you’ve largely been working on behind-the-scenes. The emphasis is on your 1st House (for Capricorns and especially Capricorn rising), so this is about putting your polished shoe forward even if you have to borrow the money to buy the polish. There’s an increasing gravitas to your persona and it’s time for the outer shell to reflect to the inner shift towards your natural greatness. Yes, you can still get cranky and bemoan that you’re not where you’re supposed to be (there’s always another peak, dear Cap!). Really though, there will be something to celebrate this year so ground down and keep looking at the next peak.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th) For the most cerebral, zany sign in the Zodiac, you’re really being challenged to open up to the softer, spiritual side of life. With not just the Sun, but Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto drifting in the ethereal recesses of your 12th House you may feel like you’re in a house of mirrors where the reflections of what you see are perfect metaphors for how you feel inside or things you’ve kept hidden from yourself. You could feel like a lot of cycles are coming to a close. What you may underestimate is the space you’re creating to step into new areas that reflect the person you’ve become. While you may not be able to connect the dots just yet, you’ve gained an appreciation for the ebb and flow of life and maybe even grateful that something things didn’t go the way you planned. As the month roles on – namely when Mercury enters your sign on the 16th and the Sun enters your sign on 20th – the beautiful fog begins to clear and you’ll see that all that clearing and behind-the-scenes strategizing did work. Pay special attention to your thoughts on the New Moon in Aquarius on the 20th and keep perked for some good news. If you want to serve the collective good – as philanthropic Aquarians end up doing in one way or another – the mysterious obfuscations of 2019, if any, have just been there to trigger your genius and inform your greatest role.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th) If the 1st day of the year sets the tone for what’s to come, a Moon Neptune conjunction in your sign and 1st House of self-expression says you’ll be feeling expansively open and every part the shape-shifting artist. January particularly highlights your 11th House of Friends and connecting with like-minded artists to really help get you to the next phase of your professional goals. This was true in December, and only intensifies now as busy, connection-hungry Mercury has joined forces with Jupiter (to stay in your 11th House all year), the Sun and of course long-term tenants Pluto and Saturn. You’ve likely faced some resistance around putting your message / art out there to the unwieldy public. You may have had to hit the ground running with technology platforms that challenge your sensitivities or techie resistance, but now you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and shout from the rafters (as long as it’s being taped, recorded and sent to print/audio for mass distribution and profit). Venus moves into your sign on January 13th amplifying your naturally soft glow and helping you attract the right people for the job. Relationship conversations rise to the surface on the 13th , and look to January 27th as especially dreamy when the Moon connects with amorous Venus in your sign.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th) Entrepreneurial Aries have had to learn to temper their fiery, hard-charging natures with a little grounded earth energy as pragmatic and achievement-oriented Capricorn has inundated the 10th House and defined your aspirational career journey This can be a great as you learn that slow-and-steady may build a stronger empire. You may have been denied overnight results, but the Universe seems to think you need to move slowly and seriously when it comes to your great work. You may have had a life built on sudden moves but there’s been a shift and you’re looking for long-term career security. Lucky, opportunity-bringing Jupiter is now also in Capricorn (Dec. 2 through December of next year!) meaning you’ll likely see more results for your efforts in this area of career and you’ve been cosmically released from your on on-avail status. You’ve been re-tooling and digging in to how you really want to succeed and Jupiter does promise celebration so stay attuned to opportunities to come out in a big way. A big illumination may come with the Full Moon Eclipse on the 10th and you may feel relief in a financial matter as Uranus also turns direct in your 2nd House of Income. You have charming Venus in your 11th House of Friends this month so socializing with a certain eye-for-business can prove fruitful, and also just let off some of the steam from your raw ambition. New Moon intentions set on the 26th with helpful people and collaborative work projects in your mind’s eye have a way of quickly proving there’s people around you to support your 2020 projects.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th) You have red-hot, seething, sexualized Mars in Scorpio in your 7th House of relationship going on a month now, and you’ll finally get some relief in January as this little spitfire moves onto your 8th House of Other People’s Money and Transformation. It’s not gone completely out of the relationship zone but it changes sign into cheery Sagittarius so some steam should definitely be released. Meanwhile the heft of planetary attention is working in your travel department of the Zodiac (your 9th House) encouraging you to build new horizons through experience, education and aspirational pursuits. You need the stimulus of new landscapes and people to realize there’s another world beyond what you’re used to. 2020 may offer the impetus to gather up your faith and jump into new endeavors, especially with old saint Jupiter heartily cheering you on. Not only that, Uranus amplifies this theme since the planet of abrupt change and wake-up calls tours your 1st House of Self-Expression. It’s time to walk on the wild side, Taurus. Look out for wake-up calls on January 4th, 11th and 22nd and 31st.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th) Your 8th House of Sex, Death and Other People’s Money is chalk full of planets this month – including Mercury, Jupiter (for the next year), the Sun, Saturn and Pluto. Getting to the bottom of relationships and unearthing new levels of passion may be par for the course. You’re getting additional relationship support from flirty Venus in fellow-air sign Aquarius and assertive Mars moving into your 7th House of relationships on January 3rd. After the middle of the month, you’ll come out from all that re-structuring of your inner life and relationships and be ready to take on the world. You’ll likely be feeling a bit more outgoing too as the planets shift into group-oriented, philanthropic Aquarius. An especially libidinous day may be January 6th as a Moon in Gemini opposes feisty Mars. Set 2020 vacation-plan intentions of the New Moon of the 24th when your 9th House of travel receives a cosmic blessing.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd) Cancers are inundated with relationship energy, and January 2020 amplifies this theme as the Sun and Mercury join the party that is already Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. You’re pretty used to learning to dance with your soulmate(s) and have proven an astute listener even when you’d rather not have to learn about yourself through other people. Mars has also been spurring you on to be more energetic and assertive in the love department of that recreational 5th House. On January 3rd, get-it-done Mars finally moves into Sagittarius and your 6th House of Work, and you’re getting a wee more pragmatic about your day-to-day affairs – including division of responsibilities and expectations -- in a relationship. A pretty a supportive and revelatory days comes on the 13th, when Venus moves into fellow water sign Pisces and energy really turn up in that 7th House of relationship. You’re ready to experience a deeper, more authentic you and this month offers lots of peak experiences to gage your heart and press the gas if you find you’re going the right direction. A Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Cancer on January 10th should really open the spigot.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd) Work, health and getting your practical affairs in order so your life works like a well-oiled machine seems to be what the preponderance of planets in earthy, manifesting Capricorn are rooting for! You’ve figured out by now where the energy leaks are and with lucky Jupiter and the Sun lighting up your 6th House, you’re enjoying some relief and most probably getting more work as you’ve regained some focus and built a reliable reputation. Magnetic Venus has been touring your 7th House of committed partnership, and Mercury and the Sun join the second half of the month – on the 16th and 20th, respectively – so this confident pair is certainly putting you in someone else’s orbit and offering some relationship vibes to offset your January duties. Doing the step-by-step work to manifest your clear intent is really your yoga in 2020. Surprises come from Uranus in your 10th House of Career … but it’s nothing you can plan for. Focus on excellence and meeting your daily deadlines, and miracles await in the wings. Career progress may come near the 10th as Uranus turns direct. Set relationship goals on the New Moon of the 24th, and celebrate your bold self on the 11th with the Moon in Leo squares mischievous Uranus.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st) You’re loving all this energy in grounded earth sign Capricorn and it’s your 5th House of love affairs, recreation and creativity that’s getting the real boost. After the reality checks of 2019, it seems 2020 wants to offer you a fresh start and a lot more fun – if you’re willing to follow your bliss and commit to telling your story. The 5th House is really about our willingness to play as a child would – without the guilt, or “shoulds” or self-imposed restrictions. Of course, the planets – Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury are in build-it-from-the-ground-up Capricorn infusing a bit of responsibility into your sense of play. It’s time to really love your work and this year sharing something tangible with others – to the sound of applause or compliments – is quite good for you. Surprises this year (and really for the next 6 years) come in the form of out-of-the-blue educational pursuits or opportunities to pack up and seek adventure. Perhaps you’ll learn to fuse your art with travel – or take that show on the road! A great stretch to make some determinations or chart your 2020 course is January 12th – 14th with all that Cap energy fusing together in your creative 5th House and the Moon entering your Virgo.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd) It appears your inner life – your roots, your family situation, home and housemates – has been getting a major overhaul with the scourge of Pluto and Saturn tightening any loose bolts in that department and really making you look deeply into yourself. With lucky Jupiter taking up residence here for the next year, you get some real estate luck and levity from all that internal work and maturing. Mars has been going steady in your House of Finances but will be bringing more muscle to your social 3rd House on January 3rd. You may be out and about making deals and collecting important info for your next move all while enjoying a craft beer. A financial matter, especially involving others’ finances may come to the fore or reach a conclusion around the 10th after Uranus goes direct and illuminates relationships and the ties that bind. The 2nd half of the month releases more flow and synchronicity as the Sun moves into fellow air sign Aquarius on the 20th and you’re feeling more your charming self. Make a final determination to release that which doesn’t serve you – old dependencies, reactions, disproportionate power dynamics – on the 12th when a juggernaut of Capricorn energy in that 4th House asks you to step up to the plate and accept what’s truly yours. Set intentions around love, creativity and all things fun on the New Moon in Aquarius on the 24th.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st) You’ve been riding that Mars fire for over a month, undoubtedly getting heated or hot under the collar as the action planet craves a good challenge or obstacle to overcome. As Mars moves into Sagittarius, there’s still fire but it lights up your 2nd House of Earned Income and will dissipate direct confrontation and apply more to fattening your bank account and enjoying the material side of life. With all those planets in pragmatic earth-sign Capricorn in your busy 3rd House of all things communication, you’re experiencing quite an expressive month, if not year (expansive Jupiter is here to stay until next December). It’s no longer okay just to feel it, Scorpio; it’s time to say what you mean and the Gods seem to want you to put it in writing (podcasting, screenplay-ing, etc). Oddball, off-type albeit exciting soul-mate types may reach out from out of the blue as Uranus continues through 2020 through your 7th House of Committed Partnership. Artistic pairings (perhaps a writing partner?) with an idea genius who complements your penetrating wit and wisdom may interview for the part. In any case, you’re ready to be exposed to new ideas and ways of being in partnership so keep open and if attached (and expect partners to keep you on your toes!)
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st) With that build-up of Capricorn planets in your 2nd House of Earned Income, you are wonderfully positioned for financial growth and stability this year – especially since lucky Jupiter moved in and brightened everything up. Yes, there is work to be done but you’re more about the tried-and-true, independent path towards wealth and you’re serious about self-reliance and taking care of your needs. Routine is no longer anathema to you. You’re being gifted energetic Mars on January 3rd, promising you’ll step into a more active role in January and expressing that generous, if self-righteous, Sagittarian flair. On or near January 6th and 20th, you’ll experience some especially spirited days; careful you don’t blurt something out you can’t take back. You’re all about setting yourself up for consistency in 2020, so really looking at expenses and budget aids your goals. You’re feeling even more independent than usual so don’t forget to give some attention to your sweetie or carve out a little time for love. It may feel like you can conquer the world, but remember some things are better shared.
December Horoscopes
*as first seen on Backstage online magazine for performers
December Overview for one, for all!
Read for your Rising Sign too for a more complete horoscope.
We’re readying for the heavy-hitting and transformative conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in mid-January, but until then let’s focus on the positive, shall we? Jupiter is arguably the most “lucky” planet and this optimistic planetary behemoth will be changing signs on December 2nd from fiery, adventurous, idea-laden Sagittarius to earthy and driven Capricorn. It’s a year to get down to business and build your empires where the world needs you most. Following your bliss may be the first clue.
We will of course have that swashbuckling energy of Sagittarius bringing celebratory spirits while the Sun travels in Sag until December 21st and lightening what’s been quite an unpredictable ride with that volatile Mars-Uranus opposition slowly dissipating this month. We still have Mars in Scorpio until January 12th tempting us to get beneath everything and reveal our true motivations and sweep any dust out from under our or another’s rug for a BS-free zone. This can bring some drama to be sure, but it’s better than sitting of secrets or half-truths.
Consider casting your New Years’ spells on the extra powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse of Christmas Day when it seems the planets are conspiring to have us think big. While there’s a lot of planetary energy in serious-minded Cap, this holiday will be anything but quiet with a Christmas conjunction of Moon/Jupiter/Mercury! Whether you’re eating Chinese food and seeing a flick (hopefully yours) or emptying stockings and eggnog cartons - or none of the above - you likely won’t be able to shut up about your big “wins” this year and how next you’re really going to take it to the next notch! Cue the uncertainty of 2020!
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
As you’re saying hello to the life-bringing Sun in your sign, you are saying goodbye to Jupiter. Hopefully this jovial opportunity-bringer will have left you something in his wake – a new lease on life perhaps? Jupiter doesn’t altogether leave you of course but does shift from its central location on your sign. The planet will now quiet down a bit in the sign of oh-so-serious Capricorn and into your 2nd House of Income. Yes, this can be a boon for your financial life … at the very least, bringing opportunity to grow your portfolio, generate income but especially connect you to the important of grounding and exploring your idea of security. Not only that, Venus, Pluto and Saturn will also be visiting your 2nd House this month making material confidence and accruing your million less of a pipe dream. Follow your inner pragmatic. While Sags love to think and do big, Cap energy benefits from the slow and steady. Consistency of character, routine and income will go a long way to slow-cook this month to cozy perfection. And if you’re not paying attention to finances, well … you could find that out too but Jupiter is great as spinning the positive so lean into the money-making magic and make your intent to build most strongly on the New Moon and Solar Eclipse of … Christmas Day!
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
Capricorn you are the lucky winner of this year’s Jupiter prize – meaning this avuncular and luck-brining planet will be in your sign and hopefully work some of its jaw-dropping magic for you during his sojourn until December 19th of next year! You are also the winner of the Saturn and Pluto in your sign which has been busy bulldozing old beliefs and false selves, and filling you in with a new mission in life if you’re committed enough to see it through. Even amidst the tough love, you’re ending the year on a sweet note with amorous Venus sending cosmic glitter and pheromonal vibes through December 20th. This healthy Venusian glow in your 1st House will make you feel all more receptive to positive attention even if you do just feel like pushing up your sleeves and getting to work! The extra-powerful New Moon of Christmas Day will also be in your sign setting up a powerful space for you to seed your 2020 intention. While you’re known for your mental sobriety and measured good sense, this may be a Moon to hang a dream on … like your biggest dream. And then of course tune in and get your marching orders from the planetary powers that be; they’ll certainly be sending clues in December!
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
The heft of planetary attention this month will be in Capricorn and your 12th House. This sets you up perfectly to get your inner, spiritual life in order and get clear on what needs to come to a close at year’s end. A little solitude for your social self would be a wonderful addition. Lucky Jupiter will also be taking up real estate for the next year in this most mystical of houses, cueing your spirit guides to give you all sorts of fun ways to connect with something greater than yourself. For creatives, it can be quite a boon. Keep in mind however, as rebellious and free-thinking as Aquarians are, it’s a cerebral sign that may eschew being told their greatest lessons are in the ether and shadow of the spiritual realm (key word: surrender). Where you will not surrender however is your ideas and opinions which are quite hot especially at month’s beginning with the fiery pairing of Mars Mercury adding tension (via a square aspect) to your Sun. Part of your spiritual yoga this month is to pick your battles wisely! Battles of wits will likely be had but it could be as much spirited repartee as hidden agendas and feelings coming up to the surface to be healed.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
Jupiter’s lucky shift on December 2nd into earthy Capricorn will be bringing all sorts of attention and opportunity to your 11th House of Community and Helpful People. You’ll already be quite popular with charming Venus also in this house and your natural good vibes will magnetize a powerful network of folks who are picking up what you’re laying down. This is about sharing what you know and being courageous enough to get on your soapbox (or social media platform of choice) and galvanize others to move forward and support you. This is a great time to run for office, set up YouTube shop or get your top-level angel investors (key word: influence). All that ambitious Capricorn energy in this house of networking loves getting down to business – with the caveat of getting down to business with a team of like-minded souls! You’d do well to set your intention for 2020 on December 25th when Lady Luna lights up this friendly sector of your chart and begs you to play a leading role this year.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
Your 10th House of Career and Status is getting heaps of attention, Aries! You’re bringing a new vibe – a jolly, devil-may-care Jupiter vibe – to this sector of your chart dealing with your reputation. You’ve likely bulldozed an old career identity this past year and made some changes; some fun, some arduous. With good foundations built, lucky Jupiter will start bringing in some Star Meter boosts so-to-speak, no matter what career trajectory you’re building. Be careful what you think about as Jupiter can really amplify our public image and manifest very quickly what’s in your mind’s eye. A little acting-as-if is in order this month and well into December of next year as the planet of big growth needs you to step into bigger shoes, ready or not! This should be a spirited month, especially after the 9th when messenger Mercury moves into fiery Sagittarius joining the Sun and really sets you up to speak what’s on your mind. Set a 2020 career goal on Christmas Day when the Moon rises new. No matter how you see yourself, others will see that that royal and generous Jupiter vibe about you – so permission to play it up!
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
The build-up of earthy Cap energy will help stabilize your December which actually may sound pretty good compared to the wild and unpredictable ride you’ve likely been on with Uranus in your sign. Unanticipated joy comes from a change of scenery if you can follow your impulses and take in some new, exotic views. The upcoming year you’ll have Jupiter in your 9th House of Travel and Experiences telling you to go out into the world and take the hero’s journey – perhaps a 2nd time! Even if you stay close, it looks like you need to shift things up and get into something that really peaks your passions and requires a certain athleticism. You still seem to be stoking strong reactions from others – perhaps a cherished loved one – as the impulsive, tell-it-like-it-is pairing of Mars and Mercury continue to blaze through your 7th House of partnerships. A new perspective seems to be trying to find you but it does require taking off an old pair of glasses and looking through a new lenses. It may be someone close to you that holds up the mirror for your own reflection. Before going back into old drama-free patterns, consider committing your new spiritual insights to practice – and digging up those buried feelings. You may have to set a boundary or perhaps have to let someone get a little closer – it’s a month to surprise yourself! Set December 25th intentions around travel, education and breaking new ground to get the most bang for your buck in the New Year.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Things go deep this month, Gemini which could work out well for both relationships and finances. Relationships continue to be a major theme and Jupiter’s move into Capricorn and your 8th House for the next year really puts a benevolent spotlight on intimacy, vulnerability and sharing resources. Not only that, you’ve got magnetic Venus as well as transformative Pluto and Saturn all wanting a say in your relationships. Goodbye old patterns, hello commitment! Someone with a marked age difference could head your way or perhaps just someone who has something to really teach you. You carry the student/teacher archetype well within your sign but it looks like you need the wizened perspective of someone reliable and not afraid to “go there” with you. You’re definitely due for some candid conversations this month and you won’t be at a lack for company. You’re in the mood to bond and the right people seem to be around you or will be arriving to give you something to talk about. Intentions around sexuality and intimacy have the most legs if you set them with the beautiful and powerful New Moon of Christmas Day.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
All the Capricorn energy – Pluto, Saturn, Venus and soon Jupiter – is congealing in that 7th House of soulmates and long-term partnership. Yes, that can definitely mean business and certainly lucky business partnerships can forge around this time – so keep open to powerful and pragmatic connections! You may have had to purge any below-board partnerships or just people that didn’t pass the Saturn test of integrity. Notice however that you’re attracting a little more amour and glam than usual – thank you, Venus! She’s great for romance but this combination of energy may be just right to attract both business and pleasure. You also have self-improvement and health on the mind this month although you’d do better if you kept goals fun with the Sun and Mercury (after the 9th) giving you fiery enthusiasm in this 6th House of Work, Health and Service. December will largely be responding to what others need or bring to the table with the planets on the more “receptive” side of the Zodiac wheel. Giving things a little more space than usual to work themselves out may be just astrological medicine that December needs to keep you in the flow. People will come to you, Cancer! Make intentions around best-case scenario partnerships on Christmas Day when you can’t help but believe anything is possible.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Leo loves a good dollop of Capricorn energy – as they share a love of power, influence and authority – and December does not disappoint. The major cosmic news outside of a super powerful New Moon and Solar Eclipse on Christmas Day is Jupiter’s move into ambitious Capricorn and your 6th House of health, work and self-improvement. It may not sound like the most exciting of houses, but you’re sharpening your life skills and “protecting the asset” – you! Transforming the way you take care of yourself and really applying discipline that gets you to the next level and lets VIP’s know you’re serious about showing up and meeting high expectations. Bad habits have been ready to leave, and Jupiter now brings in the shiny, new replacement behavior that gets you to the top of your own personal mountain. It’s certainly not all work and no play as the all-powerful Sun (and Mercury after the 9th) shines in your 5th House of self-expression, recreation and love affairs for the first 3 weeks. Sharing a creative work brings the sort of healing applause that keeps your fires burning. Set intentions around perfect work and health come the New Moon of Christmas Day.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
There’s more fun to be had this month, Virgo, as the high-flying vibes of Jupiter enter your 5th House of Love and Creativity. You’ve been learning a lot about who you are creatively (and in partnership) and Jupiter brings opportunity to really manifest your goals as an artist and a lover! You’re in the mood for something more solid and the sturdy Capricorn vibes will tend to attract something or someone you can reliably hang your hat on. Birthing a creative child of some sort this year is also highly likely. You’re ready to share your story – and this earth energy wants tangible expressions of the inner process. You’ve likely ousted some maladaptive behaviors around expressing yourself and really showing up authentically, and now December gives you a chance to play and step it up in that pleasurable part of life. Intentions surrounding these themes are extra powerful if set on the New Moon of Christmas Day.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
The vibes will be friendly this month Libra with charming Venus and Jupiter joining the ranks of your 4th House of Home and Family. Sure, you may feel like foregoing every holiday party with your hunger for all that is cozy and familiar, but you could have a knack for getting everyone to come to you. Money seems to be on the mind and you’re in the mood to get what’s yours with assertive Mars and Mercury in your 2nd House of Earned Income. You’re running a tighter ship than usual and not afraid to ask for what you need, especially considering what came up last month with the Mercury retrograde. You’re getting all your houses in order and lucky Jupiter may just be making sure you love where you live so you can live where you love. Treating your home like a sanctuary may be the fastest ticket out – if you do in fact need a change of scenery. You look to be in the mood to lay some deeper roots and locating items that bring a sense of safety and beauty go a long way to satisfy your craving for aesthetic perfection. If there were ever a year to bring holiday cheer to the home, this may be it! Jolly Jupiter only comes to this part of your chart once every 12 years so may you should splurge on a tree skirt!
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
You’ve been at the center of a storm of activity, Scorpio! Energetic, feisty Mars will remain in your sign all the way until January 13th – that’s quite a long ride for this non-stop-action sign. Don’t forget your pitstops so you don’t wear yourself out! Take advantage of this transit by telling the truth come hell or high water (Messenger Mercury adding fire here until the 9th) and being the great provocateur that knows how to leave their mark. Not that you ever agree with everybody, but this is a time to name that elephant in the room if others are tiptoeing around it. Call it like you see it in other words and the sooner in the month, the better. Downtime will come, but it’s not necessarily in December! Communication is really amplified not only because of the Mars/Mercury pairing but larger-than-life Jupiter is joining forces in your 3rd House signaling a flow of words, images and ideas that need to find an outlet. If you’ve been thinking about a book or putting your voice out there in some form, benevolent forces conspire to get you out there – and share your not-so-secret depths. Intentions around this theme should be set on the New Moon Solar Eclipse of Christmas Day for best outcomes!
November Horoscopes for Artists
November Overview for one, for all!
Read for your Rising Sign too for a more complete horoscope.
We spend most of November steeped in the powerful current of willful Scorpio. Rapids are inevitable at month’s beginning as we’re still experiencing the reverberations of shock-and-awe Uranus opposing the Sun exact on October 28th leaving us somewhere on the scale between excitement and bewilderment surfing the new turf. Mercury retrograde is adding to these uncertain times, and we’re more devilish than ever about getting to the bottom of things and upending the truth about ourselves and our relationships – to say nothing about the state of the world. We’re readying for grand Jupiter’s transition into a new sign (lucky Capricorns!) so this month has a lot to do with extreme new beginnings that come from extreme emptying-out! It seems we’ve put it out there – our ideas, our truth, our desires – and we’re making sure we’ve left no stone unturned so we can build on firm foundations as Jupiter moves onto Cap – the builder - next month. If people are feeling or acting a little spikey, offer compassion. We’re going the wringer and making sure we’ve got the right mindset to do what we need to do come the astrological showdown that is 2020.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! With Mercury retrograde in your willful, get-to-the-bottom-of-things sign, you may feel overwhelmed in a tumble of information which brings you to the edge and reveals the truth of your current alliances. With the Sun having come full circle back to your part of the Zodiac, this will be an outgoing time where things are coming to a head and karma lays bare where your thoughts and energy has been this past year. If steps need to be repeated or someone or something owes you an explanation, this is a ripe month for scores to be settled and commitments to be made. You’re a force to be reckoned with, especially the 18th through the 22nd when both desirous, assertive Mars and the life-bringing Sun travel in your sign for one powerful punch. Use this energy wisely although permission to go a little wild. Mars will remain in your sign through the end of the year making sure you finish memorable 2019 with chutzpah! The truth in artful pursuits relationships will not be denied you come the culminating Full Moon in sensual Taurus and your 7th House on November 12th. Keep holding space for your deepest desires and clearest vision and you’ll magnetize exactly what you’ve been thinking about – or clear marching orders to get what’s in alignment with what you’re really capable of.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
Your imagination and ability to disappear into character or just escape your routine will be strong the first half of the month as the Sun and retrograde Mercury travels through the ethereal mist of your 12th House of dreams and spiritual journeying. Reiki? Past Life Regression? Playing off-type on TV? Yes, please! You may be a little lackadaisical and need to let go and let live, even more than your typical bohemian self. Doubling down on this theme, you have planet of love, beauty and the good (if indulgent) life – Venus – in your 1st House of personality until the 25th, bringing in fresh cycle to relationships. Put your best foot in your fanciest shoe forward, even if you feel like you don’t know where your next step is. This is a time of revamping your appearance and letting go of old or stale identities. When the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, you’ll be firing on all cylinders. Make sure to bring your wildest intentions to the altar on the powerful New Moon of November 26th. It has likely been a huge year of growth, whether on the inner or outer plane, so make sure to thank the planet Jupiter who is finally moving on to the next sign on December 2nd having taught you how to fly even amidst 2019’s turbulence. The grand planet is heading towards your 2nd House of income so not to despair; more on that next month!
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
November begins with a purposeful solemnity, Capricorn, as you may find yourself withdrawing for some serious reflection and assessment. The Moon, Saturn, South Node and Pluto all in Capricorn and your 1st House remind you that your steps count and there is a lot on the line not that Capricorns need to be reminded that the weight of the world always feels on their shoulders. Relationships may go somewhat on the back burner as Venus, planet of relationship, gets a spiritual cleanse in the 12th House which teaches us to let go and appreciate things as they are. With Mercury retrograde, people or themes from the past could pop up, and you’ve been becoming clearer on who is in your artistic tribe and supports your evolving goals. You’ll be glad you trusted the process especially when Venus moves into your sign on the 25th and commitments -- artistic and romantic -- are more clear and you have renewed confidence to ask for what you want. Next month, charismatic Jupiter enters your sign signaling big growth in the year ahead. Take time this month to consciously let go of ideas, people and pursuits that no longer serve you so the runway is clear of debris for maximum take-off in December and into 2020.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
The month begins with some incredibly truth-telling, intense and passionate conversations which may require that you stop playing it so cool. You don’t have much of a choice with the communicative heft of Mercury retrograde joining Venus in deep-diving Scorpio forming a tense, but strength-building square aspect to your Sun. Relationships provide an expansive playing field and learning ground. Admitting that you don’t have all the answers and that’s not even the point may require a new level of spiritual awareness and letting go. Incredible liberation is on the other side of conflict if you can just quiet your mind long enough to really listen. This won’t be a quiet month, although scheduling time away from the hustle and bustle is fundamental to getting what you need with Pluto and Saturn stubbornly staying put in your 12th House of spiritual awareness and wrapping up old cycles. The cluster of Scorpio planets, while providing grist for the relationship mill, is highlighting your career and status. It may be your professional relationships that need most of your attention and this would be a great time to gather your alliances – although don’t put anything in writing until after Mercury goes direct. Especially look to after the 18th to make moves in your career – or let the spotlight find you – as feisty Mars in Scorpio further electrifies this attention-grabbing house at the top of your chart.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
You’ve been a demonstration will power lately with the Scorpio Sun sending beams of support, extrasensory perception and the courage to say what’s on your mind. With Mercury retrograde, there may have been a slight delay, but you’ve been catching up and this month may offer some relief, amidst the usual retrograde confusion, as you get some things off your chest and resolve old scores or lapses in communication. With the Sun and Mercury lighting up your 9th House, you’re on a quest for the higher truth and it’s more important than ever to live according to your values and not back in down from a conflict or opportunity for growth. Adding spark to your quest, is lightning-rod Uranus in your 3rd House of Communication giving your ample opportunity to break out of old communication molds and see what happens when you just say what you need. You’ve realized you can’t please them all and you’re tired of exhausting yourself trying! This will only intensify as Mars moves from Libra into Scorpio and you’re on a veritable warpath for justice, not to mention hungry for extreme experiences or something that gets your blood flowing. This is the month to feel your edge, Scorpio! Look forward to the culminating Full Moon in your 7th House of partnership on November 12th as things come full circle in relationship and you’re ready to receive more.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
The tsunami of Scorpio energy is wiping away old structures in your 8th House of money and intimacy. The common denominator here is “sharing.” Any agreements hastily made or built over time on anything but the truth may reveal themselves for what they are. The good news however is that you’re taking a scrupulous eye towards shared resources and relationships and making sure there are systems in place that really do work for you and fixing any energy leaks. You can thank Mercury retrograde for any re-visitations of old themes or brushing things out from under the rug that were stubbornly hiding. Once you clear inner and outer obstructions (Mercury stations direct on the 20th!), you’re quite the force. That, and you’ll have Venus fresh in fiery, compatible Sagittarius giving you reason to flirt or be flirted with … with the planet of love and relating sending beams of personal magnetism. The Sun comes in hot in Sagittarius and your 9th House of Adventure on the 22nd, giving you ample reason to spread your wings after burning off the excess in the month’s first 3 weeks. Seed New Moon intentions on the 26th!
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
You’ve been learning the limitations of independence and going your own way as Pluto, Saturn and the South Node of the Moon have been showing what it’s like to experience the mountain top either through solo pursuits or dogged determination to stick to old belief systems. With Uranus on your Sun however, nothing stays the same. Your heart is really with the “village” and collaboration with people who can teach you things and vice versa. We’ve all had to eat some humble pie lately and with the Sun and Mercury retro in Scorpio and your 7th House of Committed Relationships, you can count on others to tell you where and if they’ve felt shut out. As Venus moves into your 8th House of Intimacy on November 1st (until the 25th), all this truth-telling and transparency actually leads to more fun and juicier connection if you dare saying what you feel. A Full Moon in your sign on November 12th should usher in some such intense conversations and a certain reckoning. The cosmos is conspiring to open you up!
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
The planet of love and attraction will be coming home to your 7th House of committed partnerships giving you an unexpected spike in romantic vibes. Look out for funny, adventuresome playmates or for the best to be brought out in a current partner as this planet will sweeten all things relationship. You’ll be grateful for it too as you still have that demanding cosmic pair of Saturn and Pluto in your 8th House of intimacy and shared resources which can put you through all sorts of trials and tribulations in affairs of the heart until you’re really clear on what you want and willing to show up for it. And with flirty Mars in Libra in your 5th House of love and creativity it looks like you’ll definitely have some fiery people options to work out karma with! Emotional housekeeping is a big theme this month as well as Mercury retrograde and the Sun in intense Scorpio review your 6th House of well-being, health and self-improvement. You may be in a bit of a fix-it mood and wanting to not only clean up old relationship but really invest in caring for emotional self. Talking through things with a partner and really setting some ground rules that you both feel good about can really set you up for a harmonious December! Follow hunches, especially after the 19th when Mars gives you extra verve around learning a new skill or enlisting support around self-care. The New Moon of November 26th would be a perfect time to seed intentions around committed partnerships and artistic collaborations.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
You’re loving the water vibes of Scorpio via the Sun, Mercury (and Mars starting the 19th!) adding passion and flair to the very expressive 5th House. To say it’s time to let off some steam in November would be an understatement. Considering that Mercury is retrograde, there’s always a bit of Murphy’s law in effect, but all the more reason for you to throw caution to the wind a bit and take some personal days to frolic, self-express and re-acquaint yourself with risk and reward. You’ve been a good soldier, having had no choice with the pressure-cooker trio of Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in ambitious Capricorn giving you a sort of Sisyphean drive to keep aiming for the top. That doesn’t necessarily go away in November, but you’re definitely invited for a passionate, misbehaving pit stop. Look forward to November 25th when lovely Venus enters your House of Committed Love and Artistic Collaboration inviting some more balance and grounding after what will hopefully be a couple of “lost weekends” in November.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
The Sun in sizzling, private Scorpio will be blazing through your 4th House of Home and Family aided and abetted by that Mercury retrograde promising themes will be re-visited and a lot of energy will be visiting your most sacred of spaces. You’ll also be a bit more a homebody the first 3 weeks of the month. If there were projects left undone or clutter left uncluttered, this would be a great month to give some TLC and get things complete. We all know how Scorpio energy likes to transform through emptying and refilling and this outside-in approach will trigger an inner clearing as well. There also should be some unexpected developments in your career/public stature as Uranus will be triggered in your 10th House (opposing that Sun in your 4th House) and you’re taking up a new cause or showing a new face to the world at large. The more connected you can stay with your deep inner self, the more excitement you can enjoy – and less neurosis – as your world seems to shift beneath your feet. Enjoy the playful duo of Venus and Jupiter (exactly conjunct on November 24th) in optimistic Sagittarius and your adventurous 9th House begging for reckless creativity or skipping town with a sweetheart toward month’s end.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
Scorpio energy – in the form of the Sun and Mercury retrograde in your 3rd House of Communication – is forcing you to see the world through new doors of perception. You’re thinking about things more deeply, even reviewing past decisions made, and are bringing a certain willful intensity to every discussion that may leave people wondering what happened to your mild-mannered self. This time you’re not taking no for an answer and are ready to really dig deep into things so you have research to back up your arguments and move your world forward – especially when feisty Mars joins the whirl of appointments, emails and chats that makes up this 3rd House terrain. Something you left behind – an educational course, curiosity or unread book – has a way of circling back and making you pay attention. The right information wants to find you and the world is giving you a 2nd chance to really digest it as Mercury retrograde in this busy, sponging 3rd House will be giving you all sorts of undeniable signs and synchronicities in your everyday world. Look for repeating themes and consider signing the dotted line after Mercury goes direct on November 20th. Venus in your House of Home and Family will deliver motivation to beautify your space and add a little natural flair or clear up some space. You’ve doubtless had a lot of action in the home arena – with Jupiter also here -- and November 24th should really wrap things up with a joyous full-circle moment. Next month, expansive Jupiter will move on to your more raucous 5th House of creative self-expression.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
You’re led by the assertive, go-go-go energy of Mars as this cosmic God of War leads your sign until November 19th and has to taking charge of every situation. Earning money has also been a theme and old sources of income may circle back with not only the Sun but Mercury in review-mode retrograde visiting your 2nd House of Earned Income (only amplified by Mars on the 19th). Surprises could also come having to do with finances – and you could choose to forge or break up financial alliances with Uranus bringing unexpected developments to shared resources. Pay special attention to the Full Moon in security-minded Taurus on the 12th. Staying open to re-purposing an existing skill set or even following hunches about shared investments could prove very fruitful. The way you earn is receiving a lot of cosmic attention as is the fine print of financial contracts under the investigative eyes of these planetary transits in Scorpio. Information that may have slipped through the cracks is more easily seen now because you’re just more interested in knowing exactly what’s going on! It’s not all about money however; lovely Venus traveling your 3rd House of Communication will heap on the charm and have you feeling more social and desirous of being out and about in November.
October 2019 Horoscopes for Artists
*as first seen on Backstage: an online magazine for actors
By Kelly Chambers
October Overview for one, for all!
We’re delving into the relationship portion of the cosmic syllabus with the Sun freshly minted in Libra – joining Venus and Mercury here at month’s beginning – and bringing our collective focus to the politics of relationship, our need to return to balance and even enjoy ourselves more through engaging with “the other(s)” in our lives. Mars is on his tiptoes in the last two degrees of diligent Virgo, pushing us to the edge until the God of War (assertiveness, sexuality, me-first!) also surrenders to the peace and harmony-loving sign of Libra on October 3rd. Going it alone is less of an option this month as the cosmic energies seem to fuse our missions with others on similar paths or those who complement what we’re trying to learn on the journey of love and partnership. Everyone will seem to be on their best behavior with charm as one of Libras driving strategies; however, don’t get too comfortable! A tense square from the Sun to Saturn and Pluto peaking between the 7th and 14th, amplified by Venus shifting into the psychic depths of Scorpio on the 8th, ensure that our peace does not come without inner and outer confrontation and our willingness to shed an old skin. The levity that Libra bestows will be earned although the gift is our ability to give more of our true selves in the relationships to which we choose to commit and bring our whole selves as have been carved out of stone this past year. Put your game faces on and get ready to experience sides of yourselves that you wouldn’t have experienced without soulmates – fleeting or forever - holding up the mirror to the evolving mystery that is YOU.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Happy Birthday, Libra … you saucy minx. The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars (on October 3rd) have shifted into your flirtatious and splendid sign promising that any confusion or loose ends gifted during your 12th House transits for much of September have given way to a fresh lease of life. You’ve cleared much of the mental and psychic clutter and have most likely been on the warpath, initiating goals and leading the charge to get things back to the beautiful and orderly way you know you like them. Relationships and harmony do not come without work you’ve been learning. With the cosmic juggernauts of Pluto and Saturn forming a tense square to your Sun (peaking between the 7th and 14th), you’re given the opportunity to uplevel relationships and partnerships through an honest review of common goals and a chance to recommit to the partnership, warts n’ all! Or not! Outside circumstances over which you have no control could serve to bond you to another and you’re realizing how much you depend on the kindness and support of those who have your back. Clearing the air and holding space for that sort of transformation to occur – which can make some Libra want to run for the hills – is what really expands your power and feelings of well-being. Others may look to you for how you communicate and keep the scales balanced with unanticipated twists and turns of life. You’re still charming, but you may have a bit of an edge that gets your point across and helps galvanize those around you into win-win situations. Choose the high road.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
The planet of love, beauty and all things relationship is heading your way, Scorpio! On October 8th, after a month-long sojourn through the enigmatic 12th House, Venus revs her engine in your 1st House of personality and initiation so that suitors the world ‘round can hear. You’ll be a little more devilish with your desires and likely relationships have either deepened or disappeared altogether as Pluto (death, transformation and regeneration) squared off with Venus on September 30th leaving only those that passed the Pluto test of truth. You may have to be careful around overly involving yourself in others’ drama and make sure you’re giving your energy to your own priorities, whether in relationship or business. You excel at the complexity and know how to x-ray others with a glance, but this is Libra season after all and even passionate Scorpios need some levity in their love lives. It’s a great month to allow others (people, lovely creative projects?) to come to you, and to focus on what you’re bringing to your own table. And while it may sound superficial, with Venus in the 1st House, paying attention to your appearance and indulging in visual accoutrements that bring your sexy back (not that it is ever lost) would do you well. That you have no control over others – but only your own state of mind – is a lesson that won’t be subtle this month with the Sun, Mercury and Mars in that otherworldly, ethereal drift of the 12th House. Seeking higher consciousness and spiritual truth - whether that’s through yoga, meditation or like-minded friends – will get you into the flow and before you know it you’ll be so high on your own juices that you’ll forget everyone’s else’s business … that’s the point anyway. In sum, play your Venus card and practice the art of allowing in and letting go of preconceived notions of how things, relationship, people are “supposed to” be. Your clearing the way for a more linear month in November – so enjoy the creative, imaginative and mind-altering gifts of the zig-zag path this month.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
You’ve been popular lately, Sagittarius! With a cluster of planets in charming Libra and your 11th House of Networking, you’ve been on more invite lists than you’re used to. You may be realizing, especially as mid-month approaches, the limitations of relying too much on yourself and going solo. You’re ready for more vulnerability in relationships, even if that means pairing up with someone for business. New sources of income are trying to find you, but that may mean something has to go; such is the nature of the Pluto/Saturn conjunction in your 2nd House of income. You’ve been working hard, but you’ve likely figured out that it’s not about the hours you put in as much as the relationships you make and the power of getting on the same page. And with lucky Jupiter sending miraculous beams of support through November, you’ve been showing up in way which are helping other see you in a new light. A Full Moon in Aries in your 5th House of Creativity and Love on October 13th should be a powerhouse of energy, likely with some things coming to their natural end so you can step up your game or just realize you’ve already stepped it up. October 3rd is also a great day to set a goal into motion or receive the bounty for your efforts, as the Moon in your sign conjoins Sagittarius and Mars in Libra joins the party in your 11th House of Networking and Future Plans. It’s time to play ball.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
Capricorns are stepping up the game in their career as Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun travel through the illustrious 10th House of Status. Especially after October 3rd when Mars joins the work party, you’ll have opportunities to show the public what you’re made of after poring over goals and getting your ducks in a row last month. While Capricorns can be private and stoic individuals, you benefit this month from playing the social card. Even if you don’t feel like it, it would behoove you to be diligent about your marketing and publicity and show people what it is exactly you do – whether that’s through emails, videos or self-aggrandizing event appearances. If it sounds like shameless self-promotion, it’s because that’s what the planets are telling you! The only caveat is that this is not about your ego or control or being better than anyone; it’s simply to share your creative gifts and be someone who can speak with aplomb and show up in positions of authority when the time calls. A first-quarter Moon in Capricorn on October 5th is a good time for your first push, and the 14th when there’s a flurry of activity in your 5th House of self-expression and creativity, is another day for a mini-growth spurt. Remember, you’re preparing for lucky Jupiter’s entry into your sign on December 2nd, so this is a great time to set some foundations. Build it and they will come!
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
You’ve been logging some hours in solitude, Aquarius, which has not exactly always been your strong suit. With deep-thinkers Saturn and Pluto dredging the depths of your ethereal 12th House, you’ve been doing a lot of inner work, whether you like it or not. The benefit however may be that you’re more clear about what you want your life to be about. You’re already the rebel of the Zodiac, but you may feel more different than ever as you want to continuously wash yourself of social or familial conditioning that would have you dumb your powers down. This is really a time to follow your heart, especially where it comes to 6th House themes like work, service and health. With the extremely supportive stellium of planets in compatible air-sign Libra, you’re in for a benevolent flow this month if you allow yourself to believe in your psychic impressions and not fall into old rigidity. Your beliefs are changing, and you may find yourself cavorting with some charming individuals that open you up to new adventures. Travel would certainly be beneficial since you’re in such an open-minded space and hungry for discovery. However, don’t discount all the excitement and stimulation you can drum up simply by tuning in and doing new things right where you are. October 6th and 7th are revelatory days for you with the Moon in your sign; see if you can’t do something out of the ordinary that gives you some space with your own thoughts. After the 23rd when the Sun shifts into Scorpio, you’ll be more ready for the spotlight. For now, you’re collecting stories and experiences that will make you even more interesting to watch, see and hear.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
It’s your 8th House of Sex, Death and Other People’s Money that’s being lit up by the migration of planets into Libra this month … at least for the first half! Relationships are getting a run for their money, as the instinct to bond is strong. New levels of intimacy are only achieved through new challenges although facing a common enemy or unknown could really help cement who has your back and make for a rich and passionate month. By the 8th, Venus moves into powerful Scorpio and your 9th House of the Travel and the Higher Truth, and you’re feeling clear as a bell around what you need from a partner as well as what you can give. If you feel like you’re going through a bit of a tunnel, keep going; you’re being shown the shadow elements of love and life so you can then throw light on them come the more “outgoing” transits through the adventurous 9th House, especially starting after the 23rd when the Sun moves into truth-telling Scorpio. Learning to use your voice and seek win-win outcomes seem to be your superpower, or at least one you’ve been developing. While Pisces can shy from confrontation, your expressive powers are in full force, as you can’t seem to extricate yourself from situations that call for urgent negotiation and your psychic ability to read between the lines and please both sides of the table. You could surprise yourself on the 14th when a local matter calls for you to share your genius opinion and diplomatic finesse after something threatens to blow you off course. When you trust your inner wisdom and share from a space of calm, you have much better results than getting emotionally reactive, as you’ve surely learned. Come the New Moon of October 27th in fellow water sign Scorpio, you’re playing a new money game and welcome a new cycle of intimacy – keep a special intention close and goals around financial abundance have extra power!
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
Your 7th House of love, commitment and all things beautiful is experiencing a Libran traffic jam, which is not such a bad thing. Your life seems especially tied to relationships and the teeter totter just doesn’t seem to work if you’re sitting with your arms crossed in a your-way-or-the-highway attitude. Compromise, communication and just enjoying more balance in your life is chicken soup for your soul this month. If you’re out of practice having others adore you, this is the time to do some reps and communicate what you need. You may find that people are using as a sounding board and casting you as their BFF before you’ve even acquiesced to the part. In any case, enjoy the attention and having others show up for you. Changes have been being ironed out ever so slowly in your House of Career as you’ve left an old life behind in a lot of ways especially concerning how the public sees you and your job in the world. There’s been a huge call for you to spend more time cultivating your inner life and showing up for domestic responsibilities, and this month you seem to achieve more balance between the two. An energetic Full Moon in your sign on the 13th will certain shine a light and bring a sense of resolution and a new beginning.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
Taurus continues to play the wild card as Uranus, planet of revolution and rebellion, is just getting warmed up to your Sun sign. You may get a better sense about what this change is about when the Moon in Taurus joins Uranus on the 14th and gets you more comfortable in your new skin. In the meantime, it seems your day-to-day systems – including work and health – are trying to catch up to the new you. Mars coming to your 6th House means you’re imbued with the physical stamina to get things in order, start new self-improvement plans and do the practical stuff that makes your big goals work. This may have to do with gathering new people energy to your routine – be that a coach, personal trainer or someone that ensures you deliver the best version of yourself. Goals that are set in pairs – say with a boyfriend, colleague or best friend – give you the sort of accountability you’re hungry for right now and make it more fun. Look to clues as to the direction your life is taking when a gorgeous and purposeful Full Moon in Aries lights up your 12th House of the subconscious. You’re ready to experience new parts of yourself – including permission to freak out and not know all the answers – and October should deliver the people power that help shape and support this exciting new journey.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
With a cluster of planets in charming, compatible air-sign Libra, you’ve been getting a benevolent boost from the Universe. This planetary shift has been lighting up your expressive 5th House of fun, creativity and love affairs – offering good fodder for storytelling and making your blood run hot again. Titillating opportunities for love and recreation define the first part of the month so drink up while the drinking is good. With a tense square from Pluto to the Sun on the 14th, you may be unpacking whatever has kept you from the deeper layers of intimacy and might resolve to just trust your heart more and keep things simple and straightforward. You’re ready to disarm old self-protections and really dive into what you enjoy, and part of that means slowing down and smelling the roses. When the Sun shifts into Scorpio on the 23rd and your 6th House of work and service, you’ll have ample time to contract and clean up after having fun coloring outside the lines. The Full Moon in Aries on the 13th proves quite social if you decide to get out and about. The 8th is a great day for willing resources into your life and seeing where all your money has been going. A little organization will be in order but for now enjoy the good times.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
The cluster of planets in lovely, social Libra has been lighting up your domestic sector – probably making beautifying home projects, family and your private inner life priorities. These happen to be your favorite subjects so this month should provide a nice state of mind to make headway on your domestic goals. You’ll start to come out of the cave as the month marches on. Look for reboots or even new relationships after the 8th, when Venus moves into sassy Scorpio and your 5th House of love affairs and creativity. You’ve done a lot of work untying yourself from toxic or outdated friendships, and now you’re in a lovely time of re-seeding in your most intimate spaces; permission to be discriminate. On the 23rd the Sun will join the party in your fun 5th House, and you’ll feel like more expressive and ready to show off what you’ve been working on. The 19th and 20th would be good power days to seed an intention or begin a new project as the Moon floats in your sign and enjoys a flurry of aspects ensuring an action-packed couple of days. A New Moon on the 27th benefits from intentions around love, recreation and creativity.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
You should be quite the charmer this month with the Sun, Mars and Venus all in social Libra and your 3rd House of Communication. You also are likely quite busy, as 3rd House transits have a way of bloating your inbox and inundating you with all sorts of to-do about town, mostly at the request of friends or business acquaintances who seem to want to pitch you on their every last idea. You’re also in the mood to learn and pick up new skills, around communication and the creative arts, and are primed to soak things up like a sponge. Even with all this learning going on, this month should provide some pleasure and allow you to enjoy company after you worked so hard last month. Pluto and Saturn are still plowing through your 6th House of Self Improvement putting the pressure to mature your daily routine and get you into a health regiment that helps you achieve your most ambitious goals. You may find you can’t do everything and need help paring down old obligations that just suck your time. Some relief comes after the 3rd when Mars moves from detailed Virgo into chill Libra. A spirited Full Moon in Aries lights up your 4th House of Home and Family and may bring some good news and give you something to celebrate on the 13th. Other splendid days for Leo or Leo rising are the 22nd and the 28th.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
You’re learning to bring ease to the realm of financial abundance as the planets have lined-up in refined Libra and your 2nd House of income. You’re actually feeling like slowing your roll and doing art for art’s sake. You could find this chill approach proves to be a fine financial strategy especially since the breakneck speed you’ve been going at with relentless Mars in your sign this past month (until October 3rd). When you let go of the reigns a little bit, which you can do come the 3rd, it seems the right opportunities or people cross your path with little effort. Trust the work you’ve done and now take time to ground. Beauty and people support are really what gets you into the flow of October, at least in the month’s first two weeks, so don’t be hard on yourself if you just need some time to eat, pray, love. The energy starts to ratchet up and needs your quick decision making after the planets start to shift into Scorpio and your 3rd House of Commerce and Communication, especially in the 3rd week of the month. A relationship or money issue/opportunity could come to a head during the manifesting Full Moon of October 13th. Set Intentions around learning and building supportive new community on the New Moon of October 27th. A great time to build a treehouse is the weekend of October 5th.
September Horoscopes for Actors
We start September under the pure potential of a New Moon in the attentive, focused, earth-sign of Virgo (exact August 30th) asking that we hit the ground with our sleeves rolled up and ready to do the work required to streamline our projects and our lives. All the heat and pressure of August’s Leo skies have likely concretized into a clearer head and more discernable action steps, as we endeavor to make our big dreams and recent wins a more regular occurrence. The sign of Virgo is about the quest for perfection. While we may never get there, we’re gifted with a humble, make things better mentality that hopefully will have us whistling whilst we get the details of our lives straight. While enigmatic Neptune may undermine our ego this month and demand that we face some delays and confusion, the lesson of Neptune is always to let go, understand everything is temporary, and trust in the divine timing of things. Even so, acts of self-improvement, paring down excess and purifying our spirits through simple acts of service and self-care is what September calls for. Saturn, Lord of Karma, also stations direct mid-month (on the 18th) – leaving only Neptune and Pluto in retrograde – and concluding part of what may have been a deep, internal confrontation with our perceived limitations over the summer. Humbled and committed to showing up in a new way, we march forward with discipline, sobriety and the boundaries we need to make shit happen. As Venus and Mercury (on the 14th) and later the Sun shift into charming, relationship-oriented Libra, we come up for air and find more levity in romance and artistic collaborations toward month’s end.
Read for your Sun and Rising to get the full skinny!
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
Happy Birthday, Virgo! You’re gifted with the clean-slate of a New Moon and would be wise to really clarify what you want to achieve this month – whether it’s shooting a pilot or scheduling weekly Pilates. You’re in a powerful position to set the tone for the next year and likely you have a myriad of bits and baubles to check off your busy to-do list. The earlier in the month the better, before the Sun, Mars and Mercury in your sign oppose Neptune (Sun/Neptune conjunction exact on the 10th) and put a fish-bowl lens on everything and undermine your standard efficiency. However, your imagination will soar with Neptune’s strong influence dissolving any hard edges or previous paths that aren’t align with your true spiritual and artistic potential. Mars will be in your industrious sign all month, and confusion or not, you’re not likely to catch a break unless you schedule one! Virgo’s hate to idle but part of what this Neptune opposition has been teaching you is to enjoy the space, embrace the uncertainty and get more in touch with your inner, expansive self. September gives you a leg up and makes what needs to be done in the here and now quite clear. You’re not one to worry about making it glamorous or overly self-important, so don’t change what isn’t broken. Part of you delivering your standard high quality is to taking some time to breathe and really get in touch with what feels good in the moment. Doors will certainly open and chess moves will be made, and your job is just to be in the right headspace to be present for the opportunity. Mark September 13th when the Moon reaches full in Pisces and gives you a day to write home about.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
The planets are coming for you, Libra! Until the 14th however, you have no less than four planets – the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars – taking up real-estate in the castles-in-the-air section of your chart – the 12th House. This just means that you may feel like you’re in a zero-gravity zone, with a lot of your attention hamstrung by desires and concerns that aren’t quite ready to manifest because of things outside of your control. September could be a time of purifying and organizing your emotional space by getting clear on what’s worth your investment and also what’s been kicking around in your subconscious. Some responsibilities may leave your life and others you may sleep or drink through (such is the escapist tendencies of the 12th). You just have less control than usual which can be wonderfully refreshing, but let us not forget that the 12th House – in addition to offering oodles of imaginative flowy magic – is traditionally the house of “loss and troubles.” It just doesn’t care about your ego is the thing; so the more tolerant and receptive to your inner wise woman you can be, the better. It’s clearing you for something new! Then, on the 14th, you may feel zapped back into the “real world” as buzzy Mercury and your sidekick Venus shift into your sign and your 1st House, making your next move more clear. And of course, the Sun enters your charming sign of the 23rd and you may feel a sense of coming full circle and ready to seize the day by month’s end. A lovely Full Moon is yours on the 28th and begging for you to enjoy it with friends and be a little indulgent.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
Scorpios may be busy, busy, busy hatching a new world order as Uranus in Taurus is bringing dramatic change or at least exciting, unforeseen twists that could affect everything from what you do in the world to where you live (although we would usually look for Uranus / Moon hits to predict a move). With the planetary deck – at least the Sun, Venus, Mars and Mercury – stacked in Virgo and your 11th House of Networking and Future Hopes and Dreams, you seem to be hooking up with new energy in the form of community that is helping shape and contour your long-term plan in ways you may not even realize yet. There’s strength in numbers this month Scorpio so join the team. While you tend to be a little private and play it close to the vest, this is a great time to send out your feelers into collaborative work opportunities and have some social courage by attending out-of-the-blue opportunities to link up with VIPs or at least with people doing the sort of work you want to be involved with. You’ve been working hard on improving getting out of your comfort zone and setting your sights a little farther and higher, with the big picture in mind. Being willing to say no to short-sighted responsibilities or burdens – emotional or otherwise – is part of this exciting, individuating time. You’re lightening your psychic load, which is only helped by Saturn stationing direct on the 18th letting one more piece of the puzzle fall into place of your grander life vision. September 30th may be a day made for you with the Moon in your sign (opposing that wildcard Uranus!) and passionate Pluto squaring Venus, bringing up some bonding opportunities that could go from electric to primal. Dig in!
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
A tight formation of planets in Virgo (Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus) are cracking the whip, sending an electric charge through your 10th House of Career. Take advantage of this the first half of the month – as opportunities seem to fall out of the blue, giving you ample opportunity to share your work and step into positions of power and authority. It will definitely take elbow grease and a firm commitment to the craft, but if you’ve been working behind the scenes, this could be a great month where your skill is seen and appreciated by more than your mother in Ohio. This is the month to dive into the tedium, and really get clear on how you want to be seen in the world from your Twitter profile photo to legacy you’d like to leave. This robust, perfection-seeking energy is challenging you to generate results and show up on the world stage as someone who broadcasts the highest standard of excellence. No pressure. While you’re known for blustering self-reliance and even overstepping your boundaries, what works now is cooperation, humility and joining forces. You may still play a leading role, but it’s made indelible by the quality of relationships you create around you. Learning to be a team player, and knowing that you don’t have to shoulder the responsibility alone goes far to make September spectacular.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
Don’t sleep through the energy this month, Capricorn, as a line-up of planets in fellow earth sign Virgo may make you think you’ve got it made. You still have to do the work and set your goals – and for a manifesting, achievement-oriented sign like yourself – writing down what you’d like to have done by month’s end could do wonders. Mars and Venus are included here, so don’t forget to visualize your best-case-scenario romantic goals as well. With this line-up in the 9th House of travel, exploration and the higher truth, you’re probably feeling pretty adventerous – even entertaining a getaway perhaps with a love interest – although it looks as though you’d want a professional purpose to ground any flights of fancy. After the 14th, when Venus and Mercury shift to Libra and your 10th House of career, you may find the public especially taken by your wit and charm, or the stylish way you put words together. Lean in – this energy only ratchets up next month – and this is your warm-up phase. A great day to set professional goals is on the 28th, when a New Moon offers a clean slate in this Career House. Your planet-in-crime, Saturn, goes direct on the 18th offering yet another push from the heavens and allowing a long-held goal to come into sharper focus. Mark September 7th and 8th as well, as the Moon shifts into Capricorn and a slew of planetary aspects gets your motor running bringing several loose ends to a conclusion at once!
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
This month as the stellium of planets in Virgo travel your Eighth House of Sex, Death & Other People’s Money, you’re taking a look under the hood of your most intimate relationships perhaps with an angle on shared resources. The 8th House is the territory of life that lies under the surface; sometimes hot, seething and determined. You’ll likely have the drive to get to the bottom of something whether that’s deciding on a shared goal with a loved one or doing some private investigating to get the result you want. Without a lot of planets in sensitive, feeling water, cerebral Aquarians (actually not a water sign although it sounds like it is!) may need to consciously soften so that others can hear their brilliant ideas. As much as we can all want hard, fast answers this month, you will have to make some room for mystery and trust in the divine timing with go-with-the-flow Neptune across the sky. What benefits you most is being willing to have conversations that you wouldn’t normally have and ask tough questions of yourself and others, without trying to force a result. There’s a lot of gold to be mined this month if you’re humble enough to listen and share. You’re really ready to change up your routine, and this month will give you the clues on exactly where and with whom those shifts need to be made. When the Sun shifts into fellow air sign Libra and your 9th House of travel, all the diligent digging you did will result in a greater sense of personal freedom. Mark September 10th, with the Moon in your sign and Neptune opposing the Sun, as day where you’ll see the magical interplay of your inner and outer worlds.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
You’ve got a gorgeous Full Moon in Pisces to look forward to on Friday, the 13th, ushering in a day to remember mid-month that makes you believe everything really does happen for a reason. This is actually an action-packed month for you Pisces! You can’t escape the exciting, opportunity-laden tension of the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus pressing you in diligent Virgo across the sky, spurring you to think big and execute the baby steps that streamline your creative juggling act, especially in the month’s first half. It’s as if you’ve been chosen as the brand ambassador of a spiritual truth, higher mind or imaginative leap of faith (Neptune on your Sun) and you’ve got help with all these planets lining up in the 7th House of partnership and relationship. The tension is laying out the details and engaging in the tedium that you’d rather daydream though. The cosmos are giving you an extra shot of espresso this month however, so accept help – especially from your earth sign friends – and keep your head in the clouds but your hands on the work. Partners and all sort of people may come out of the woodwork this month seeking your attention in one way or another. You may get swept up in the swirl, but all the give-and-take could help you articulate your vision and move your dream forward.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
Your attention may be on your health, self-improvement and creating good habits this month, Aries, as those Virgo planets are sweeping through you 6th House of work, service and well-being. All this diligence may have a spiritual component however as ethereal Neptune forms a tight opposition from across the sky, putting you into a headspace to clear clutter, emotional and otherwise. The New Moon vibrations are still strong from August 30th, and you may have inaugurated a whole new self-care routine. Be careful of going too extreme or denying yourself too many pleasures; the idea is to create systems you can stick to even after the planets shift into more pleasure-seeking Libra after the 14th. After mid-month, your 7th House of Relationship comes stacked with planetary guests brining in some much-needed social time to relax and enjoy yourself. Saturn is also turning direct in your 10th House of Career on the 18th, so if something was stuck in your professional craw - a credit, a contact, a greenlight - this could be the month where you get your answer or a lead gets uncovered. Look out for the 14th where you’ll be the center of attention as the Moon in your sign reflects the glow of glamorous Venus.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
As an earth sign, you’re feeling the support of the cluster of planets in sensible, hard-working, clarifying Virgo making just the right angle to your Sun. Not only that, these earthy planets are lighting up your fun 5th House of love and creativity. This is the house where things begin – be it a relationship or creative project. You’ll be in the mood to have a little fun, and because of all that Virgo, you might be in the mood to spearhead a project that casts you as the star and takes advantage of your expressive and authoritative mood. You’re realizing that your narrating the story of your life and if you want the plot to change, you have the power and practical sense to produce things that matter and make people notice you in way you choose. With planet of upheaval and surprise Uranus plowing through your sign for the next 6 years, you’re really learning to throw more caution to the wind and re-invent yourself. This month you may do that creatively and it will probably reflect not only in your artistic collaborators but love interests as well. Hanging out with people that are fun and support your professional goals is a sweet spot. Look forward to an exciting, unexpected day with the Moon in your sign joins electric Uranus and begs you to be spontaneous.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
You may be feeling just a tad less outgoing Gemini, as the planets cozy up in Virgo and your 4th House of Home and Family. Your quick wit is firing on all cylinders, but a lot of your sharp analysis may be saved for y0ur nearest and dearest and applied to practicalities at home. There’s something about the pull of your apartment that compels your attention. With beautifying Venus in detail-oriented Virgo and this 4th House of domestic bliss, you could have your sights on a home project and go into overdrive making the sort of changes and shake ups that Geminis love to keep things fresh. While Neptune throws a bit of wild card into your domestic situation, your passion to see something through, gather information and return to a more grounded feeling in your most intimate spaces will unfold over the course of the month. Lucky Jupiter continues to travel through your 7th House of one-on-one relationships, so visionary soulmates and fun playmates that force you out of routine continue to put wind in your sails and perhaps offer some lucky connections that remind that you the Universe has your back. After the 23rd, when the Sun moves into fellow air sign Libra and your 5th House of Creativity and Love Affairs, you’ll want to blow off some steam and indulge in entertainment that thrills you – be it improv, cabaret or stand up. By then, your inner world will have been organized and your home should be ready to entertain guests.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
You’ve likely been on a communication bender – with Mercury, the Sun, Mars and Venus – taking up real estate in your oh-so-busy 3rd House of thinking, writing and checking thing off your to-do list! People may not be used to tender Cancers being so sharp and pragmatic in their delivery, but until the 14th, there’s no stopping your drive to dot ever i and cross every t. This is only compounded by the fact that that you’re living under the pressure – although you’re probably used to it by now – of having the gritty, transformative, grow-or-die combination of Pluto and Saturn directly opposing your Sun and reminding you that life goes to those who go all in and set their sights high. You keep rising to each challenge and this month is no exception; just don’t forget to give some Cancer love to friends and family that are not in the business or have been sidelined by your onslaught of appointments. As you get the tedium of your life in order, the next big step presents itself and you may be surprised by how much your stride has grown. Reach out to whomever you can this month and share your work, ideas, headshots – hopefully in a neat, professional package that those Virgo planets can appreciate – as you’re in a social spin that can manifest real results. A Full Moon in Pisces on September lights up your House of Intimacy and Secrets, and a truth may be revealed to you that confirms your intuition.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Work, money and streamlining finances may be the game you’re playing this month with your 2nd House of income infused with that get-it-together Virgo energy. You’ve gone through such an expansion lately – creatively, romantically, personally – that it may actually feel good to come down this earth this month and just get yourself organized. Getting clear on your responsibilities and having straight talk with loved ones about what you can and can’t do may be part of the psychological landscape as well. You’re simplifying before things gets crazy again and having your basic needs met – including some quiet time with yourself to organize your sock drawer – is in order. Health is also a major point of focus, although for much longer than a few weeks in September. You’ve got game-changers Pluto and Saturn in your 6th House of work, health and well-being and if you’ve been ignoring your body, that will be revealed in not so subtle ways. Making time for routine visits to the dentist, dermatologist and doctor is part of the balance that Leo needs. Keep doing the behind-the-scenes maintenance this month, especially if it feels unglamorous and practical, and the light will find you.
August 2019 Horoscopes for Actors
August brings the drama, opening with the Sun, Mars and Venus in the dramatic, show-stopping sign of Leo. Mercury has also just turned direct, and joins fiery Leo on the 11th, and we can’t help but shout it from the rafters; “it” being whatever July’s eclipses have delivered in terms of dramatic endings and beginnings. There’s plenty of reason to celebrate this month, one being Jupiter’s shift into direct mode on the 11th helping us find a more stable track forward. We’re all feel a little more clear, if battle-weary, from the onslaught of inner and outer confrontations that has made us take leaps forward without necessarily knowing where we were to land. As we shake the water of Cancer off this month, we come more fully into ourselves and find that doors begin to open from the sheer force of our directed presence and desire. If there were a month to fake it till you make it, this would be it!
Read for your Sun and Rising to get the full skinny!
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Happy early/late birthday, Leo! This is your month to shine as eyes are upon you with the Sun (until the 23rd) Mars (until the 17th) and Venus (until the 21st) in your dazzling sign and 1st House of personality! Mercury also joins the party on the 11th increasing the likelihood that you’ll experience some powerful expressions of your art and invitations to step into new, even bolder territory. Whenever Mars is in our sign, it’s a call to demonstrate courage – so don’t shy from risk; including in the romantic arena. The New Moon in your sign on July 31st has set you up for a memorable month indeed, so steep in your intentions for the first few days and anticipate the great things to come. You’re craving stimulation and excitement, especially on July 2nd (Venus in Leo square Uranus), and you’re about to find out if a partner or lover can keep up, or at least gives you the freedom to follow your adventurous impulses and inner provocateur. As the Moon reaches full in the sign of Aquarius and your 7th House of partnership on the 15th, you’ll have a better idea of just how in sync you are. And if single, you’ll no doubt have opportunities to play and explore; especially on August 13th when the Sun and Venus join in your sign for a day of wondrous beauty and adoration.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
The first half of the month is all about perspective and permission to take in the view; being cognizant of any internal change you’ve undergone and being patient as these shifts concretize in your outer reality. With a cluster of planets of going through the imaginative, if diffuse 12th House, you may find your alight with ideas but may not be greenlit to move forward until the 2nd half of August when the Sun, Venus and Mars shift into the more active territory of your 1st House. A late summer road trip, 10-day meditation or just getting silly with friends may be time well-spent the month before your birthday. When the New Moon arrives in your sign on August 30th, you’ll know exactly what to wish for and glad you took some time to recuperate. Pluto and Saturn in fellow earth sign Capricorn continue to press through your 3rd House of communication, research and correspondence, giving you oodles of drive to express your point of view, albeit in ways fitting of your more stately nature these days. You’ve been craving more adventure and wide, open spaces and August helps you get in touch with the currents that will get you there physically or through your transcendent creative work in the months to come. Pay special attention after the 17th, when energetic Mars gives you just the boost of adrenaline you need to make the impossible happen. The Sun and seductive Venus are right behind, energizing your sign and your need for cuddles after the 21st.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Get out there and network this month, Libra, as the build-up of planets in shining, happy Leo come in the form of supportive souls who share your vision of the world. The 11th House of Friends and Future Plans is also where the New Moon of July 31st took place, promising that intentions you set in these areas are especially powerful. You may just find that you can’t go it alone anymore and may need more than your nuclear base of support to help you get where you’re going. Naturally social and engaging, this can’t be too tall of an order; you’ll just have to manage your expectations of everything going as neatly or smoothly as you visual Libras would prefer. This is because the planet of excitement and upheaval is squaring all those Leo planets, and some of the socializing you’re set to do – on behalf of your hopes and dreams – could press you into showing up in ways you haven’t done before (on a panel? collecting signatures? throwing an event in your honor?) This is a month to be authoritative and really declare what you want and see what support you can dredge up with some magic from the Universe. Your voice will only get louder and stronger when Mercury moves from Cancer to Leo on August 11th, and has you eager to join a new community and sign on the dotted line as soon as possible. A Full Moon on the 15th in fellow air sign Aquarius should be lovely for you, and coincides with lucky Jupiter’s turn direct in your Third House of Communication. You’ll more than get by with a little help from your friends.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
The recent planetary deluge in fellow water sign Cancer and your 9th House has made for deep reflection in terms of travel and educational plans and has perhaps has forced you to have to take an eagle eye view and spent less trying to control the little picture. Letting go of some of the details and focusing on what’s possible when you align with your faith and optimism about others has really helped defuse potentially sticky situations. With a planetary migration into Leo and your 10th House of Career – namely the Sun, Mars, Venus – the name of the game this month is fake till you make it, especially in terms of your career and any position which would have you seen by your adoring public. The attention could even be uncomfortable for private, if provocative, Scorpios who would sometimes choose to stew privately in their own perspicacious genius. A sudden opportunity, brought on by a square to planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus, could hit or have already hit leaving you saying “I didn’t see that coming.” And with Jupiter direct in Sagittarius on the 15th lighting up your House of Money, hopefully this promotion of sorts will come with a handsome profit. A great day to get things done and greenlight projects would be August 7th with the energetic first-quarter Moon in your sign and a slew of optimistic aspects sending your encouraging vibes. And make sure to send the Universe your seeds of intent at month’s beginning around your desire to take up more space on stage, if that’s what you truly want!
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
Well, you’ve patiently waited as your planetary Ace card – Jupiter – stalled in retrograde in your sign. This month, on August 11th, the lucky planet goes direct so you receive the maximum power of this opportunity-generating behemoth (here until December 1st). With a cluster of planets also in fellow friendly fire-sign Leo at month’s beginning, August is shaping up to be quite supportive and casts you in a leading action role. If people haven’t heard from you in a while, you're back in the high life as these show-stopping planets take up real estate in your passionate 9th House of travel, education and life experience. Mysterious Neptune applying pressure to your Sun via a tense square aspect has forced you to do some re-thinking, and perhaps forced you to get really clear on goals by letting go of one ledge. Now it seems those arrows you directed are starting to hit, but it’s always good medicine to keep your humility as Jupiter can sometimes have us bite off more than we can chew and think our streak will last forever. Play the long game, keeping attuned to great days for success like the 3rd, 8th and 11th. It may be wise to pick a goal with an intended completion of December 2nd and reverse-engineer your steps to make it happen. Jupiter helps those who help themselves and this avuncular planet is begging for you to dream big and do your rightful part.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
Some intense days of communicating may kick off the month as Mercury opposes Pluto and Saturn in your sign, making for a veritable power stand-off. The truth could also set you free, but it may piss you off first. In any case, this is a time to get under something so you can get on with it. With Mercury fresh direct, any miscommunication should be ironed out and helpful details and helpful people will hopefully come to your aid. Lean into love and openness even if you want to rake someone over the coals; sugar will go a lot farther than vinegar. You’re learning to conduct yourself as more stateswoman than rabble-rouser, which means learning the fine are of self-containment and strategic communication. Teachers could also come in at this time, or have been, and they may not come with professorial glasses and a syllabus as much as have something of the ways of the heart to teach you. With Leo traffic in your 8th House of intimacy, it seems you’re drawn into deep relating in one way or another; first and foremost with yourself and those passions you’re good a keeping under wraps. When Mars migrates to Virgo on the 17th (and later Venus and the Sun), you’ll be able to more clearly focus on goals; and perhaps even some surprising business travel. In the meantime, you’re sloughing off the old and allowing feedback from other souls to shape your path ahead. The 10th – 12th should by a few dynamic and clearing days, and save a special intention for the New Moon of August 30th when the 9th House of travel, education and life experience helps you hone in and see the light and see the dawning of long-sought after goal that has been circling you.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
Your 7th House of Relationship is chalk full of planets this month, Aquarius, signaling not just suitors but the world that you’re ready to be engaged. When such a bold trifecta as the Sun, Mars and Venus reach above the horizon into the 7th House, those internal processes that the planets represent can be seen and engaged by the world. This usually comes in the form of allies – business or romantic – although the 7th House is also the House of Open Enemies; hopefully you’ve befriended even those with Aquarian openness and ability to rise above emotion. Aquarius is truly the sign of humanity, of elevating the group through rebelling from the status quo and bringing others into the future with them by the power of their ideas. With your benevolent co-conspirator Uranus applying tension to your Sun, it’s as if you’re being shaken to the core and having to go light speed into the future without a manual. While you usually help others do this, it’s your turn although all this upheaval and renewal is happening in your private 4th House of Home and Family. Don’t be shy to rely on some personal one-on-one support this month, since you seem to have it in spades. A beautiful Full Moon in your sign rises on the 15th and sets off fireworks that brings a wonderful moment of clarity to your relationship(s). Your best week is probably between the 11th in 16th as the domino effect of Mercury going into Leo, Jupiter turning direct and the Moon entering your sign strengthens your position and helps things fall into place. You can visibly see the result of the work you’ve been doing behind the scenes.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
The theme for Pisces (and Pisces rising), is the importance of generating a more balanced perspective and role when it comes to group dynamics. True, this has been happening for a while, but with the North Node and Mercury (until the 11th) transiting your 5th House of creativity and self-expression, there’s really to you putting your name on something and serving yourself. You’ve probably ready before about your boundary issues, which is certainly tied to your compassion and empathy, but the Universe seems to be hammering you this year with the limitations when you give too much to others’ agendas or sacrifice yourself trying to save the entire ship. What’s at stake is your energy and ability to produce that which really does have the potential to light a lot of people up and if not save, improve their lives. You need energy for your art or your life project and that means seeing yourself in a central role that truly benefits you (and feels good!) and as a byproduct helps everyone else. Key word: byproduct. You could never be accused of not being giving enough so it’s not like you’re at risk of becoming just a taker; you just need some encouragement to be selfish sometimes. If your selfishness feels extreme, it’s probably everyone else’s normal. In other news, the planetary traffic in royal Leo has been making a stop in your 6th House of work and health. It could be an extraordinarily busy time, but not without its glamour and support. Because Mars and Venus are here (through the 17th and 21st respectively), what you’re trying to sort out may have a relationship theme. It could be time to schedule date night, try appointment sex, or realize that part of your self-care has to include love and pampering in whatever practical way you can put on the calendar.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
The planetary triad in Leo – Sun, Mars and Venus – for more than the first half of the month really has the Aries libido kicking. These planets are lighting up your 5th House of love affairs, creativity and fun in general, so play seems to be high on the list. Jupiter will also turn direct in fellow fiery Sagittarius and re-ignite your optimistic 9th House of travel and exotic life experiences so you’re likely in the mood to shake off old safety nets and do something which gets your pulse racing. The Moon in Leo on August 1st will only amplify this mood, as will the Full Moon in Aquarius and your House of Friends on the 15th. Mercury will also slowly transition out of Cancer on the 11th and add even more electricity to this self-expressive 5th House. You may have to remind yourself to be sensitive of others’ needs as you’re not in much of a mood to compromise, until of course planets start to move into the more cooperative territory of Virgo starting on the 17th. You might as well live it up. This is really a month to be adored and follow the fun. Try not to completely neglect your home and inner life however as the North Node is still dictating that’s where the deep transformation and fulfillment is really at for you. There’s ripe opportunity to express what’s going on inside in a dramatic and fruitful way that helps lift others spirts as well.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
After the seeming instant transformation you’ve made with Uranus electrifying your sign and infusing your very being with all sorts of new information and possibilities, the planet of excitement and upheaval turns retrograde on the 11th. This quiets the planet a bit, but also gives you time to cement the changes you’ve made and further dig deeper into your psyche to see what else destiny has in store. On the same day, expansive, opportunity-bringing Jupiter turns direct expanding the spotlight to include your 8th House of Sex, Death and Other People’s Money. Acts of largesse – be it monetary or otherwise – seem to show up for you this year as Jupiter presents a treasure chest, although one that has likely been filled by someone else’s resources. Expect more clarity around those themes, especially since Mercury is now direct making more clear what side of a boundary you fall on. You’re also having a little more fun digging into the taboo, be it your own shadow side or just a dawning fascination with all things hidden, dark and seductive. You have a way of bringing some great humor to these more “untouchable” subjects and may find you’re getting a lot better at reading in between the lines. While you’re the brand representative of steadfast perseverance, it seems throwing caution to the wind and braving new worlds may actually work better with you these days.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Lucky Jupiter turning direct on August 11th in your 7th House of Romance can bring some opportunity or help further grow an existing partnership. Planets transiting our 7th House often point to our loved ones, so Jupiterian types – big personality, optimistic, philosophizing, even reckless – may come into your sphere for some one-on-one bonding; point being to wake up those dormant qualities within yourself. At the same time, you’re learning about boundaries and how to more securely root in yourself. This sense that “I can take care of myself” and that you know what is important to you – with or without a mate – ends up being what makes partnership work or work even better. Slowing down that Gemini urge to be and know everything yesterday, is still on the 2019 syllabus with that North Node in nurturing Cancer in your 2nd House of values and income. As you learn what makes your life feel safe and secure, you find yourself in much better balance with the souls around you. The first half of August will see three planets in Leo – Mars, Venus and the Sun – bring a dazzling and confident quality to your conversations, correspondence and even your presence around the neighborhood. You’re likely in a social and absorptive mood and even though things around you may happen with a certain familiar speed, keep reminding yourself that it’s okay to slow down and know your energy is a resource worth investing wisely. Choose which parties to attend accordingly.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
After the Cosmos fully drenched you in all those planets transiting through your very own sign of Cancer last month, it’s time to shift up the energy. You’ve probably felt a little ease of pressure and emotion, as the Sun, Mars and Venus are now in outwardly expressive and fiery Leo giving a little perspective to the wormhole you and many others have been in. This energy is warming up your 2nd House of money which will likely attract some alluring earning opportunities your way which rely on your own personal charm and magnetism. This would be a good couple of weeks to raise your prices and indulge in a few things money can buy. There’s something about the material world which warms the cockles of your heart. Mercury (until the 11th) is still in your sign as is the transiting North Node. This makes heartfelt communication paramount, in way that lets others know how you feel and what you want. With the North Node in the 1st House, it’s about assertiveness, gently so, but assertiveness nonetheless. This may come to your aid this month as you set your value and negotiate some terms – if not financial – which make you feel like you’re getting a fair shake. Also, getting into your body in some expressive form of movement would be very grounding for emotional Cancers.
*As first seen in Backstage online magazine
The eclipses are coming, the eclipses are coming! A powerful month indeed, July promises grand openings of the cosmic kind as two eclipses usher in a scene change that whip us into new spaces of possibility. Yes, we have a Mercury retrograde on July 7th (until July 31st) in Cancer sending us reeling back into trodden territory of the heart and pressing us towards conversations we’ve been avoiding or pressing us into juicier territory in existing relationships. The Sun and later, Venus (on July 3rd) join the party in the tender, sentimental sign of the protective Crab having us all pay more heed to our internal GPS and steering us towards our familial tribe. While the effects of an eclipse can be delayed by 6-months or 1-year to the day, this is a powerful individual and collective moment where the Cosmos help us shed an old skin and step up to the plate for which we know we’ve been preparing.
Read for your Sun and Rising to get the full skinny!
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
You’re one of the headliners this month Cancer as the first of two eclipses – the New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 2nd – lands square in your sign and blares trumpets for the new road ahead. This is a powerful new beginning landing on the most sensitive part of your chart, so follow your heart. Usually the signs are not subtle around eclipses, so permission to be dramatic. Later in the month on July 16th, the big picture is further clarified by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – perhaps making it clear that something or someone (partner in romance or business) has to go for you to seize your moment. As with all eclipses, the results can be delayed 6-months or a year to the day, so make sure to mark your calendar. The seed has been planted however, and with all the recent action you’ve been experiencing with Mars and Mercury in your sign, you’re likely pretty used to talking about the changes you’re ready to embrace
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
July serves up some delicious timing, Leo, as you start the month with go getter Mars entering your sunny sign on July 1st and end the month with a dreamy New Moon on the 31st. In between you have alluring Venus entering your sign (on the 27th) and a couple of eclipses – think: big beginnings and big endings – landing in your 12th and 6th House. The theme of the New Moon eclipse on July 2nd is spiritual in nature and has something to do with surrendering to the cosmic flow, forgiveness and being led by divine energies. The big scene change of July 16th (give or take a year!) may have to do with your health, your vocation or even ending an identification with being the under-dog. Perhaps you are going from student to teacher, extra to principal, or worker bee under someone’s else’s thumb to your own boss. It’s time to take a fine-tooth comb over the power structures you’ve created in your life and make sure if you’re being of service, you’re doing it without draining yourself. It’s important to keep up your meditation schedule although that can be long walks, time with animals or anything that calms your mind. Mercury retrograde is in that 12th House and your mind needs to focus on peace and harmony lest if falls prey to free-floating urban anxiety. You are wearing a certain warrrior’s sheen with Mars in your First House of Expression so demonstrating confidence will be a second skin, just make sure to not let it run over into hubris.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
It looks like you’re due for a shake-up of your tribe, as the New Moon Eclipse seeds fresh energy in your 11th House of hopes, dreams and the people that help get you there. You may feel inspired to connect with people that are going to be with you for the long haul and reflect back to you your best version of your life and career. Changing up your long-term strategy is aided and abetted by relationships, so exercise your already refines taste here. What may be coming to a close is reflected in the Full Moon Eclipse of July 16th in your House of risk and recreation (love affairs, gambling, children). You may be trading in an old persona with one that reflects your commitment to your maturity and responsibilities. This 5th House of fun has indeed been stirred by not only this impending eclipse but Saturn and Pluto also powerfully residing here. Creativity needs to graduate to the next level of excellence and you’re hungry to bring form to a long-held dream that perhaps puts you as the director of content. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you have to go it alone; there’s tons of support in community so don’t be shy about sharing the stage or authorship. Keep making it about the work and your contribution and the rest of your ducks will line up.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
The powerful New Moon Eclipse is happening in your 10th House of Career, meaning who you represent to the world is ready to change. In the maternal sign of Cancer, home and family is a strong theme here and your private and public roles may become intertwined. Something about taking your caring nature out into the world or even a decision to downsize may seem mighty appealing in the near future. It’s about trusting the call of your heart and getting out of rigid ideas about what it means to be tied down. You’re ready to unstick yourself from old roles, and Full Moon Eclipse of July 16th may tell you where you’ve been playing it too narrow. You’re feeling optimistic about your future with Mars and Mercury in bold Leo and your 11th House of Hopes and Dreams, even if you have no idea how it will all play out. Even though Mercury goes retrograde on the 7th, this seems to give you a 2nd chance to express what you really see for yourself in the long term. Lucky Jupiter is in your House of Communication after all, so thinking optimistically and perceiving the big picture are your Ace cards.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
The New Moon Eclipse in fellow water sign Cancer is inherently supportive, lighting up your 9th House of the Exploration, Education and Travel. Venus, the shining planet of attraction and favorable relationships also joins the party in that 9th House, suggesting that you’re due for a refreshment of the soul, hopefully coupled with some sweet travel itinerary and/or a romantic partner. It seems you’re ready for a bigger pond, and this New Moon may stoke your ambition to follow those dreams you may have left on the back burner. Not only that, your visibility and ability to stand apart from the crowd peaks this month as Mercury and Mars in charismatic Leo influence your career house and helps gets your message out to a wider audience. While Scorpio is the sign of transformation and rising like a phoenix from the ashes, it doesn’t mean you necessarily like change more than the rest of us. This month, however, the change appears benign and an echo of dreams earlier envisioned. You may have to let go of one “home” to embrace another, but have faith that even if something comes suddenly and even easily, it makes it no less viable or valuable!
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
The New Moon of July 2nd lights up your saucy and intimate 8th House, suggesting that a deeper connection is ready to be born. With this New Moon Eclipse in such a security-loving sign as Cancer, you may be seeking solace within and perhaps making a big decision on an investment, whether personal or professional. You now know the value of keeping spiritually and emotionally fit, and want to double down on those experiences that place you consistently in alignment with your values. Relationships are ready to be born or re-born to bring that sense of “we’re in this together” to the hilt. If it’s not at least a little scary or risky, you’re probably not going deep or big enough. By July 16th, when the 2nd eclipse hits, you’re ready to shed an old mental burden, maybe a sense of being responsible for someone or something that makes no sense anymore. You’ve got 5 months to work the growth spurt that is Jupiter in your sign, and it seems like part of being able to reach your potential is your ability to let go of some old loads and streamline your emotional and financial investments. In order to do that, things may arise for you to look at; you have to go through the muck a little bit to get to the other side but it’s well worth taking an honest look at what you’ve created and know what you really want is available to you.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
The New Moon Eclipse is gentle Cancer is singing a lullaby to your 7th House of one-on-one partnerships and romantic relationships, seemingly bursting the doors open for new heartfelt commitments. Eclipses represent powerful new beginnings and this thrust for the new has a strong relationship component. If you’ve already joined forces, you may consider going deeper or you could find yourself in a powerful alliance other than a romantic one. The July 16th eclipse, which is more about endings, is in your 1st House of Self. The way you present yourself is ready to radically change and this could be as much about absorbing a new style and level of top-notch responsibility to letting go of any limiting self-doubt about who you are and how you walk into the room. With Pluto and Saturn holding strong in that 1st House, you’re certainly putting out a confident, I-got-this vibe, but now it’s time to more consciously integrate others and open your heart to help and support. Venus is also traveling your 7th House in July (until the 27th) which usually bodes well for some romantic rendezvous and sweet intimacy. Continue to connect with your higher power or spiritual self as Jupiter in your 12th House is all ears to hopes and dreams, especially for 2020. After Mercury retrogrades (July 7th) in your 8th House of intimacy, you’re perched for some clearing talks that could lead to new levels of understanding.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
You may be sniffing out new income streams this month, Aquarius! There have been some major shifts, and if your intuitive sense for “the next big thing” is as astute as your reputation, you may be ready to do your research and reconnoissacne to support your idea. The New Moon Eclipse is happening in your 6th House of work, service and health, so there appears to be a theme of really narrowing down on the most fulfilling path for you, perhaps one that is a little more nurturing (this powerful New Moon is in the caring, internal waters of Cancer). This could translate as a break from your current career, or at least being more selective in where your time and financial investments are promised. In your classic inclusive, for-the-common-man style, you may find a way to market what you believe works for you, and find your best sales pitch is demonstrating how much healthier and balanced you’re feeling in the months to come (in part, yes, because you were forced into a corner). People will want to know what you're doing differently. In spite of your gifts of clear and forward-thinking logic, you’re due for a revolution at the most intimate level, including where you call home. Uranus is just getting started in Taurus and you 4th House of home, family and roots; you’re not looking as much for a bigger pot to root into but something that resonates with your shifting family or self-care goals. You’re hardly going soft on us, but your values are under construction; perhaps dissolving so that new one’s can be cemented that better support your chosen road ahead. Finding a way to bring spiritual nourishment to the masses, through your creativity, looks favored by the heavens.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
You’ve got a sweet and enviable new beginning in the 5th House of love, recreation and creativity with the powerful New Moon Eclipse hitting on July 2nd and reverberating all the way until next July 2nd. This is about taking care of yourself and your creativity through having a little more fun and utilizing the power of play. As the Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn and your 11th House of long-term goals and networking suggests, you may be ready to hook up with new community albeit after letting go of old professional peers. The promise of this new beginning focuses a little more on yourself, and a little less on others, which can be shocking for compassionate Pisces individuals who are hard-pressed to set boundaries. Getting your name on something or receiving proper credit in some way is due; it’s less decision by committee in the months ahead and more about tuning into your inimitable intuition to follow what feels good and is creatively and romantically satisfying to you. There also appears to be an uptick in your income this month, as passionate Mars and Mercury travel your 2nd House of Money. Mercury is retrograde, so it could have something to do with residual checks or money becoming available by digging a little into what you’re owed from a past endeavor. Information will become available that could yield financial benefits, so follow the signs even if the road proves to be a little circuitous. You’re working out your price structure and well positioned to know your worth proper financial remuneration.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
There’s something more alluring than usual about nesting and getting cozy as the New Moon Eclipse in Cancer lights up your 4th House of Home and Family. There might be some tension, as is not unusual, between your newfound hunger for peace and security and your role on the world stage. This New Moon is opposing heavy hitter Pluto and Saturn in your 10th House of Career, so you’re really feeling the heat to demonstrate your competence and embrace roles of authority. Even so, your attention is drawn inward on July 2nd, and the hunger to root and batten down the hatches may continue through next July 2nd. Inner security become a greater priority, as you’ve definitely had your share of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride when Uranus went through your sign for 7 years! Now the planet of upheaval and the unexpected is seeking change and excitement in your 2nd House of income; if that sounds unstable, it is. However Uranus can bring windfall as much as scarcity; it’s about being open to anything and exercising your will to receive and just go with the changes. Mars and Mercury light up your house of play, so storytelling, being the center of attention and releasing your inner kid nourish and refresh your spirit. You shine in youthful roles and opportunities to play will see you out.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
The powerful New Moon eclipse of July 2nd lights up your busy 3rd House of Communication and Commerce and casts a blessing on all things self-expression, especially writing and sharing your own point of view. The new beginning this month is all about making it personal and putting it in writing. Your words will be likely well-received, and the more of that quietly passionate, caring Cancer energy you put into them, the better. You have less of an appetite for being stubborn these days and are more about quality and heart-engaging interactions with others. You may also feel like your neighborhood has all the excitement you need and may be less energetic to get in a car and drive long distances when you have things you care about 5 minutes away. The magic of conversation is really where it’s at for you and big leads to manifest your passions could be literally next door. You’re still just getting used to having change-maker Uranus in the all-important 1st House, shaking up how you look and feel. Don’t be afraid of getting into the details and keeping a log of your exciting ideas; best not to sign any papers until after Mercury goes direct on July 31st!
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
You’ve had a saucy month of alluring Venus in your sign, Gemini, and now the planet of love and attraction moves from your 1st House of Personality into Cancer and your 2nd House of Income. Your House of Income is the big winner this month with not only magnetic Venus there, but also the New Moon Eclipse suggesting that you’re ready to seed a big intention around your wealth and abundance and it seems the Cosmos have your back. The 2nd House is also about your values, and slowing down enough to nourish the body and feel safe and secure in one own’s skin. The fact that this New Moon is in Cancer amplifies that theme, and you’ll likely be in the mood to take care and take stock of your resources. The tension may be between caring for yourself and caring for others, especially around the Full Moon of July 16th when a Full Moon in responsible Capricorn lights up your House of Intimacy and Other People’s Money. You’re ready to be less invested in what other’s think about you and let them adapt to your slower pace rather than the other way around. You’ll have no problem speaking your mind, and may even get a chance to clean up an old misunderstanding as sparky Mercury in your 3rd House of Communication couples with courageous Mars stirring the pot for some spirited, direct and hopefully open-hearted conversations.
June 2019 Horoscopes for Actors
*As first seen in Backstage online magazine
It’s already June and if you still feel like a lot is up in the air, join the rest of us! The cluster of planets in hard-working and excellence-seeking Capricorn are still diving retrograde into our psyche, making sure we’re choosing the right mountain to climb when these earthy juggernauts turn direct in the fall. So if your progress feels slowed, take it as a cue to get quiet, self-reflect and really ask yourself what’s your top most priority if you could only excel at one thing. It doesn’t mean multi-tasking is out (hello Sun and Mercury in Gemini!), but there’s an evolutionary intent for all of us to get really clear on our mission in the world and become the right person for it. The Sun shines in social Gemini most of the month alighting our mental circuity and amplifying our need to connect with people and ideas until shifting at the Summer Solstice of the 21st into the sensitive and sentimental sign of Cancer. Relationship-planet Venus changes her love song from sensual, slow-moving Taurus into curious and flirty Gemini on the 8th although Mars will remain in tender Cancer the whole month, promising that what we ensnare with charm will want a deep, emotional counterbalance. Security may prove a little elusive, but we’re figuring out the internal game we must commit to in order to stay sane and focused. Communication-planet Mercury also joins the watery realm of Cancer on the 4th, further defining the month by this personal and familiar-seeking energy. Chats and seemingly frivolous connections may go deeper than we anticipated as we’re seeking not only our own roots but the right tribe to connect with.
Read for your Sun and Rising to get the full skinny!
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Happy Birthday-ish, Gemini! The Sun has made it full circle around the Zodiac and hopefully giving you a chance to catch your breath and absorb your journey the past year in all its glories and learning experiences. You get to celebrate this month not only with the vitalizing Sun in your sign but communicative Mercury turning up your brain power and challenging you to stay attuned with all sorts of up-to-the-minute demands on your time and attention. It’s a time of initiation especially when it comes to learning a new skill, sharing your point of view and coming out in bold fashion. You’re setting a purposeful tone for the year ahead, which promises to be aided and abetted by the presence of Pluto and Saturn in that 8th House of Sex, Death and Other People’s money, or in a word: transformation. You’ve probably had to experience some mini-deaths as way to build your ability to keep on keeping on, in spite of what may have appeared like setbacks. For Gemini and Gemini rising, getting to the top of your mountain will take building bridges of trust with other souls which means confronting one’s own vulnerabilities, especially as it has to do with relationship. Self-reliance may be overrated so pay attention to where you can powerfully and authentically engage with others as way to learn more about yourself. Don’t be surprised if you’re intuition is in overdrive, too! The most potent day to set intentions for the year ahead is on the New Moon of June 3rd, which is in your sign and opposing expansive Jupiter. It shouldn’t be too hard to think big.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
Your biggest planetary ally is Mars this month as this assertive, go-after-what-it-wants energy is adding a flair for the bold. You’ll need this can-do spirit as you’ve got that Saturn and Pluto “opposing” you from across the sky and demanding that you show up for a battle of wills. It’s more about working smarter, than harder which means selecting the right partners and working diplomatically with others to create balanced and reliable relationships (Pluto/Saturn in the 7th House). You seem to be more willing to put yourself out there this month, so take advantage of that Martian spirit to try new things in both work pursuits and relationships. Finding powerful allies you can trust is in the cards and that they’re coming down the funnel whether you can see them yet or not. In the few weeks before your birthday, make sure to take a little R&R time as your Sun is transiting the final 12th House (spiritual cleansing, consciousness, endings) which can sometimes, even in spite of that hard-charging Mars, need more rest than usual. When the Sun shifts in your sign for the Summer Solstice on June 21st, you’ll be feeling even more yourself and even better if you took necessary rest. With Jupiter in your 6th House of health, as well as the Full Moon of June 17th, you’re getting even more signs to engage is some more self-care. Because you’re under the tremendous pressure of that Pluto/Saturn combination, you need to be conscious about carving out personal time and engaging in classic Cancer self-care like nesting, cooking, napping and noodling.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Jupiter, although retrograde, is sending you powerful beams of support to your creative 5th House, helping you cook up self-expressive magic and go for the gold. You may be stalling or just collecting your confidence as not only Jupiter, but Saturn and Pluto roil in retrograde adding a pregnant pause to your next big move. With Pluto and Saturn in that 6th House of health, self-care and nourishing routines you’re being challenged to take the next step in making yourself the best vehicle for greatness. If you want to shine as brightly as we know you can, you need work that discipline when it comes committing the right regiment whether that means your physical health or adopting the right coursework or mentors so you’re confident in what you have to share. This is a time to put in the work behind the scenes, even if it’s not glamorous. You’re in need of implementing systems in your life so that creativity can be shared to a point that it looks effortless; although you’ll know that it came from a firm determination to be the best. Meanwhile, the Sun in Gemini in your House of Friends (until June 21st) is making for social and communicative month where connecting with people in your field is paramount. Say yes to invitations that resonate and excite you. You’re just getting started after all with that electric Uranus energy in your 10th House of Career which means your career trajectory could really turn on a dime. The person that’s been working hard for 10 years, can truly become the overnight success. From a more spiritual perspective, Uranus in the 10th House is asking that you seek less for approval and focus more on offering your community or world at large what you see as your most unique, individual gifts no matter if others are ready for your message or not.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
With the Sun in Gemini, it’s your Mercurial wit that’s highlighted this month and in no less than your 10th House of Career. Magnetic Venus joins this status-loving house on June 8th, promising that you’ll be in the limelight in one way or another. Surprise invitations to guest host a podcast or do a public reading is in the stars, so you can forget about slinking into anonymity. Where the great pinch of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn is affecting you is your 9th House of Long Journey’s Over Water. While literal travel may not be what you need, it is a time to really dig into to your belief system and question everything you were taught; and yes, sometimes traveling to foreign lands and getting acquainted with other cultures and belief systems can help correct what could be a limited world view. Where Pluto is, there is a wound … but also great potential for transformation and power. You may also be considering returning to school. The common denominator here is broadening your horizons. The only way you can do it wrong is to take the “easy” path and stick with what’s familiar for the sake of comfort. Challenge yourself, Virgo! This month you’re showing off your brains and charm and could attract just the right amount of attention to refresh your belief in your power to change the world with your words (your own or a very good script writer’s!). Keep stepping up to the plate and reading, speaking, writing, acting the words that inspire you. And if you’re not inspired, throw yourself in new situations that have you relying on faith over perfectionism.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Get ready to flex a little muscle as warrior Mars makes his way through your 10th House of Career. While it’s never a bad time to stretch your comfort zone, this month is especially ripe for continuing to stretch in the area of career … the opportunities to take charge will present themselves and it’s up to you to say yes to these impromptu tests of courage. This is a lot about following your heart, and putting the work that is personal to you out into the world. Don’t shy away from promoting yourself. It can be hard to show your heart to the world and share your passion; especially if Libras don’t get that guarantee that everyone will be pleased! Even so, keep making the effort to share. An explosively passionate day when Pluto opposes Mars arrives on the 19th and you’re ready to make a stand. It also appears that you may be hungry for a stimulating trip, perhaps one a little more off the beaten path or one which offers a delightful educational opportunity. You’re brimming with excitement and with all the demanding work that’s been pulling you at the roots (Pluto and Saturn in your 4th House of Home and Family) you deserve of a getaway! And an amour may want to join you, especially when Venus moves into curious Gemini in that 9th House of Adventure on June 8th. The weekend of the 15th is also quite lovely for celebrating, with that Full Moon energy joining jolly Jupiter and culminating in that social 3rd House. If you don’t get away, hosting a gathering at yours is another lovely expression of this energy. Tune into your month ahead on the New Moon of the 3rd – you’ll likely know the plan you want to polish, especially if you give yourself the rare gift of a little alone time.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
You’ve been enjoying the lovely energy Venus across from your sign, highlighting your undercelebrated charm. Breathe in the pheromonal air through June 8th. You’re one of the signs most affected by Uranus’s move into the sign of Taurus as this is moving into a direct opposition with your Sun, meaning you have to be willing to change on dime. In a lot of ways, this transit is making you more social and connected to the wider world. Uranus is the rebellious, free-thinking planet of upheaval and progression, so the need to integrate these qualities into your identity and your life is now and in the coming several years. The energy of Uranus can be quite sudden, but an undercurrent of wanderlust or a need for more stimulation (change!) is simmering beneath you. Look to partners – be in business relationships or a romantic partner – to be the catalyst for your wake-up call (Uranus is vitalizing your 7th House of one-on-one relationships). You’re in a good space for negotiating contracts and getting what you deserve in any sort of pending financial transaction, especially after Venus joins the Sun and Mercury all in your 8th House of Sex, Death and Other People’s Money and trigger lucky Jupiter in your 2nd House of income. It’s best to sign on the dotted line before July, when Mercury goes retrograde and makes terms a little less clear. With Jupiter in that 2nd House of Money, don’t underestimate you’re earning power or your ability to make a deal. The Jupiter Mercury opposition at month’s beginning is sending you waves of optimism and earning opportunities. Saying no could be as powerful as saying yes, so really tune into what feels like actual progress. There’s a lot around communication to be learned this month and some of it has to do with choosing your battles wisely. As you choose to take in the bigger picture and see life as more of an adventure, those “looming” conversations are less of a big deal and you realize you can get straight to the point without creating more drama than is necessary. This will take some discipline on your part but you’re learning being happy is oftentimes more important than being right.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
The Sun and Mercury have been setting off fireworks in your relationship sector, no doubt keeping you busy and certainly reminding you of how much you do like other people, especially the ones that enjoy your bawdy sense of humor! The admiration amplifies after June 8th when Venus joins the relationship party in the 7th House. If coupled, your other half may be oozing extra charm or somehow more available to you this month; don’t sleep through it! Jupiter, that benighted planet of opportunity, is retracing its steps perhaps circling things back to you or at the very least giving you some time to more carefully aim your golden-tipped arrows. Jupiter returns to its normal flight pattern on August 11th after which the deep dive into your greatest goals bring up some tangible gems. This is also a time to reflect and review one’s level of confidence, overconfidence as much as underconfidence can get in the way. You’re getting to that goldilocks zone where you know you are as special as everyone else, although you may choose to do things bigger. It’s inner security and self-acceptance that’s most important and you know better than to have to puff your chest to try to measure up or outdo anyone else. The plans you have been or are thinking about initiating may seem far-fetched to others, but Sags no better than to shoot for anything less the Moon. That said, you do have sober-minded Pluto and Saturn in your 2nd House of income – forcing focus to your money sector and asking that you don’t underestimate your ability and desire to leave a legacy.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
Venus closes up her flirty cycle in your 5th House of Love Affairs and Creativity on June 8th and adds one more planet to your already packed 6th House of Health and Service. Everyone has been busy and distracted following all manner of shiny objects, but your particular form of busyness may be about picking up new skills to increase your income or even honing in on a mentor that opens new doors. You could also be in position to teach others if you’d recognize you’d just recognize expertise in a subject! If someone asks and you’re about to pretend you’re not good enough … stop yourself and change the story. The New Moon in Gemini on June 3rd is a perfect time to set an intention around these themes of work, self-care and setting yourself up for success. Suitors could be giving you a bold offer as assertive Mars in caring Cancer fires up your 7Th House of Romantic Partnership this month. It’s also the House of Open Enemies so if someone has beef with you, confrontation could be imminent. Remember that the planetary masters of personal power and self-containment, Pluto and Saturn, are in your 1st House of Self-Expression, reminding you that you can hear criticism without getting your underwear in a twist. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with it, but this new “mature” vibe you’re putting out sets a good tone for entering into more negotiation, and less confrontation. Also, this is a time when you’re being groomed for leadership whether the position has opened or not. Be the kind of person people would like to work for (or with), and the position will come. Suffice to say you are ready to step it up a huge notch with these power players in your initiating 1st House. It should be mentioned that Pluto (until October 30th) and Saturn (until September 18th) are retrograde forcing a kind of review of the way you’ve handled or mishandled authority over yourself. If there are vestiges of childishness in that too aloof, too stern, secretly self-doubting Capricorn style, time to let that shit go and just step into your naturally wise, grounded and principled Capricorn abilities. You’ll thank yourself later.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
You’ve been stretching your imagination when it comes to all things related home, as planet of shock-and-awe Uranus has coupled with alluring, pleasure-seeking Venus in your 4th House of home, family and roots. Exciting developments or sudden changes that forces said exciting developments may land on your door step. You’re in the mood to flex your individuality muscle when it comes to your domestic style. Airstream in Joshua Tree as long as there’s wifi? No problem. Uranus is also due to square your Sun, so there’s a real need for Aquarians to shake off the old and stay open and adaptable to the Universe-decreed marching orders. You’re not one of the signs that’s known to be too attached to your comfort zone, but that is certainly being tested (you’ll have to check for the exact degree of your Sun to see when that change-inducing square is at its peak). You’re also getting tons of pleasant planetary action in your 5th House of Fun with variety-is-the-spice-of-life Gemini energy lighting up this risk-taking house. You’re on a collision course with your new “tribe,” according to royal Jupiter in your 11th House of networking hooking a big “Ask Me, I’m Available to Join You” sign around your neck. You could even be asked to be the figurehead of a community that likes your fresh style and perfectly offbeat delivery. If you’re saying to yourself, “wow, I never saw that coming,” you’re on the right track! Set goals around love, community and creativity on the New Moon of June 3rd and plan to celebrate on the culminating Full Moon in Sagittarius and your 11th House of new friends around June 17th.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
Your 4th House of home and family has been lit up by the Sun, Mercury and soon Venus, aiding and abetting your sense that something has got to change in your home base; and also turning you into a bit of a homebody. Gemini is the sign of curiosity and quick decisions, so you may be rearranging your décor to keep yourself from getting bored. There could also be a lot of action happening with impromptu visitors and lively chats that linger into wee morning hours. If you feel like your home has become Grand Central Station, take the first week of June to slow down and pamper yourself while Venus cruises through sensual Taurus (and joins the Moon on June 1st for especially chill vibes). Where the major pull of your attention is (or rather should be) is in your 11th House of networking. Your long-term goals are changing and you need all the help you can get in the form of community. And not just any community but people that want to do what you want to or at least in a related field that can support this huge sea change you making with your income. If it doesn’t feel easy, you’re on the right track. Wherever Pluto and Saturn are in our chart, we’re having to pull up some old weeds and commit to a long-term plan that is reflective of the mountain we want to climb. Lots of ideas could be coming to you around working from home, or at least supplementing your income being some kind of armchair expert with a Skype connection or hosting educational gatherings in your space. June 3rd is a great time to seed intentions around those themes, and a culminating event is likely to bloom on the glorious Sagittarius Full Moon of the 17th. Believe in the boldness of your ideas!
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
Your 2nd House of Income is being vitalized by change-maker Uranus fresh in the sign of Taurus. If you’re feeling like something is on the horizon as far as your financial bread and butter, the planets would agree. Making money doing something you believe in, that truly reflects who you’ve become will help smooth this transition. Uranus tells us to expect the unexpected, so much like it sounds there’s no way of knowing what wants to fly in and if it leaves you scratching your head, you’re on the right path. You’re a natural leader, and I suspect there are plentiful opportunities to flex that muscle, especially in that 10th House territory of career. It’s as if you’ve graduated from being an apprentice, or acting like one, and now it’s time to buy the company or do the movie yourself. Jupiter continues to light up your 9th House of travel and broadening your horizons, so the if theirs is a field of study that’s guaranteed to get you to the next level, it could be the time. You’re likely busy at home with robust Mars in homey Cancer blazing through your intimate 4th House of home and family. Perhaps while you’re re-potting plants or learning to make gazpacho, the light bulb moment will come to you. In the meantime, don’t underestimate yourself to be a major player in the world, even if it is behind the scenes pulling the strings to share better content with the world. Power days where you feel like you’re getting somewhere happen the last week of the month, especially the 24th – 26th when the Moon moves into Aries. Mercury also moves into friendly fire Leo that week, so it looks like you’re preparing the first few weeks and the rockets might start flying if you exercise a little patience.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
Enjoy the sultry vibes of Venus in your sign and expressive 1st House until the 8th after which she joins the Sun and Mercury in your 2nd House of security. You may be following some confusing, if exciting financial leads which should become more clear as the month progresses. Having the courage to speak to people and actually get them on board with your radical new persona is your greatest work this month. Because Uranus is in your sign (approaching your Sun if not already there, depending on what degree of Taurus you are), you’ve really adopted a new way of being in the world. Whether you’ve gone Vegan or changed your sexual orientation, there seems to be some call to blare your trumpet and take a sharp deviation from old expectations coming from yourself or others. Your values are undergoing some repair and what used to stimulate you may have lost its luster. This is good news! You’re seeing the world through a more panoramic lens and realizing you’re a change agent! Moving money around, investigating leads and even getting some financial backing may be part of this process. You’re in a stage of discovery, and with so many retrograde planets, know that every closed door is just leading to an open one. Socializing (Mars is Cancer in your 3rd House) may actually be a fun way to spread your ideas and synchronicity may bring in some helpful people that lend a generous ear, and maybe more than that! Set financial goals on the New Moon of June 3rd and remember you’ll get a lot further with sugar than vinegar, especially with that Mars in sweet Cancer and the Sun joining in your Third House of communication.
May 2019 Horoscopes for Actors
*as first seen on Backtage online magazine for Actors
The month starts out with a sense of urgency to cement new foundations (thanks to electric Uranus flying close to the Sun, Mars in whip-smart Gemini, and Venus/Mercury is rapid-fire Aries)The preponderance of Pisces energy last month energy set loose a torrent of memories and patterns - both sweet and bitter - that sent some of us into a tailspin trying to sort out what was better left to wash out into the forgiving ocean and what we actually want to hold onto. The Aries Sun certainly got us into our "spark of joy" mentality, but there were tradeoffs to be made for living into brave, new worlds. Hoorays punctuated by goodbye, old comfort zone! Now that the Sun's in earthy persevering Taurus, the collective is beginning to re-build piece by piece, with Venus and Mercury blazing in me-first Aries wanting to hurry things along perhaps faster than is possible.
Just when we thought the relentless, maturational pull of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn couldn't slow their roll anymore, both Pluto and Saturn went retrograde to make sure we have plenty of time to really absorb their lesson (read for your Sun and Rising to see what house these themes are affecting). On a macro level, this is about the abuse of power and where the rule of law is out of integrity with moral principle. On a micro level, it's about the same thing - although sometimes harder to see where we are out of integrity with ourselves. The "high" possibility of this transit is taking accountability for ourselves, showing up for our responsibilities and taking a hard, pragmatic eye to what we need to amend in our own lives in order to be in alignment with tenets of truth, authenticity and moral leadership. We're all trying to get in touch with our inner Gandalf (or insert more contemporary GOT reference here), but sometimes we have to face the consequences of being run by remnants of our immaturity, conscious or not. Conversely, if you've been true to your inner mountain top of truth and discipline, the world can also rain down tangible triumphs that remind you that rightful action in the unseen have their moments in the Sun; a time when the work can really pay off!
Overall, it's a chatty month of intense feelings and shaking out our wings, although our lips may move a lot faster that the Sisyphean boulder that we're all being challenged to show up for again and again. Like Joseph Campbell says:. "The world is perfect. It’s a mess. It has always been a mess. We are not going to change it. Our job is to straighten out our own lives.” Maybe so. If we can't change the world, we can certainly do the best with ourselves, sending a ripple that connects us with other ripples that will hopefully lead to the sea change it appears we need.
Read for your Sun and Rising to get the full skinny!
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
Your star is shining this month as you liberate yourself from old routines and embrace the change-making Uranian energy that has you in its electric, connect-with-greater-world possibilities. People are experiencing you differently and yes, while part of it could be superficial changes like the haircut or British accent you’ve adopted, it’s more likely because you’ve left any self-defeating stodginess behind. Bubbles of excitement (shock, awe, fear) pop beneath you and an inability to rely on old defenses make you much more likely to find other ways to feel secure, like trusting your feelings?!? You might still be in the excavation phase so be thankful if the world is helping you along by taking things from you that are tiresome old bothers – person, place, or thing.
A New Moon in your sign on the 4th has a surreal feeling that allows you attune to your deepest longings so take advantage by stealing a little time to yourself and your zesty imaginings. Money from unexpected places could come in suddenly, which could include old debts being paid, as intrepidly curious Mars in your 2nd House of Money could bring in a lucrative lead or free up resources that you’ve had in the offing and are now equipped with mindset to receive.
It’s worth mentioning that lucky Jupiter’s presence in your 8th House of Transformation and Other People’s Money is there for the rest of the year. While this transit is good for intimate sexy time, is also a call to play with investing and take some (measured) risks with your resources. The same ol’ same ol’ will not get you there (hear a theme?) – and you’re ready to get to your chosen there. Your answers come through not only your intuition, but connecting with others very different from yourself and doing the thing those familiar thought you would never do. Give them something to talk about.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
It’s your mysterious 12th House of spiritual epiphanies that’s being lit up by the center-stage Sun and erratic Uranus in Taurus (Venus joins on May 15th adding love to this cleansing swirl). This can be an uncomfortable position for these high flyers only because Gemini tends to rely so much on logic and 12th House transits are all about surrendering to what we can’t control and attuning our ear to the shifts in consciousness necessary for the next growth period.
If it weren’t for that caffeinated Mars-in-Gemini (until May 15th), I’d say it could feel a bit sleepy until your birthday time. Mars is whipping you forward even if you feel a little in the dark. With the action planet's cross-sky connection to expansive Jupiter, you’re at the center of hatching ideas and organizing big plans.
After May 2oth, Mars will have moved into Cancer, and the Sun and Mercury into Gemini, refreshing your spirit in the 1st House of self-expression and initiation. Until then, take rest between the craziness. Let the systems you’ve implemented take care of at least some of the grind; you’ll be all the more ready for the spotlight. Your natural quick-witted, buzzy energy is ready to make a mark the last half of the month. You’ll have to wait until June 3rd for the game-changing New Moon in your sign!
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
Cancer loves the cozy, take-your-time energy of Taurus, which is highlighted the first half of the month as the Sun and Uranus move through this compatible sign and light up your 11th House. Yes, Uranus could be a bit of a live wire in your House of Community but most likely ushering in an exciting new tribe of craftsmen that help you chisel out your chosen destiny, or just some chill new friends. Magnetic Venus only adds to your popularity when she enters the 11th House on May 15th putting you on par with appealing connections that help you expand your reach and maybe with a dollop of philanthropy to boot. When feisty Mars enters Cancer the same day, May 15th, you’ll actually have the energy to follow through more consistently with these new connections (assertive Mars has been in the topsy turvy 12th House which can sometimes hinder our mobility or plans!). The 2nd half the month, Mars will turn up the volume, quite literally on your voice and you’re walking a bit more confidently as this robust energy fires up your House of Self-Expression. You might think of planning a fun event to bring your disparate circles of friends. A good date would be around the Full Moon of Scorpio on May 18th which brings a consuming intensity and flair to your 5th House of recreation and love affairs.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
You’ve been enjoying the zippy combination of cosmic energy in fire and air elements (Venus/Mercury in Aries!) especially that whipper snapper Mars in Gemini in your 11th House of Friends and Networking. With a veritable storm of invites for fun and showmanship, it’s no wonder it’s been non-stop action. As the Sun and Uranus have been lighting up your 10th House of Career, don’t be surprised if unexpected opportunities to show a different side of your creativity have been landing in your email inbox (even if they’re not the ones you want!). You may be getting a little antsy in your career … and while shock-and-awe Uranus will be affecting this part of your chart for years to come, the Sun will only be here until May 21st encouraging you to shine as the “expert” or marquee player in an interesting, and perhaps fresh endeavor.
With the guiding North Node in Cancer and your 12th House of the Collective Unconscious, you may be learning how things can come in “effortlessly” if you focus your powerful heart in the right direction. While Leo’s can have tender ego’s, you’re stepping into the part of yourself that’s big enough to let things go and take yourself a little less seriously. At the end of the day, we want to see you play – not gripping to the steering wheel in an effort to impress. Mars will join this mysterious house on May 16th putting an exclamation point on the necessity to slow down and let things in. Big changes can still happen overnight but it’s more likely due to the fact that you were less attached to the outcome and more earnest in showing up fully no matter what form the opportunity took. Make some career intentions on the New Moon in Taurus on May 4th and think about a brilliant night at home on Scorpio Full Moon of May 18th.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
Changes may be flowing in easy breezy as bolt-from-the-blue Uranus and the Sun light up your 9th House of Adventure. You’re hungry to explore the world, and with this cosmic combo in earthy, security-oriented Taurus, traveling and making money would be ideal. You’ll definitely want your passport ready, and could even be considering returning to school to study something you never saw coming. The New Moon on the 4th is a great time to plan a summer vacation and get in touch with your wanderlust. Passions have been running hot with Venus and Mercury in Aries and your 8th House of Sex, urging even the most refined Virgo’s to get into a little bit of trouble. Whether you’re going toward or away from relationship, it seems someone is holding your feet to the fire and wants to know your level of commitment. Having honest conversations could define at least the first part of the month, as there’s a lot of subtext with the messenger planet in this intense area of the chart. Be honest, Virgo – even if it’s not neat and orderly. You could even be caught in an uncharacteristic bout of saying exactly what you feel – and then having to apologize for being so blunt. Bravo! The 2nd half of the month mellows out and you’ll want to carve some time out to smell the roses and dig your feet in the dirt.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Relationships have been on fire and the first few days of May are replete with communicative zest and flirtatious zeal as Venus, Mercury and the Moon grace your 7th House of one-on-one relationships. Someone could be giving you a lot of attention, maybe even a little too much, as you’re emanating a sort of come-seduce-me vibe. There continues to be big decisions to make in the home space, as your 4th House of roots, home and family is under the intense microscope of Pluto and Saturn. Whether that translates as home projects or just a lot of responsibility concerning parents, children or said projects, it will take your utmost discretion to decide what you want to keep and what responsibilities are just too much to keep your life in balance (everything to a Libra!) It’s as if you’re re-potting yourself, so be patient as your roots are able to go deeper into the bigger space your inhabiting. It seems where your energy is really needed is in your 10th House of public persona and career as the North Node hints that your career is where your heart is. Forcing yourself out of introversion and into the limelight of being seen and heard in your particular area of expertise is on the agenda not just this month but this year.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
Pluto and Saturn retrograding in your 3rd House of Communication could be dredging up some old thought patterns, in order to show you just how unhelpful it is to look at things too intensely or be your own biggest critic. Your biggest gains are made through communicating from the heart and through seeing the big picture. While you may be great at every detail and nuance of an exchange, you’re laughing a little easier when you’re able to let dissonant information or even other people’s attitudes overwhelm you less. It’s been other people’s actions that may have been providing the biggest drama, as the Sun and Uranus (and the New Moon and Venus on the 15th) have been lighting up your 7th House of partnership, making you want some clear decisions on the direction of a relationship or making yourself radically open to a new one. Changemaker Uranus will be transiting the love-me-till-I-die 7th House for the next 7 years, waking you up to soulmates or stoking your need for freedom and excitement within an existing relationship. Offbeat partnerships could arrive and leave if only to come in and teach a specific lesson. You may finally realize your limitations in mind control and committing to living your best life and letting others catch up. You have a juicy Full Moon in your sign, and 1st House of Self-Expression, on the 18th. Think about letting someone take you on a date or at plan something romantic with a friendly tribe of soulmates.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
Lucky Jupiter is digging his heels into your sign, retrograding until August 11th. While we tend to associate retrogrades with chaos and confusion (think Mercury!), Jupiter retrograde is a subtler shift in which you’re digging more deeply into yourself and assessing your biggest aims and dreams. All that expansion needs a little contraction; this is your chance to re-trace skipped steps. Adjusting those Sagittarian arrows of intent ever so slightly can wildly change your destination. The last part of April and now early May, we’ve all been like bees in a jar with buzzy Mars in Gemini all the more intense due to an opposition to Jupiter. This could especially be affecting you, magnetizing your big personality while at the same time pulling your attention towards a thousand conversations that seems just as urgent as the one before (you can thank Mars in chatty Gemini in that 7th House of romance and business partners). Where you might catch a breath of fresh air is in the 6th House of work and service. While it doesn’t sound like a picnic, there’s seems to be a real wake-up call either for you to take care of yourself in new way (change your diet or exercise regimen?) and/or work on yourself in whatever direction your soul is calling in the good ol’ department of self-improvement. The more radical the better, as Uranus is visiting this sector of your chart for the next 7 years. The New Moon on May 4th in that shape-up-or-ship-out 6th House may light up some ideas for how to reshuffle your daily routines to bring out your personal best. Everything is happening in perfect time, even if you feel like things are slowing down starting that 2nd week in May.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
You’ve been the gracious host to Pluto and Saturn in your sign, which is no easy feat. They are pulling up the weeds for everyone, and ultimately there for our benefit but sometimes it can feel as if “real life” is hunting us down with a spotlight and an excel spreadsheet. In your 1st House of Self-Expression themes of maturation can be around the way you show up in a room from your style and energy, to the way you’re able (or not) to contain your more base urges and be the “bigger person.” This is the Devil in the Tarot Card deck and as the Pluto and Saturn bear down on your Sun, don’t expect not to confront the inner beast. It’s not about denying the rage, lust, fear, greed – but finding a way to integrate these very real parts of yourself in a way that is conscious and responds creatively rather than blindly reacting. It can also be an incredibly ambitious time, but just remember everything in the external world in a reflection of our quality of attention in the internal one. Blindly achieving isn’t going to make you happy unless it’s rooted in your soul purpose, so stay connected even if that means being the hermit from time to time. With the Sun, Uranus (and soon Venus) highlighting your 5th House of fun, creativity and love affairs the Cosmos does seem to be throwing you a bone. Enjoy it!
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
You’ve been awful quiet Aquarius, learning to play nice with others as you’ve been diving into the sea of your unconscious and bringing up some pretty cool gems of self-discovery. It’s almost as if you can rule the world from your couch at this point with sheer imaginative will. By this point, you’ve probably gotten past the ego checkpoint that is Pluto and Saturn in your 12th House forcing you to leave certainty and self-righteousness at the door. It’s been sharpening your natural affinity with philanthropy, infusing your aims with an even wider, more “spiritual” and accessible message. Where you’ve been having some fun is in your communication and correspondence, as Venus and Mercury and the Moon at month’s beginning have vitalizing your mental circuitry and making you a veritable one-man writer’s room. Where there’s still more room for growth and change is in that the 4th House of Home and Family, which has faced some unexpected twists and turns as lightning bolt Uranus has been traveling in this most intimate sector. If you need to bring new energy into the home, a good day is on or around May 4th with a lovely Taurus New Moon reminding you that all you need is within you or beside you.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
Your finances seem to be trying to catch up with all the growth lately. Don’t despair if it’s taking a second as you’ve been putting a lot of fresh energy into turning into a wealth machine. I know, I know … Pisces are not all about the bottom line as much as tripping the ethereal light fantastic as long it’s for the highest good all involved. You’re probably waking up to the fact that money is spiritual. When you can take care of yourself (which for Pisces can mean days off to relax and observe the rolling waves of the ocean), you’re actually a lot more productive; there’s nothing worse than an overworked Pisces. All their sweet and open energy must be managed else they turn against their nature and pretend to be an Aries (which makes them tired, resentful and feeling victimized by the big, bad world). Lately, you’ve been in the crosshairs of a very energizing Mars/Jupiter opposition which hopefully has been pitching you out of your comfort zone and putting your work into the world (shouldn’t be too hard with expansive Jupiter in your 10th until December). In more long-term news, you have zany Uranus in your 3rd House of Communication for the next several years positioning you to develop your original voice in new ways. With Mars shifting into compatible Cancer on the 15th and your 5th House of Fun and Love Affairs, allow some dreamy spontaneity into your personal life flow. You’ll be feeling a bit more bold and expressive and it could be a good time to make that heartfelt command for better exposure.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
You’ve likely been feeling your oats lately, Aries as Venus in your springy sign has been making you cosmically pheromonal! Enjoy her catch-me-if-you-can presence until mid-month when she brings her charms into Taurus (and your House of Money). Your House of Money is actually where a lot of the action is this month, as the Sun (until May 21st), Uranus (until 2026) and Venus (starting May 15th) will be, putting you in the position for big wins and/or big surprises. Your ability to attract resources can manifest in the most unconventional of ways, and if one source of income has dried up, feel confident that another one is coming through the chute. Wherever Uranus is transiting there’s an opportunity to wake-up, individuate and roll with the punches! For you, that’s in your 2nd House of Income so it’s time to expand not just on your wealth education but get in the mindset that lucrative bolts-from-the-blue can and do happen (make a wish on the New Moon of the 4th in this house). Pluto and Saturn in retrograde can feel taxing at home, perhaps forcing your attention towards projects or real estate matters. This isn’t forever and as with all things Pluto and Saturn, there will be a concrete payoff for organizing domestic issues and facing things squarely, if only deeply within yourself or that parental shadow that needs to be forgiven and released.
APRIL 2019 Horoscopes
*as first seen on Backstage online
For the Full Skinny read for your Sun and Rising Sign!
Nothing is as consistent as time’s march forward, and here we are again at the beginning of the Zodiac Wheel – Aries and Springtime! Mercury is out of retrograde although the mist continues until the Messenger planet gets through the romantic, uncertainty-riddled haze of Neptune (give it a couple weeks). The Sun’s entrance into the 1st sign of Aries has definitely cleared some of the water of March although we may still be drying out from all that heart-opening and re-framing. A fiery, and purposeful New Moon helps chart the month on April 5th, so take care to align your energies with the new possibilities you’ve dreamt up in March’s madness.
Venus, our collective relationship mood, drifts in romantic Pisces until the 20th helping us see others through a certain rose-colored hue. Meanwhile, Mars is in brainy, curious Gemini increasing our appetite to connect with others and see what makes them tick. This is a month of initiation, and putting our idealism into action, even if it comes in fits and starts. When Mercury moves into impulsive Aries on the 16th, followed by the Sun into Taurus and Venus into Aries both on the 20th, we’ll have a little more traction. Even so, expect the unexpected on the 22nd as the Sun in Taurus conjoins Uranus, giving us all a clue about what this changer-maker’s transit through this solid earth sign is all about for the next 7 years (what planets do you have in Taurus? On what house cusp does Taurus fall? This will give you a clue to what your wake-up call is all about!) We’re all learning a new script on some level, and we’ll start seeing how our unique parts helps others play theirs as we stumble toward the collective silver lining one visionary step at a time.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
Happy Birthday, Aries! You may feel like a ram just out of the gate as the Sun has left the ego-confining 12th House and enters the 1st House of initiation and personal style. The first few days of April may still have a spacey feel, only because the Moon, Venus, Mercury and Neptune are still in Pisces taking up a chunk of let-go-and-let-spirit mental real estate. Your Sun has emerged from the shadowy 12th House however and the world may interacting with you in a more playful and obvious way, even if you still have to be patient. Venus, planet of attraction (money, love, socializing) will give you a cosmic birthday gift when this head-turner enters your sign on the 20th. Another energetic shift will be Mercury’s entrance into your sign on the 16th – clearing any residual brain fog and vitalizing not just your voice but your calendar for the 2nd half of the month. Make sure to envision your personal bulls-eye on the New Moon in Aries on April 5th and make room for surprises. With Uranus in your 2nd House of Money, the way you generate income may come from totally unexpected sources and lean on unexpected personal resources. Yes, it could be a bit up and down over the next several years … but just as likely up! You wear bold well even if you’re not feeling it and this is a month to act-as-if you’ve got everything you need to open the right doors.
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
Opportunities abound to play new roles, in life and art. This is re-defining your stable Taurus persona and giving people something to talk about, in a good way. The same ol’ rules no longer apply as you’re waking up to the collective call to be inventive and connect with others in way you never thought you would. Putting none too fine a point on this, is the fact that you have Venus, Mercury and Neptune all floating in your 11th House of Networking this month. You may find yourself in position to collect a talented team and roll with the visionaries of your tribe in order to see a new project through to completion. Allow yourself to be celebrated by friends, especially in your artistic community and especially near April 9th when Venus and Neptune conjoin for a dreamy download with your support system. You’ll come full circle, and may feel at the beginning of a new journey in a lot of ways, as the Sun enters your sign on April 20th. You’re now able to apply past lessons towards a new project, and perhaps this time with a little more convivial support, because you’re so much more open to it. Embrace community, Taurus. The bigger, the better.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
You’re busy from month’s beginning with a little more clarity, not only having been relieved from Mercury’s retrograde status but action-packed, go-getter Mars entered your sign on the March 31st giving you extra gusto to sail through April. The New Moon on April 5th is seeding possibilities in your support community, amplifying your role as a change-maker and trail-blazer anytime you step into a room. When planet-of-communication Mercury enters Aries on the 16th, your firebrand of communication will only amplify and people seem to be counting on you to speak truth (or just be an opinionated hothead). Meanwhile, your House of Career is subject to a myriad of changes and open loops, none of which are bad, but may feel a little topsy-turvy, at least until the 3rd week of the month. Allow people to see you as they want as people could be projecting all sorts of fears and fantasies on you, with a cluster of planets in imaginative Pisces holding up a mirror to themselves. Relationships meanwhile are intensifying and bringing unexpected gifts and difficulties. Happy-go-lucky Jupiter transits your 7th House of “the other” while Pluto and Saturn continue to bulldoze any bullshit old beliefs in your House of true intimacy (sex, other people’s money, death). You’re lightening your psychic load to make yourself even more available to a current partner or to attract fun soulmates. This doesn’t mean it’s easy, but the payoff is authentic connection if you’re willing to dig in and expose the twin.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
While there are no planets in your sign this month, you do have a supportive cluster of planets in fellow-feeling water sign Pisces, bringing an ethereal glow to your 9th House of big ideas, education and travel. A certain longing to escape the humdrum may be especially strong the first half of the month with Venus, Mercury and Neptune conjuring up visions of your own personal utopia. With the Sun in Aries, followed by Mercury joining this fire sign the 3rd week in April in your House of Career, there can be an uptic in your public profile. You may be showcasing a work or in position to be seen by people who decide if you get into an educational program or entry into some sort of fast track to the decision-makers. Courage, more than expertise, seems to be what is called for this month so show up fully even if you don’t know your next line is. The New Moon on the 5th is also in this career house, so this is a month to come out in a new way and show off. There could be a tendency towards overwhelm, so try not to over-promise, but rather to save room for the hell yesses!
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Work, service and your day-to-day discipline is asking for fine-tuning, although not just this month. Taskmaster Saturn is traveling the 6th House of all things personal housekeeping through December. Transformative Pluto is here or even longer, meaning there’s a certain order and routine that’s being born in the life through sheer effort and focus. This daily attention to detail may be part of the molting process in career, as Uranus, planet of surprise, is perched at the top of your chart broadcasting that your public image is ch-ch-changing or soon will be. The Cosmos seem to be asking the evergreen question: what is your passion? You’re dancing to a different tune these days or at least ready to open the curtain and show the public what you’ve been dancing to all along. You want to have fun and be acknowledged, but you’re really waking up to what your values are and how to incorporate those into work that is both satisfying and has some hint of philanthropic responsibility. A New Moon in your expansive 9th House of Travel sets the mood for a month of growth and trying new things, or maybe even going new places. In the 2nd half of the month, you’ll be feeling especially fleet of foot.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
The month’s mood may be set by the New Moon in fiery Aries on the 5th and your 8th House of Intimacy (sex, death, other people’s money). You may realize that you’re not in this thing alone, and certain decisions and support systems are tied to other people, like it or not. Mars in your 10th House of career may be calling on you to make a bold move, and act as the director of communication in some way. You may be feeling beholden to someone else, whether this is a creative partnership or romantic one-on-one relationship. You’re looking a lot braver and more courageous than you actually feel, but it’s a good reminder that not everyone is in your head judging you as critically as you judge yourself. We’re actually enjoying the show, even if you had to confront your personal demons to get to where you are now. When the Sun goes into fellow earth sign Taurus on the 20th, you’ll feel on more solid ground as we’ll all enjoy an exhale after the Sun’s blaze in Aries. You’re learning how to express your needs and desires in relationship … good days to lean into support are April 9th and April 16th. Remember to set intentions around intimacy and communication on the 5th and expect the unexpected on the culminating Full Moon in Libra on April 19th.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Relationships are one of your better subjects and this month you’ve got a few planetary players keeping this a hot topic. The Sun, fresh in fiery Aries, shines brightly in your 7th House of one-on-one partnership making you an object of someone’s attention. Meanwhile the romantic, if confusing, trifecta of Venus, Mercury and Neptune in your 6th House of work and day-to-day responsibilities is throwing you for a bit of a loop. It’s as if the cosmos are telling you to slow down and reflect on your current routines – in both work and love. Maybe you need more scheduled attention? There may be more support than you think, but it’s time to wash away old ideas about how things are supposed to get done and look, especially if you’re not communicating what you’re really longing for. If you’re clear on what you want without trying to force matters to look a certain way, the Gods of synchronicity blow you in the right direction and also help out non-mind-reading partners. Make sure you celebrate your charming self on the Full Moon in Libra on April 19th. You’ll be a force to be reckoned with that day. The following day, on the 20th, the Sun moves from your 7th House of Relationship to your 8th House of Sex (intimacy, joint accounts) increasing the sticking points but also creating the landscape for an even greater intimacy. Someone may want some answers.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
Your House of Love Affairs, Creativity and Recreation is enjoying the mood lighting of Venus, Mercury and Neptune all in open, sensitive Pisces. You may be seduced into a romantic mood as this this deluge of planets in feeling water open the floodgates to your heart. The Sun and New Moon in Aries at month’s beginning suggest some new intentions may be needed in the disciplined, work-and- health-oriented 6th House. You have the energy to get through a to-do list as long as you keep it interesting. Embarking on a new, more robust self-care routine is in the offing, as well as more energy to reach out and secure gigs. Aries energy in the 6th House doesn’t exactly love getting organized, but you’re in the mood to rip out the old carpet and renew yourself doing the simple things that affect your day-to-day mood. When the Sun goes into Taurus and lights up your House of partnership staring the 20th, a natural lean-on-me kind of love offers a beam of support. You’ll have no trouble with creative inspiration this and April asks you to keep showing up even if you don’t know where it all leads. Take the very next step available and the miraculous could fill in the gaps.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
The Sun in fellow friendly fire Aries certainly lifts your spirits for the first 3 weeks of April and reminds you that you really are fun and spontaneous. The mental and technological hamstringing of March is in the rearview, although there are still are a lot of unanswered questions and possible paths forward. You’re not supposed to exactly know the answer (you can thank the purple haze of Neptune on information-planet Mercury). Jupiter, the Ace Card in your cosmic pocket, is still showering you with growth opportunities although this avuncular planet is going retrograde on the 10th. That doesn’t exactly render the planet or your lucky streak out-of-order, but it does somewhat quiet down the energy, offering a purposeful pause to reassess (Jupiter here until December 2nd). Think of it as positioning yourself correctly on the diving board before taking your final leap. It may or may not be all that dramatic, depending on what you’ve been up to. Luck is where timing meets preparation after all, and timing in the cosmic sense is way on your side in that equation.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
Putting some attention and elbow grease into your home is in the stars as the Sun and New Moon of April 5th is telling you it’s all an inside job. You’re demonstrating that the adage as above, so below also works in reverse so root in fresh, life-affirming beliefs and maybe a new coat of paint. You’ve been getting organized and focusing on essentials, if you’ve been in tune with the marching orders of CEO-in-training Pluto and Saturn in your sign all year. Where there’s some room to play, explore and celebrate your inner dilettante is your 6th House of Work. Thankfully for you, work is fun! Expect a little more variety this month, and don’t underestimate the power of socializing to invite unexpected work opportunities. You may be doing a little on a lot of things this month, and only time will reveal how they all come together. The 13th could have you declaring a new-ish direction, even if that means cutting ties to the familiar way. The Full Moon in Libra on the 19th lights up your House of Communication and your words spreads their wings and send influence in unexpected ways so keep penning. You’re getting good at combining your ambition and skills of diplomacy to arrive at win-win situations. All this work is not for naught. The light at the end of the train track you’re building is not an oncoming train, but lucky Jupiter moving into your sign on December 2nd. Cue Wilson Phillips.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
Your biggest ally this month may be action-planet Mars firing up your 5th House of Creativity and Love Affairs. In fellow air-sign Gemini, you’re at your witty best and may take the stage as a bold storyteller whether for appreciative friends or as a full-scale performance. There could be some genesis taking place in your in the way you earn money, as three planets in go-with-the-flow Pisces are conjuring up opportunities perhaps by taking other ones away. Trusting the Universe when it comes to something as survival-based as our income may seem less than pragmatic, but the Cosmos are calling for an open mind in the earned income department of your life. Mercury is out of retrograde, so clarity will only increase as the month marches on. An answer around finances may come out abruptly after the 16th when Mercury enters impulsive Aries; and if one doesn’t, you’ll at least know the right question to close the open loops and decide your next step. Re-location could seem dramatic, but shock-and-awe Uranus is tearing through your House of Home, Family and Roots the next several years, at least infusing you with a certain questioning about whether your current whereabouts are the right fit for your bold-ass self. TBD. This is just the beginning.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
With three planets – Venus, Mercury and Neptune – in your sign in April you’re taking up a fairly large piece of cosmic real estate. Your presence is in demand, and while you may still be tempted to over-commit, it looks like the offers could be pretty glamorous. There’s a certain sweetness and charm that allows you to get in and out of any situation you please, so long as you don’t overexhaust yourself, take on others energy and wonder why you feel so depleted. Keep up with your morning meditations, Pisces! You may be wanting to get something in writing or secure a contract. With Mercury out of retrograde, this is an ok time, although it may end up that such commitments come through hard and quick after the 16th when Mercury’s distance from elusive Neptune and his entry into go-getter Aries makes that more likely. It’s worth the wait. There are a lot of opportunities swirling around you and you’d do best to only follow the ones that support the long-range vision. Reverse engineer from your vision 10-years from now to intuit whether saying yes or no supports that path. Your life becomes what you put attention towards as much as it becomes what you don’t do. You’re in a time of powerfully deciding your trajectory. Even so, expect some pleasurable distractions as is just par for the course with Venus in your sign. Uncorking and enjoying impromptu experiences help buoy your ambitious plans more than you think, putting you in touch with helpful people that respect how well you balance work and play.
March 2019 Horoscopes for Actors (and fellow homosapiens)
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
We’ve been in a luminous haze of the Sun’s transit through feeling-it-all Pisces, absorbing a sense of humor at the sheer overwhelm of the seemingly insurmountable and offering a welcome drift from all the seriousness. Adding some more ridiculous plot twists is Mercury’s plan to retrograde on March 5th (until March 28th) nebulizing our best-laid plans and communications (which has essentially already begun, if you haven’t noticed the confusion and fish-bowl lens effect).
The most telling turn of the cosmos is the planet Uranus - upset, revolution, liberation, progress – plugs into the sign of Taurus – earth, stability and finances. If this seems like an awkward, potentially ground-shaking transit, it is. Expect rebellion and revolution when the genius, free-thinking planet wakes up our beliefs and practices around money, security and Mother Earth. And if you’re a Taurus, or this planet squares your Sun sign (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio), hang on for an exciting ride. The revolution on both a personal and global level is perfectly timed and like most Uranus transits it’s about being open to the unexpected and arriving at out-of-the-box solutions for progress.
Our hunger for romance and relating takes on an airy, group-date Aquarius vibe starting the 1st as Venus moves into this cerebral stand-out sign and gives us an appetite to connect with a variety of people, showcase our ahead-of-the-curve ideas and celebrate our weird. Currents are strong this month, and with the Pisces energy and retrograde coming, the life raft is an inner sense of calm, acceptance and knowing we’ll be shown the way out of the storm in due time. We spark up as the Sun launches into the springtime of Aries on March 20th (coinciding with a dramatic Full Moon), and we’re ready to shake some things off and move to higher ground.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
Happy Birthday, Pisces! You’ve been at the center of the cosmic drift, relying on your well-honed sense of intuition to prioritize your energy. The month will try and pull you every which way, so the more you can tune into what would really feel good to place at the top of your list, the more likely the Cosmos will bend to your inner rutter. Yes, Mercury is going retrograde in your sign meaning you’re at once defined by the Messenger’s planets busy, endless to-do’s and in a position to have to constantly adjust your sails. You’re incredibly adaptive and great at seeing the silver lining which will serve you well this month. Neptune on your Sun is amplifying your natural state of feeling and imagination, but also making your boundaries a little more permeable. You may find it easier to drift into different characters with this shape-shifting energy which could be a boon for your art form. Conversely, you are being asked to define yourself in a group or community, which may mean setting some much-needed boundaries (Pluto, Saturn, South Node in the 11th House). Rehearsing your “absolutely not, thank you anyway” may be necessary to converse your energy for said shapeshifting in service of your craft. Your heart is in your creativity and sense of play (North Node in Cancer in the 5th) , and the more you can explore ways to step into that, the more full you’ll feel. Look forward especially to the 26th, when magnetic Venus enters your sign and romance moves up the ladder and set intentions early in the month on the New Moon of the 6th in your sweet sign.
Aries (March 20th – April 19th)
For real this time, Uranus – wake-up call planet of the unexpected – is leaving your sign for your good after 8 years of shock, awe and how did I get here?! This sigh of relief has been coming after re-shaping long-term goals and plans and leaving you with a better sense of what you’re made of. The Sun’s drift through sweet, impressionable Pisces may be an odd fit for your prodigious, catch-me-if-you-can energy, but the Cosmos seem to want you to take a spiritual respite this month. Mercury is also retrograde, hamstringing productivity on new projects and forcing you to roll with the unexpected. With fun loving Jupiter making a flowing angle to your Sun, some lighthearted adventure seems just what the astrologer ordered. When the Sun moves into your sign on 20th you’ll be back to your old tricks again. In the meantime, take stock of what you’ve created and use some of that Venus-in-Aquarius vibe to cement recent wins in your career (Pluto / Saturn in the 10th House) with some follow-up emails to your creative team and invitations to float on your yacht. A Full Moon in Libra on the 20th is a great night to plan something big (knowing of course the Mercury is retrograde and everything will change).
Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)
You’re blessed with the persevering energy of Mars in your sign, giving you just enough spark to keep lit and on task, even with the whirlpool of Mercury retrograde and the Sun and Neptune fogging the way. Long-term plan materialize nonetheless through the help of your creative tribe of artists, free-thinkers and misfits. Communication from the heart, be it “I’m sorry” or “I hear you” will work much better than old, perfunctory pragmatic responses where you may mistake opinions as hard evidence. While your no-nonsense approach can help curtail needless drama, there can be a tendency to miss nuances or take too broad a view. This is the month, and year, to get into “those” conversations and seek feedback on your ideas. What is best of all involved? Restraint may be needed, and this month may serve to help see where your aim needs to be changed just a degree or two. The help is there if you’re open to it as people are rallying to your side! Change-maker Uranus moves into your stability-loving sign on March 6th and you’re ready to show the world who you are and what sets you apart from your old persona. You’ve probably already jumped the gun with a haircut, but any changes you’re compelled to make even on the most superficial level (Uranus in the 1st House of persona) help people get a sense of the new, refreshed you.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
This month you’ve got action in your House of Career, although it could be a bit of smoke and mirrors with the Mercury retrograde being part of the planetary trifecta with the Sun and Neptune. If you feel like you’re in a holding pattern or getting more than your fair share of “on-avail” status, do nothing. You look best glowing and taking it all in stride, knowing that what passes through your fingers is just making space for a bigger win. Pluto and Saturn continue to tear defenses in your 8th House of Intimacy perhaps bringing up pockets of fear, loathing and fascination with your deep inner self, and the people that help you get there. Effervescent Venus offers some levity as this relationship-oriented love magnet has moved into gregarious Aquarius and your 9th House of adventure on March 1st. This could be a high-profile month even if you don’t do anything special as planets passing through the 10th House help us get seen. Past works could also have a way of re-visiting and giving you some credit where credit is (past) due; an instance where Mercury retrograde works in our favor. The guiding star of your chart, represented by the North Node in Cancer, continues to remind you to speak from the heart, use your words and keep asking questions without knowing what the answer is necessarily. You’re keeping us on our toes, Gemini, and we’re enjoying the show!
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
You get along swimmingly with the Sun, Neptune and Mercury in fellow-water sign Pisces, bringing a sweet flow to your 9th House of travel and adventure. You’re wanting wide open pastures or perhaps a seaside retreat as it might only be nature that satisfies your romantic wanderlusting this month. You may find yourself in the presence of spiritual gurus or lots of yoga classes that confirms your belief that there’s magic and meaning just beneath the surface of tension, as the Mercury retrograde reminds you of the limitations of reality. You are due to let off a little steam, especially on March 6th when the Sun and Neptune combine for maximum disco ball effect. Coincidentally, that falls on the same day as the New Moon so before you escape to Neverland, make sure to set some solid intentions around the otherworldly adventure you’d like to invite in. Uranus does the electric slide into Taurus, landing in your House of Friends and staying there for the next 7 years. This can revolutionize your community, bringing exciting opportunities to network with future colleagues who help you shape and arrive at a refreshed dream. Either way, it looks as if an exciting new crop of people – perhaps of the earthy, artistic, counter-culture variety – may be involved in this shake up. Mars is also lighting up this social house this month, so get out of the living room, Cancer! There are people to meet! On or around the 14th, 20th and 26th show the most promise.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Your 8th House of sex and your saucy inner self is lit up by the trio of Mercury, Neptune and the Sun, meaning you’ll be feeling a little more fascinated by secrets, either yours or someone else’s. This can certainly set a mood, but be in the spirit of discovery as Mercury is retrograde (what you see is not always what you get!) and with Pisces energy, feelings can come and go. When the fog clears at month’s end, you’ll know what’s real and what, if anything, is left after the deep dive into the sea of feeling. Meanwhile, stubbornly feisty Mars in Taurus rips across the top of your chart perhaps bringing a shining moment of boldness to your career scene. And the moment continues, because Uranus – planet of unexpected change and revolution – is heading for this same public sector of your chart for the next 7 years! If people thought they had your type pegged, guess again. You may even be surprised by what’s turning heads in your direction these days. Stay open to opportunities to bring more of your revolutionized self to the word at large. You may have to be willing to step out on the ledge – Uranus loathes our comfort zone – but it’s the thrill of being an answer to what the collective craves that thrills you.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
Surprises can make Virgo nervous, but planet of the unexpected – Uranus – is heading into your 9th House of travel and higher education. Luckily, the revolutionary change-maker is making a supportive angle so it shouldn’t be anything too rip roaring. You may find that you’re dissatisfied with the status quo, and that could make you either want to pursue an educational track that allows you to change it or perhaps get of town to shoot conscious content with a threadbare crew and a dream. The baseline is you’re feeling gutsy and interested in gaining some fresh experience by doing something out of the norm. A romantic glow is lighting up your 7th House of one-on-one partnership, although things could feel a little diffuse with the Sun, Neptune and Mercury retrograde in dreamy, evasive Pisces. People are acting as mirrors, so be prepared to be shown the best and less best about you as you interact with partners. You may be in the mood to deeply bond, but someone may feel just out of reach. However, even if someone was right there it’s hard to satiate the sort of romantic craving that a Sun/Neptune in Pisces hungers for. This “high” may be best reached through art or dramatic love scenes on the big screen. Your friend Mars in Taurus is giving you oodles of perseverance in your 3rd House of communication, so you won’t shy from research, spirited discussion and collecting the information you need to get on your way. You may also want to bring things up in the moment, rather than letting anything fester. The only thing Virgos hate more than surprises is confrontation, and Mars-in-Taurus in the 3rd House favors you being forthright.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Odds and ends in work may send you in hilarious circles, if you keep a sense of humor about it. This is because the Sun, Neptune and Mercury retrograde are dancing to the beat of their own drum in your 6th House of work, service and health. While it may be necessary to close some open loops and deal with a little tedium to increase productivity, ultimately this energy may be best applied to implementing self-care and creativity into your regular day-to-day routine. You’re realizing how important your spiritual health is, and this Pisces energy can help you intuit practical solutions to get back to your balanced self. Uranus, planet of shock and awe, is taking up residence in that area of your chart corresponding to sex, death and other people’s money. No you’re (probably) not going to die, but there’s some inner-resistance to change and transformation that Uranus will spotlight in its own trickster fashion (usually suddenly, without warning, with the purpose of you evolving to keep this fresh and honest). Venus, your favorite planet as it has to do with sugar and spice and everything nice, will be sending lots of love to your 5th House of love affairs and creativity. Some fun evenings out kvetching with friends about what Uranus has in store for your sex life may be due. Don’t forget to celebrate on the beautiful Full Moon in your sign on October 2oth – also the same day that the Sun bursts above the horizon into Aries and your romantic 7th House of partnership. Ooh la la!
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
The consortium of Pisces planets blends well with your water sign, and serves to add some action and imagination to your house of love, recreation and creativity. Taking a load off may be an understatement for what you feel like doing, as Pisces energy can seek the nearest escape, be it the bar or high art. Old lovers could return or old creative avenues revisited, but the idea is to use this richness as fuel for what you desire and enjoy the colorful zigzag of impulses that will flash across your screen. There’s still plenty of responsibility and serious, immediate commitments to focus on with the heft of Pluto and Saturn in your 3rd House of Communication and Commerce. Getting ahead of emails, nailing the right tone and seeing the world through such an ambitious lens can be tiresome, if fortifying. The balm for all this expertise-hunting, is found heartfelt adventures, where you’re able to scale back and absorb the big, beautiful view. That may mean taking the elevator up to the 69th floor, but whatever instances of perspective you can get, the better. It’s also worth mentioning that sexpot Mars in Taurus is hunting your companionship in the 7th House of relationships. Whether or not this corresponds in finding your twin flame (or just experiencing an uptic in your current situation), it suggests that divine appointments with fiery types are on the calendar whether you’ve scheduled them or not. If you haven’t felt your heart race lately, stay awake on the 6th, 13th, 14th, 20th and 26th.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
Yes lucky Jupiter in your sign is still making (most) things turn up roses for you. Don’t fret if you feel like you experienced the winter ceremony of having your hedges clipped so your blooms grow back more resplendent than ever in the spring. The lucky planet is in your sign until December, so dust yourself off and get ready to grow. Just remember Jupiter is both the planet of great gain and great loss. The latter only coming if we fail to act upon opportunity or talent simply because it comes just a little too easily to be trusted, or thought of as worthy of our nurturing. The Sun, Neptune and Mercury retrograde are making a splash in your 4th House of Home and Family. You may be doing a lot of tinkering, space clearing and re-arranging due to such a build up of imaginative energy here (although Mercury retrograde could include repairs or confounding domestic details coming light). A beautiful New Moon on the 6th of March begs attention to this area, perhaps seeding creative ideas to bring the feeling of springtime into your physical space or even feeling like you have to say goodbye to things that have gone stale for you. This could be a bit of a pull of up your sleeves and get to work month with the energy of Mars in persistent Taurus in your 6th house of work and organization. Money seems to be on the mind as well, and you’re looking squarely at any blind spots in earning and spending in the interest of financial empowerment. (Hint: Don’t forget about the amazing (free!) financial courses at the Actor’s Fund). Venus, planet of love, is sending some opportunities for brainy flirtations as she crosses into your 3rd House of Communication. If love is to be found, it looks like it’s right in your neighborhood…or the one you’re with.
Capricorn (December 22nd – Jan 19th)
The change this month, Capricorn, is Uranus moving into a lovely angle to your Sun after being a frictional one for the past 8 years. Changes are coming for us all, but with the planet of shock and awe in fellow earth sign Taurus, it could be a little less … stressful for earth and water signs. Also, the area where your Uranian wake-up call is ringing is your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity (pick your favorite). Expecting the unexpected over the next 7 years is a lot of this planet to ask, but at the very least be open to surprising yourself in your creative projects, your romantic selections or attitude on children. It can be quite an exciting and vitalizing time, where we’re asked to revolutionize how we show up in certain areas of our life. Mercury retrograde is meanwhile causing you to backtrack and stay flexible when it comes to your day-to-day schedule. When the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, you’ll be feeling more fiery, but until then, it’s best to respond to people who reach out to you rather than pushing yourself into anyone’s inbox; unless of course you’re tracking down copy, credit, meals or cash from an old project, as Mercury retrograde loves blasts from the past. Seed intentions (especially around writing projects) on March 6th.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
Venus moves in, Aquarius! A certain seductive charm envelops you in the month of March as the planet of love and beauty chooses you until dropping you like a bad habit on the 26th. Eat it up! In other news, Uranus is moving into your 4th House of Home and Family for the next 7 years meaning you’ll feel this change-seeking planet down to your roots. This could translate as yearning for a change of scenery as you’re ready to shake things up and look at what really makes you tick from the inside out. Mars is also charging through this private sector of your chart this month, so expect a lot of action around the home. Finding a healthy way to vent all this hot energy and get in touch with entrenched layers of feeling and instinct is key. Lucky Jupiter continues to bring helpful people your way and highlight community that believes in your long-term hopes and dreams. There may be a bit of a re-shuffle this month. This is not to confuse you, but more to shake out any accumulated dust so you can burst into Spring. Keep your sense of humor as Mercury will be retrograde and testing your attachment to old sure things – from income streams to physical objects. The Universe is trying to make you look at the inner picture – your feelings, your space, people in your space – so you can more accurately draw the map of the long-term plan.
February 2019 Horoscopes for Actors
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
We’re in it now. 2019 is in full swing with the 2ndmonth leading us into what promises to be an expansive, if pressure cooker, of a year. With the 2 illuminating, fateful eclipses of January behind us and no planets in retrograde, it’s full steam ahead … although not without our commitment and elbow grease. Yes, the Sun has moved out of get-thee-to-the-top-of-the-mountain Capricorn and into the electric air of inclusive, forward-thinking Aquarius, but Saturn and Pluto remain in this relentlessly persevering earth sign, reminding us glory comes to those who set their vision and truck on.
Venus is now in Capricorn (long romantic sigh for the lost art of commitment?) and Mars moves out of fiery Aries and into earthy Taurus on the 14th, shifting us into a more grounded place where we actually have more time to take stock of what we got going last month, and then consciously build upon it. We also can celebrate Chinese New Year on the 5th(re-do!) and the qualities of steadfastness, sincerity and gentleness that the Year of the Pig reveres. Even in these times of trouble, it seems the opportunity is to generate equanimity and illuminate truth and integrity through art; which takes the discipline of staying connected and clear in your vision.
Aquarius (Jan 19th– Feb 18th)
We kick off the month with a New Moon on February 4thin your rebellious, free-thinking sign. It’s time to slough off the constrictive, if productive streak, of last month’s Capricorn domination and seed one of your signature, hairbrained ideas on or near this day. On the 3rdVenus goes into hiding in your 12thHouse of spirituality and surrender, promising some quiet moments and perhaps making a partner seem more enigmatic than usual. Until the Sun goes into Pisces on the 18th, your sign is the center of the solar system, so it’s time to be a super Aquarian, think outside the box and be willing to stand in your enlightened weirdness. Take full advantage of the Mars in assertive, fire-sign Aries until the 14thto get your point across. After that, Mars will slow down a bit in Taurus and ask that you back up your idea with persistent, plodding action forward which can feel irritatingly predictable to Aquarius. Focus on February 3rdand 4thto really set the tone for the rest of the month. It's best to take action in the first half after which the Sun slips into the dreamy landscape of Pisces.
Pisces (Feb 19th– March 20th)
The Sun is heading your way! Until then, February 18thto be exact, life may feel a bit like a behind-the-scenes tour with the Sun behind the veil of the free-associating, dreamscape of the 12thHouse. This doesn’t mean you won’t be productive, but the “real world” with all its timelines and technological dependence, may feel a bit out of reach or even unimportant compared to the inner work. On the 3rd, Venus shifts into the more compatible sign of Capricorn and activates your 11thHouse of long-term vision and helpful community. If you are feeling social, sharing vibrations with conscious community will feel supportive as you reformulate seal your 2019 game plan. The Full Moon on the 19thin Virgo brings attention to the area of one-on-one partnership. Something artistically refreshing on the 6thor 7thas the Moon floats through Pisces, will cement a cozy feeling of connection and give you a reboot. When the Sun bursts into your 1stHouse of personality around the 18th, you’ll feel a lot more directed. In the meantime, soak up the inspiration and take some cues from the inspirational people around you.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
You’ve got the firepower of active Mars in your sign until the 14thso if you’ve been running ramshod into excitement and chaos, you can blame this action planet for getting something started recently; even if it wasn’t necessarily what you asked for. This urgent pace of this fish-out-water energy is also due to the last lick of spirited (stressful, unexpected, titillating) Uranus in your sign, which graduates into Taurus next month. You’ve had to grow a different skill set and being willing to roll with the punches for quite a while, but you’re about to have a nice exhale. Your 11thHouse of Community and Long-Term Goals is also highlighted until mid-month by the Sun in Aquarius, delivering opportunities to connect with your tribe and show up as a firebrand in your circle of influence. The biggest news for Aries is probably the re-entrance of the asteroid Chiron into your sign, which ushers in a certain intensity and even mini personal crisis when it comes to recovering your true self. Of course, this is great grist for the actor’s mill and can expand your shapeshifting abilities through a heightened awareness of what makes you tick. If there are places you’re not asserting yourself (authentically) or feel your individuality is not being honored, you’ll start to get those messages loud and clear. The great thing about Chiron is it doesn’t dish up the awareness without a clear path to fix it. It ends up energizing you, but yes you may run up against some old patterns that you were heretofore oblivious to. The
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
You’ve got action planet Mars headed your way, which means after the 14thyou’ll be primed for action and feeling your yes’s. This is your warm-up month for when Uranus, planet of offbeat surprises, re-enters your sign for what promises a certain makeover of your life, if just on an energetic level. This month is a great time to contemplate what really makes you tick and map a vision that you download from quiet moments of reflection. With a packed 12thHouse, you may be feeling a bit more ponderous and even out-of-control than usual, which can help you figure out what it is on a soul level you feel you’re missing, if anything. With a lot of cosmic support from fellow earth sign Capricorn in your 9thHouse, you’ve been doing some re-structuring and thinking big about how you want to refresh your current direction – either through education, or re-rooting in the “why” behind what you do. Don’t take these thoughts for granted even if you haven’t quite acted on them yet. You’re about to care a lot less about what people think about you (thanks Uranus), so get used to falling forward knowing that what is truly yours won’t go anywhere. Mark the days around the 19thwhen to celebrate yourself when the Full Moon in the supportive earth of Virgo lights up your 5thHouse of creativity, fun and self-expression.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
The Sun sparkles in fellow air sign Aquarius until the 18thtriggering a certain enthusiasm and openness for life, or a dream of escaping the humdrum and diving into more exotic experiences. If you can bring this wilderness of the mind to your daily pursuits, the sense of adventure will follow you and you may develop a taste for surprises. Sweet days are the 13thand 14thwhen the Moon enters your sign and Mars downshifts into earthy Taurus offering a little relief from the relentless myopia of work and focus on the big picture. Interesting and unexpected community you surround you, at least the first half of the month, as Uranus, Mars and Mercury send sparks in your House of Networking. This intense social energy will begin to naturally ebb starting the 10th, and you’ll enter a more creative period where you can hear your own thoughts. Jupiter (optimism, opportunity, good luck) continues to light up your 7thHouse of Relationship, so keep thoughts positive and say yes to fun opportunities to create partnership or build upon an existing twosome in 2019.
Cancer (June 20th– July 22nd)
It seems the skies drift by with less storms for Cancer this month. A bunch of planets moving into water and earth signs help create a softness and flow in which you can find your groove, after the heave ho of January. Venus, Goddess of Love and Luxury, creates an opposition to your Sun this month, demanding you give some attention to relationships, indulge in self-care, and even do or buy something fancy! When assertive Mars enters compatible, earthy Taurus on the 14th, things start to take shape and you can see the headway you’ve made from giving off sparks last month. Finally, on the 18th, the Sun enters a fellow friendly water sign Pisces and you come into the limelight even more with those extra sun beams of support. Waaaait for it. Indeed, the guiding light for the collective this year, represented by the North Node of the Moon, is in your sign. Consciously nurturing causes, creative family and heartfelt projects is where the gold is. The learning curve will be a little less steep for you than the rest of us, so don’t discount what already comes easy. In many ways, security is an inside job and the more you can attune to your heart’s desires and allow them to inform your actions, the better the year gets. Remember to set intentions at the New Moon of February 4tharound themes of intimacy, authenticity and a deep dive into self.
Leo (July 23rd– August 22nd)
A New Moon on February 4thlights up your 7thHouse of One-on-One Romance and/or business partnership, begging the question: are you getting what you want? If not, this is a time to spruce up your love life and make sure you’re on the same page. The Sun will also take up residence in this romantic house and increase your visibility giving you an opportunity to find balance and beauty either in partnership or creative pursuits. Partners may also be more demonstrative; you can thank your good vibes. Jupiter in fellow friendly fire continues to fan your flames, bringing oodles of opportunity to your 5thHouse of self-expression, creativity and children (don’t say you weren’t warned). Meanwhile, after Mars has been hard-charging in fiery Aries, this war god moves into Taurus and your 10thHouse of Career; not too shabby for the cosmic showboat. The underlying theme this month is to see and be seen – show your work in one way or the other, even if it’s just to get some constructive feedback. Surprises and the unexpected may also factor in strongly here, so be ready for anything (passport, packed bag, to quit your day job, get on a plane with Bradley Cooper and perform for an apoplectic crowd of adoring fans). As they say, shoot for the Moon and you might … (fill in the blank).
Virgo (August 23rd– September 21st)
The Sun’s shift into your 6thHouse of Work, Health and Service lights up where you’ve perhaps let self-care slide away from your priorities. Whether that’s re-committing to a New Year’s exercise goal or getting an accountability buddy for a daily ritual, there’s plenty of clarity about what you need to make your day-to-day life reflect more of your goals. And because of the Aquarian vibe here this month, there’s power in group accountability, as well as embracing rituals and routines that seem a little ahead of the curve. You’ve got a supportive angle from Venus is stately Capricorn, upping your swagger and bringing those magnetic vibes to bear on your 5thHouse of love affairs, creativity and self-expression. If there’s a way to mix business and pleasure this month, that would be the sweet spot. You’re in the mood to have some fun, but you’d like a responsible angle due to not just Venus here, but also the serious coupling of Pluto and Saturn. You’re getting an opportunity, to change your love script and mature your relationships. You’d do well to write, sing or act about it because this stuff could get deep. The world may also net partners that make clear there's room for improvement here, whether your improvement or theirs. The key here is authenticity and maturity. Pluto in this saucy love house demands that we look at where we’ve accepted or given less than we’re capable of – and this can apply as much to creativity. Look forward to the 18th, when the Sun bursts above the horizon line in your chart and into your 7thHouse of balance, beauty and equal partnership. The 19thushers in the illuminating and rebooting energy of Full Moon in your sign – bringing clarity to something on your heart.
Libra (September 22nd– October 22nd)
Alpha-energy Mars has been poking and prodding you from across the sky, perhaps bringing some heat to relationships. This fire and desire for connection continues, even after Mars leave hot Aries. On the February 14th, Mars enters sensual, slow-moving Taurus and your 8thHouse of sex, intimacy and transformation. A rare stubborn streak could arise in you, and you could find yourself as the other half of a transformative conflict but somehow more libidinous at the same time. Conundrum? The ability to feel your anger and express it in some healthy way may be on the path this month. Watch out for instincts to hide or silence it, as it will only come up later. We all know you like to keep things nice, but the bud will only grow if not nipped or at least acknowledged. Meanwhile, the all-powerful Sun is lighting you up with a friendly angle in the sector of your chart having to do with creative impulses, children and love affairs. It appears you’ll be able to attract in the right playmates that provide plenty of fodder for storytelling and mutual enjoyment. There’s a New Moon on February 4ththat would benefit from your clear intentions in these areas. Your 4thHouse of Home, Family and Roots continues to be under the microscope, really making your look at your foundations and perhaps purge anything in the inner space that’s clogging your flow. You are truly in a position to balance the scales this month with equal parts naughty and nice.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21st)
Money is on the mind, and the prospects aren’t bad with lucky Jupiter in your 2ndHouse of Income all year. Attractive Venus has also been joining the party, so at the very least you’ll be taking a look at what you value, how much you truly need to support your lifestyle, and hopefully opportunity-laden Jupiter has been meeting you halfway with some exciting cashflow. Fiery Mars enters your 7thHouse of Partnership, so they’ll be some excitement in the one-on-one arena of romance and business. In addition to be the house of committed romance, its lesser known title is the House of Open Enemies – so if you’ve got simmer beef with someone, this could also be the month the heat rises. Fingers crossed. In either case, expect some pulse-racing action even though yes, Mars is in slow, sensual, stubborn Taurus which may give you a run for your own stubborn streak. Pluto continues to sharpen your tongue and your sense of truth as it pulls at the roots of your 3rdHouse of Communication. The way you speak to someone or they speak to you could trigger the fight-or-flight response – as your mind is primed to perceive potential threats but also to powerfully step into your vocal power, expressing your opinions and boundaries in no uncertain terms.
Sagittarius (November 22nd– December 21st)
Well you already know how to go big, and this year continues to ask you to go bigger. Of course, it’s also asking you to ground down, especially in your 2ndHouse of Finances, values and material needs. Taking a more scrupulous eye towards your spending and accumulation may be part of lightening your load enough so you really can take off and expand your persona and presence in fresh, new ways. Only you know what needs attention, but you’re definitely being guided to put some effort in this most practical arena and maybe bank some coinage while you’re having a growth spurt. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 4thopens a doorway for opportunity in your 3rdHouse of Communication and Commerce. There could be opportunity to take that act … online! Look to how you can expand your presence in inventive, tech-friendly ways and expect an uptick in demands for your time and attention. You’d do well to not say yes to everything (and there will be copious invites!), so gird yourself against the onslaught. You’re positioned for financial gain, and anything that excessively drains your energy could take you away from opportunities you really need to show up fully for.
Capricorn (December 22nd– Jan 19th)
Some of the pressure is released, as the heat of the Sun has moved out of your sign and into the next one of Aquarius and love and be-loved Venus enters your sign and 1stHouse of personality on February 4th. Yes, hard-driving Saturn and Pluto continue to be here as well, promising that work and purpose may steal your box #1, but there’s definitely a lovely sheen this month and opportunities to engage fans and wear nice shoes come into play. After the 14th, you regain even more balance as sexy Mars enters earthy Taurus and your 5thHouse of love affairs and creativity. The Cosmos seem to want to offer you some retreat or less serious way of channeling all that energy. Indeed, we’ve all been feeling the pressure of the get-your-act-together Capricorn stellium. However, you may start to see some tangible rewards of your efforts. A New Moon on the February 4thasks that you seed intentions around new ways of earning money and sharpening your business model. You’re ready to reveal a new face to the world, one that is more authentic, deeply rooted and powerful; Venus is also offering her charms this month lessen your intimidation factor and remind you that the mask of quiet dignity can also be sexy. Good days to schedule enjoyment are the 10th, 16th, 19th, 20thand 27th.
January 2019 Horoscopes
*as first seen on Backstage online magazine
Happy New Year! There’s definitely something in the air on New Year’s Day with the serious, get-to-business Sun/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn casting a solemn air of this-better-be-the-year, or else! You may have to remind your ego that the path to greatness never did run smooth, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be THE year. We begin with a timely contraction after the turbulence of the holiday season, as part of us is drawn into our inner wilderness to reflect on what’s really important for us in 2019. Also, there are two powerful eclipses this year – on the 5th (new beginnings) and on the 20th (it’s a wrap!) – so what needs a pivot in your life will not be shy.
The desire to build something lasting and of value is strong this year; while the Sun will transit out of Capricorn in January, taskmaster Saturn and Pluto will stay in this ambitious earth sign most of the year and ask that we get real about our goals and clear the head clutter. Distractions and illusions will show themselves for what they are - simply distraction and illusions. Priorities are making themselves known to us through the repetition of themes and in-the-flow opportunities, even if they’re not the ones you would choose.
Mercury is NOT retrograde for once, and now is the time to both be decisive and to act. With Mars (action, assertiveness, courage) going into the fiery, can-do sign of Aries on January 1st, there couldn’t be better time for initiation and a firm commitment to what we’ve deemed essential for ourselves. And let’s not forget, this is also a year to dream big and shoot our arrows far; royal Jupiter flies with the inextinguishable fire of Sagittarius and all of us are positioned to live it up. Growth comes from believing in the impossible – in what we cannot see and what some would even say was unreasonable and foolish! Hello, actors, activists, music makers! Matched with belief, baby steps and consistency, the impossible takes form this year.
Let’s do this.
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
Capricorn (December 21st – Jan 18th)
Happy Birthday, Capricorn! You kick off the year with the centralizing Sun joining tough-as-nails Saturn for a powerful dollop of can-do energy and verve in January. And Saturn will be here until 2020 so don’t think you’re getting off easy. If you’ve felt like you were missing out on that hard-working, ambitious Capricorn streak … you’ll be getting intimately familiar with it. As the great astrologer Steven Forrest says: you have two choices with a Saturn transit – you can be depressed, or you can be exhausted from a job well done. End quote. In other words, you need a horse in the race this year; something personally meaningful to set your sights on – ¬then invite in the labor of love, the pursuit of excellence, the Triple Crown!
Not that you were ever a go-with-the-flow kind of personality, but it’s definitely a year to sharpen your edge and work towards your goals (or the energy turns inward and we can turn into self-pitying, excuse-laden goats). Where to start? Mars-in-Aries gives you a rocket booster in your 4th House of home, family and roots in January. It begins as an inside job – getting in touch with your healthy passion (anger, lust) and directing your inner life – your domestic space and appointed family – to be support beams. Clearing physical clutter (yes, Marie Kondo!), having it out with difficult family members (or is that you?), and coming to terms with the beast within can widen the runway for takeoff. Show up for yourself authentically and get your most intimate needs met – indeed, that lets the world know you’re ready to be seen and heard. You first.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
Well it’s the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, but it certainly feels like the season of Capricorn. With the cosmic juggernaut of the Sun, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn taking up residence in your mystical 12th House, there are certainly things you can’t explain, even with all the wattage of your brilliant intellect. Coming to terms with what you can’t control and surrendering to the magic of the moment, whatever it may bring, is part of the soul’s path this year. There are things you can control however; for one, robust Mars in Aries is firing up your impulses in your busy 3rd House of Communication making keeping your thoughts and ideas to yourself nearly impossible. You’ll crave the spice of life and the stimulation of minds as curiosity takes hold of you and puts you on a crash course with thoughts and ideas. Watch out for getting over-caffeinated, as you may have to contend with a foot in your mouth or two without a little self-control.
Luck comes through the vehicle of Jupiter – which lights up your House of Friends and Future Plans. This year, you do what you do best: connect! Opportunities to cross paths with people and ideas that take you to the forefront of the revolution, on a personal and universal level, is what fires up the greatest possibility. It’s the part of you that is willing to say what is unpopular or seemingly too wild for the times, that will light the way. Sometimes you have to be in that uncertain space in the middle, where you’re letting go of one vision and sensing another. It might not happen overnight, but you’re learning to see with your intuition and trust in the grandness of your vision. Well-chosen community helps you get there and chances are you’ll be the firebrand that stokes not only yourself, but others to new heights of influence.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
The constant this year is the magical, mystical, let-go-and-let-God sign of Neptune in your sign. The Universe may be trying to crack you like an egg, in a benevolent way of course, but if the future seems anything but clear, you’re probably in the majority of the Piscean population (check if Neptune on your Moon or crossing your Ascendant as well). Neptune is great for the imagination (and the anxiety), opening hearts (and experiencing vulnerability), and being guided by forces greater than ourselves, if you can brave trust in the uncertainty. It seems you are getting to the bottom of a long-range plan or vision, and being quite selective about your business associates thanks to a trifecta of earthy, believe-it-when-I-see-it Capricorn planets in your 11th House of friends and future plans. This offers a great balance to illusory Neptune. Getting specific about what can be accomplished is on your mind and you’re eager not to float for too much longer on the beautiful mess that can be a Neptune transit. Your lucky wild card, Jupiter, is helping you out in the career arena, dancing across the sky at the apex of your birth chart (the 10th house) inviting opportunities for visibility and career enhancement. The more you can showcase your fun, spontaneous side – even if you’ve been nearly forced to be spontaneous – the luckier you are. Pushing past your comfort zone, and being willing to step into the limelight and put your name on something might be part of the work this year. Something is letting you know where to place your efforts – it’s in that thing that seems to be already working that also fills you with hope, spirit and goodwill. You’re being challenged to believe in “it”– whatever it is – and re-formulate your future based on anticipated triumph on your increasingly focused agenda.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
Your favorite planet – impulsive Mars – lights up your January, as the God of War hungers for new projects and adventures in your own daring sign. Be wary of stepping on the gas pedal too heavily as there are checks and balances in the Cosmos – closer to the middle of the month – that test your ability to roll with the punches and be patient past inevitable delays and difficulties. Your mirror is definitely getting polished, so be thankful for any experiences that bring clarity and definition, even if they make you go hmmm. Jupiter in fellow fire sign Sagittarius is like a spirited coach telling you “yes you can” and indeed, some opportunities seem to slide into home unobstructed, especially when it comes to education, new experiences and travel. Where there may be blind spots is in your 4th House of Home and Family – your roots and literal domestic space – which seems to be undergoing a powerful change as transformative Pluto and taskmaster Saturn seems set to bulldoze deep-seeded beliefs or old ways that may be upending our revolution forward. You’re craving stability, and the quicker you can root out unstable behavior and focus your inner world, the quicker the right kind of opportunities to rebuild come your way. You’ve likely learned that even things you thought were certain have ways of surprising you (thanks Uranus is Aries for 7 years!) and now you’re free to re-build on a more solid foundation having learned the value of your independence and power of your resilience.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
A New Moon eclipse (super powerful new beginnings) occurs in your 9th House of travel on January 5th. You’ve probably just returned from your holiday, but this New Moon is about more than seeking new vistas; it’s time to set an intention that really excites you and brings fire to your belly that could include travel, but also new educational opportunities or anything that seems untrodden and worth exploring. Subsequently, a Full Moon Eclipse in Leo (powerful endings and shifts of energy) lights up your 4th House of Home and Family, and a domestic issue – which is neither good nor bad – could come to light; just thing change and the unexpected (also excitement and growth!). There are fire signs adding an impulsivity and adventurous vibe to the month, although it looks like it might not be just the time to act. The way you show up in relationship and how you deal with uncertainty could be sticking points this month and worth a brave inner expedition whether solo or with a trusted partner. Let’s not forget lucky Jupiter in your 8th House of Sex, although we have to meet that energy halfway and be willing to let things get a little hot before running out of the kitchen. You’re ready to show a new side of yourself, and as with any growth spurt, it can feel a bit overwhelming for a minute. Go with it and see what happens.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Intimacy is on the syllabus this year, and especially in January as the Sun, Saturn and Pluto in your 8th House of Sex, Death and Other People’s Money presses you to get real with yourself and a partner. You may be feeling especially in the petri dish, as Saturn and Pluto may be pressing you to excavate your depths and allow things to be complicated. You’ll have a New Moon Solar Eclipse (powerful new beginnings) here on January 5th. Conjunct Saturn, this may be begging for a firm commitment to your inner truth – and may pull you into a cave of introspection for a day or two. Balancing this intense energy however, is the bright fire of lucky Jupiter in your 7th House of romantic relationship bringing gifts and opportunities for shared adventure with a hodgepodge of playful, larger-than-life figures.
Where you'll have primal spark and oodles of initiative is conversation and curiosity, as Mars in fiery Aries burns through your busy 3rd House of Communication and Commerce. So even if you have no idea what’s going on in your intimate life, you’ll be able to get all sorts of points across with frightening aplomb and talk your way in and out of any situation. This is a time to get into action, Gemini, even if you don’t understand everything. Understanding is safety to you, but Jupiter is Sag requires faith, optimism and willingness to fall forward and embrace uncertainty that can’t be undone with logic. With the Full Moon Eclipse in Leo and the Sun’s shift into fellow air sign Aquarius on the 2otht, things seems to lighten up and understanding and acceptance of your recent journey clear the path for more fun ahead.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
As a Moon child, you may be especially affected by January’s powerful eclipses. The first one – the New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn – lights up your romantic house of partnership and clears the way to set powerful intentions around new relationship or re-igniting a current duo. Being specific about what you want from a partner, and commanding reciprocal support is key. Capricorn energy in your 7th House makes a grounded, authentic partner a necessary asset in your desired mate checklist. Later in the month on the 20th, things come to a head with the Full Moon Eclipse in Leo in your 12th House of sweet, sweet surrender. This could mean a clearing or let go of some kind, but ultimately, you’ll feel embraced by divine timing and know that everything is working out exactly as it should, even if that means change. The North Node – the lighthouse of the soul – is in your sign, meaning the more Cancer you can be this year, the better. Stepping more fully into your heart and opening up to your gifts of nurturing and sensitivity will serve you well. The spark of Mars fresh in Aries will light up your 10th House of Career, so get ready for some action around your public face, achievement and publicity – especially if you have been putting the work in. You still have the tough pair of Capricorn planets across the sky, asking that you get real with not only your most cherished goals but also with partners. You’re ready for big commitment, but you’re not willing to settle. Stick to your high standards and allow others to rise to the occasion.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
This may feel like a power year Leo, as you feel the warmth and support of that unstoppable Jupiter-in-Sagittarius energy forming a benevolent aspect to your Sun from the 5th House of Fun, Creativity and Risk. Yes, lean into the impossible and bring your bright presence to bear on creative and romantic pursuits as the Cosmos conspire to grow your influence. Yes, the beginning of the year starts out a little serious as quietly dignified New Moon in Capricorn has you stroking your goatee on December 5th, perhaps pondering all the work you have to do to build your empire. There’s certainly a lot of consider and check off the to-do list, but you’ll find a way to shine your light all the same. The Capricorn action (New Moon, Pluto, Saturn and the Sun) is lighting up your 6th House of Work, Service and Health – asking that you get your ducks in a row and humbly do the work that is required to position you well. No task is too small and it may be in the organizing of your day-to-day life and routines that you create the possibility of big magic. If you get stuck, call up a Virgo for a little tutorial in time management and productivity.
Mars lights up your 9th House of Travel in January, so you’ll definitely balance that intense workload and pressure to improve with some intrepid exploration and adventure. The thing is, you know what you’re working towards – so everything you do in service of this fun vision is just a labor of love. Pay special attention to what comes up on the powerful Lunar Eclipse in your sign on January 20th. The path ahead may feel clearer as the Sun enters your 7th House of Relationship that day as well – inviting partnerships that remind you of what life is all about.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
You’ve got a lot going on Virgo… Taskmaster Saturn and transformative Pluto are encouraging you to keep your head down and dive into this productivity streak and desire for excellence. With not only Saturn and Pluto but also the Sun (and a New Moon on the 5th), lighting up your 5th House of Creativity and Love, the Cosmos are also asking you step up your game and be uber authentic when it comes to partnerships and creative pursuits. Yes, they may be challenging but you’re growing a new skin so trust the process. What really lights your fire may involve a degree of contraction and focus. This can feel like heavy energy, but ultimately, it’s turning up the dial on your personal power and asking that you leave parts outgrown behind and step into your benevolent bossy energy.
Expansive Jupiter is adding a very different, and welcome energy through a growth-oriented square aspect to your Sun. It’s like you’re being forced to consider the big picture and opportunities could arise that put your life on a new course. As you step up your game and focus your spotlight, it seems the world responds in kind. There could be some lingering confusion and necessity to go with the flow (for now), as foggy Neptune also squares your Sun and encourages you stay open and not force an outcome just yet. A Full Moon Eclipse in Leo on the 20th could be especially illuminating so see what clears after that day and beyond. For now, taking up space and showing up authentically is enough to set the wheels of destiny in motion. Take on projects you can do excellently and feel free to delegate or simply shelve the rest as you need your energy for essentials.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Easy, breezy, lovey Libras couldn’t care less for the onslaught of solemnity and pressure that all this Capricorn and Scorpio energy bring. We start the year with the Moon and Venus is simmering, introspective Scorpio so pillow time with intimates may be best – if not by a fire with an all-consuming book. Re-fueling for the New Year may require some social withdrawal and deep thoughts as the square to Pluto, Saturn and Sun in ambitious, get-real Cap ask that you choose your mountain and outfit in practical gear. There’s still some volatile and passionate fire energy happening, and this month – if not this year – will cash in on your penchant to find balance amidst the chaos of choices.
Action-packed Mars is leading the charge, setting off fireworks and new plans of attack in the realm of relationship; it could be a partner that is offering the spark you need to keep your flame burning. Lucky Jupiter has landed in your 3rd House of Communication and Commerce for the year, promising an effervescent and busy time of correspondence, meetings and greetings while you are challenged to stay the course and take one plodding footstep after another. Staying close to home – and indulging in “village life” – may be where the fun is at so it’s nice to know you don’t have to go far for the adventure. Your intellect is also firing on all cylinders and you’re hungry to learn about exotic subjects, foods and any information that keeps your wheels turning. Jupiter in that 3rd House of Communication also proffers a prolific streak – so if you’ve been wanting to get off that treatment, novel or show, Jupiter will want you to bite off more than you can chew, power through it and edit later; good medicine.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
You start the year with Venus – Goddess of Love and Beauty – in your sign, so you may have won best-dressed at your NYE affair. It’s complicated cosmic weather, and complications are where you shine with your ability to cut to the bottom line and stay the course under immense pressure. Some steam is released by planet Mars in go-getter Aries lighting up your 6th House of work and health. You may be really committing to a new health regiment and ready tweak your rituals and routines to brings some zest to your day-to-day life. The small, powerful changes you can make every day truly reverberate to the rest of your life, so say yes to sweat right now.
The lucky planet – Jupiter – is lighting up your 2nd House of Income, so it looks like there will some opportunity to earn more money as you step out of your comfort zone and ask for more. This planet is only here once every 12 years, so don’t be shy; the worst someone can say is no and if it means passing on small opportunities to make room for well-paying ones, so be it. Use that Scorpionic will and intimidating eye contact to cut to the chase and get what you deserve. Intentions for the New Year are best set on December 5th when the New Moon Eclipse lights up your 3rd House of Communication and conjoins Saturn. Writing goals? A commitment to your voice being seen and heard? Having authentic, powerful talks with friends and lovers? Pick something challenging and juicy and this powerful eclipse energy needs a worthy, seemingly impossible challenge. Finally, a Full Moon in Leo brings a little more joy and clarity – lighting up your 10th House of Career and Honors. Something may eclipse out of the life, but if it does, trust a new and better opportunity to showcase your talents will arrive.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
You start the year strong Sagittarius, and truly have the wind at your sails for the remainder with Jupiter acting as a staunch cosmic guardian, life coach and luck maker. Of course, the “success” of Jupiter in your sign depends largely on you, your aims and what you’ve been up to … but at the very least it offers a vitalizing and optimistic energy capitalizing on what’s best about you. If you don’t win the lottery, don’t blame the astrologer! It’s not all fun and games at month’s beginning however, as a somber and sacred New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn plumps up your 2nd House of Money (the Sun, Pluto and Saturn here as well begging your attention in this financial security zone).
This cosmic traffic jam asks that you set some sober intentions around yes, money!! You’re ready for authentic stability and security which can mean anything from saving and wise investments to a thoughtful reflection on what you really value and is worthy of your time and energy. Truly, now is the time to get quiet and focus on what you want to build – especially since Jupiter is a wild manifesting energy. Thoughts becomes things, so choose them consciously and wish well on that New Moon of December 5th. Things can happen quickly so you’ll want to keep you heart on the prize – or more importantly, basking in the wondrous feeling of what’s to come. Stay open! Mars in fellow fire sign Aries will lead you into new and daring creative adventure (yes, love affairs included) so you’re replete with cosmic allies that foster your bravery. The only word of caution would be to be careful of excess – Sag energy is wonderful, and/but can be reckless and burn opportunities as much as create them. Steady as you go and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime whether it ends up being the one you choose or the one chosen for you; sometimes even better!
DECEMBER 2018 Horoscopes for Actors
*As first seen on Backstage online
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
This is a month of shaking out all that we’ve been storing up since the confrontational retrogrades of Venus and Mercury. Venus is now direct, and will only glow brighter when she’s out of her “shadow period” on December 17th (basically returning to the place in the Zodiac right before she hurled herself into the underworld of our consciousness and sent relationships spinning like a top.) She will be in Scorpio however, so there’s still a simmering intensity to relationships, only most of us have been purged of some of the sticky drama that may have reared its head interpersonally. Mercury goes direct on the 6th, making for clearer minds, and when the communication planet enters charismatic provocateur Sag on the 12th, we’ll brave a month of bawdy humor and strong opinions. With Jupiter and the Sun in Sagittarius, we have a double dollop of this optimistic energy which will provide some much-needed good cheer and a certain go-to spirit even if we feel like we’ve been spelunking blind. A brilliant New Moon in Sagittarius lights up possibility on the 7th encouraging seeds of intent to be planted in our mind’s eye. And lastly, a cozy, nostalgia-inducing Full Moon in Cancer will envelop us on December 22nd – almost as if the feeling of Christmas comes early. Take a moment to be grateful for this juicy and revelatory year of shock, awe and transformation. We may not have liked it all, but wake-up calls and the progress that follows aren’t always comfortable.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
Let the good times roll, Sagittarius. While Jupiter, fresh in your sign since November 8th, is advertised as the lucky planet (and it is!), it’s also pushing you past your comfort zone. This could mean that it could get hairy right before the luck rolls in. Jupiter is incredibly great at letting us know where we’ve been playing small. While “small” is not usually a descriptive term in the same breath as Sagittarius, it’s a good time to pay attention to what actively scares/excites you – and inch towards it. December is your kick-off month, as not only is Jupiter shining its blessings upon you, but the Sun is also with you, making sure you’re making an impact or at least the big ideas are spinning. This is a time to have faith in yourself, even if you don’t have the exact, right experience to back you up. Bah! And yes, the mystical Mars/Neptune conjunction is making everyone a little ponderous at the moment, but December is the month to start dreaming so no time to waste. The 2nd half of the month will be the most action-packed, as A New Moon lights up in your sign on the 7th (set those intentions around how you want to feel) and busy Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 12th making sure you have the intellectual chutzpah to get this party started. Enjoy it!
Capricorn (December 21st – Jan 18th)
The Sun won’t enter your sign until December 21st meaning the light of consciousness will be lighting up your 12th House, which can always make for a reflective and even reclusive month. That said, it’s certainly not a time out, but it could be a great month to meditate and get clear. And clear is paramount this year, as you’re learning the art of discipline, follow-through and jettisoning needless drama from your life. This is because you’ve got Saturn, the taskmaster, in your sign all year and Saturn rubs our noses in anything that’s not working until we make a change that helps us feel grounded, authentic and on our path, whatever that may be. It’s the ultimate time to “get real” and this commitment can have real pay offs, and we’re also blessed with the sort of productive spark that can make things happen. One thing to note: communication can feel a little murky and you may want to reserve permission to change your mind (especially before the 6th when Mercury is still in retrograde). The pairing of Mars and Neptune in spacey/magical/compassionate Pisces and your 3rd House of communication can certainly make for excellent shape-shifting as an actor, but you may show an uncharacteristic stroke of wishy-washiness or even catch the flakes, if you don’t really check in with yourself before saying “yes” to everything. In short: you may feel like biting off more than you can chew, but if you stick to the essentials, you’ll have a holiday full of quality connections, over quantity.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
When Venus, planet of love and beauty, enters smoldering Scorpio on the 6th, you stand to benefit from an energetic 90-degree aspect (a square) to your Sun. This can bode well for Aquarians, as Venus in Scorpio can warm you up and heat up your appetite for connection. You’ll have to say yes and put in a little effort, as squares don’t run on autopilot but the possibility for a glamorous, intimate holiday is in the offing if you prioritize it. Meanwhile the energetic pairing of the Sun and Jupiter are doubling down on this social theme, lighting up your 11th House of friends, especially the kind that can net connections in your field. It’s not a month to play a 4th House Cancer in other words. It’s time to get out there and work it, own it. Your vision for the New Year needs to circulate and it’s in group gatherings where scintillating meetings of the minds awaits and your path crystallizes. One thing to look out for is overspending as impulsive Mars links with go-with-the-flow Neptune this month in your 2nd House of finances. You’d do well to make a list and stick a pre-ordained plan as you may thing everything a shiny object if not! Plan something out of the ordinary around the New Moon in Sagittarius (and this social 11th House) on December 7th.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
You’ve got an interesting combination this month, Pisces. Action-packed Mars is your sign, but foggy Neptune is traveling right alongside it making for a sort of push-pull energy. You may feel a little like a kid in a candy store with a bout of indecisive – of course that could just be a Tuesday for dreamy Pisces. Actions that are purely ego driven or based on some false sense of urgency or insecurity tend to backfire, especially when Neptune is at play. There is a glow of compassion and an uptick in synchronicity available to you, and some magical doors could open if you release expectations. It’s one of those month’s you may feel like you can’t go directly for what you want, but create the sort of inner space that attracts it to you. It may sound woo woo, but you’re a feeling-based sign who probably has experienced how emotions can magnetize things toward or away from you depending on the quality of your charge. Your imagination is definitely humming, and this could actually be a quite romantic time where you’re feeling idealistic about love. You’ve got the good-luck combo of the Sun and Jupiter in your 10th House of Career, so it seems however you go about it, the adoring public will be watching.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
You love having Jupiter in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, lighting up your 9th House of travel, education and exotic experiences. The sojourn of Jupiter is here is just beginning, so this could be the month to buy a map and start throwing darts. While Jupiter in Sagittarius could equate to literal travel for you in the months ahead, the bigger picture is giving yourself permission to explore and grow in new directions. You’re ready to expand but easy on the gas pedal in December. You actually might be feeling a little distaste for the “real world” as go-getter Mars and dreamy Neptune “hide” in your 12th House, forcing you to go with the flow – your least favorite pastime. However, this abruptly ends on December 31st where fiery Mars enters your sign for what could be an unexpectedly wild New Year’s Eve. Unpredictable Uranus is also lighting up your chart as well, so welcome the unexpected – it may just be an exercise in observing the drama and letting it go, and it could also be quite exciting. You’ve definitely proven your mettle in handling the unpredictable, so the last spike of this electric energy is solidifying what you discovered over the last 7 years and giving you a chance to send it out with a bang.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
You may feel like your long-term goals are shifting as fluid Neptune and action-packed Mars are rooting around your 11th House of future hopes and dreams. The 11th House also rules the company we keep, and this cosmic combination puts seductive energy into the ether that may attract a new creative ensemble. Another big focus this month is your 8th House of Other People’s Money, Sex and Transformation. This is a complex area for the Sun and Jupiter to play in, and Jupiter will be here all next year! Meaning? You’re swimming in the emotional depths and feeling inspired to dive deeper, explore sexual passions and relate on a whole other level. It may feel a little overwhelming to sure-footed Taurus, but you’re getting some practice in losing the plot and continuing on with your story anyway. The show must go on! Sometimes the best things happen when you’re forced to excavate personal resources you didn’t even know you had. Make some room for the mystical and unknowable this month as it will serve your transformation in the year ahead with Jupiter in the deep waters of the 8th House.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
The fun is going on in your 7th House of relationship, as the bold Sun and jolly Jupiter light up the part of your chart associated with one-one-one romance and partnerships of all kinds. Unpredictable Uranus is opposing relationship-oriented Venus, so this really is a time when anything can happen on an interpersonal level. Your artistry looks to be on full display in the public eye with the saucy combination of Mars and Neptune in your 10th House of Career. There could be some changes at work, which it seems you have no control over, but this could clear around December 6th when Mercury goes direct and plans get solidified. Someone sure looks to be fiery in your life, whether that’s an existing equal or budding relationship, and this should certainly keep the holiday fires burning. It’s through others that your biggest sources of growth arrive right now – so keep an eye for playmates or even mentors that expand your world and keep you on your toes.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
Sensitive Cancers are getting a heavy dose of reality with Saturn in taskmaster Capricorn opposing their sign. Keep ahead of all of the constant tugs at your attention feels like a full-time job but your polishing your self-reliance and will have something to show for it when the transit is over. The dreamy, if confusing, combo of Mars and Neptune is supporting you this month, likely giving you an urge to take a whimsical adventure (hopefully around your native element of water). While you may feel like escaping, it will likely be short as it’s an action-packed month with a heavy concentration of energy in your 6th House of work, health and service. You’re certainly exercising your powers of self-expression and your compassion and ability to relate to characters is at a peak. Wearing you heart on your sleeve, while you may have learned to do otherwise, is actually quite becoming on you right now and in the year ahead. Showcasing your ability to feel and relate to others is part of your discipline right now. It seems like you’ve adopted the right attitude to keep up with myriad of opportunities available. An open heart leads towards the right solutions and also allows you to say no so you don’t get overwhelmed trying to take care of everyone else at the expense of yourself; an on-the-job hazard for caring Cancers!
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Things should start rocking and rolling by the 7th, when Mercury unravels from its stall in retrograde, and the New Moon joins Jupiter and the Sun in your 5th House of fun, love affairs and creativity. Should be a colorful month, indeed! The only thing to look out for may be a tendency to over-do it (name your poison), but even that’s not that bad. You will be in the mood to take the limelight and you shouldn’t have any problem gathering a crowd around your vigorous spirit. Fellow fire signs (Aries and Sagittarians) will make for especially good company as Jupiter is whipping them into a hedonistic froth as well. Mars and Neptune in your sexy 8th House sets the scene for illicit love affairs, but be careful of getting sucked into another’s drama at your expense. It would behoove you to carve out some time for self-analysis, dream interpretation or any revelatory modality that helps you root out what’s going on beneath the surface – of course, this self-reflection may come through the catalyst of a mysteriously compelling individual as well. You just don’t know what you don’t know, and it seems the Universe is in the mood to come clean about some things that may have kept you in a fog lately.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
Home and family life continue to be lit up this month as the expansive influence of the Sun and Jupiter (and on the 12th, Mercury!) take up residence in your 4th House of home, family and roots. This could manifest as an upgrade to your living quarters or a desire to root anew. Jupiter likes wide open spaces, and if something or someone is cramping your lifestyle, there’s a good chance you’ll feel the restless whispers of adventure elsewhere. However, Jupiter tends to bring benign energy and opportunities for growth, a time when dreams can come true around home and family goals. And don’t be surprised if you’re in a cozier, stay close-to-home mood than usual. A partner or loved one could play a big role this month, although the presence of Mars and Neptune in your 7th House of one-on-one relationship suggest that this person could be as elusive and dreamy as they confounding. They seem to have a handle on the intimacy spigot this month, and you’d to best to stay open and seek beautiful experiences together as likely that’s what he or she is the mood for. A great day to set intentions around home and family is December 7th as the Moon in Sagittarius joins the powerhouse of planets in the private 4th House of your chart.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
On December 1st you’ll get the last electric charge of Venus in your sign, making a scintillating aspect to Uranus which could make for the denoument of a relationship caper. Things start to settle down after that, as Venus moves into watery Scorpio and you get less conceptual about love and start sinking into your feelings. This is certainly not a damp month however, as the Sun and Jupiter frolick as an adventure-seeking cosmic twosome in your 3rd House of communication and commerce. Curious and fun-loving you’ll be, and you’ll be hungry for some offbeat and lively convo with larger-than-life types that have something to teach you. Likely you won’t have to go far as 3rd House transits tend to bring the fun right to your neighborhood. You may also hit a prolific streak, and your sense of humor and ability to be generous with others is at a high. If anything, make sure others can get a word in. While it could be a little hard to focus, only because you’re juggling multiple interests and requests at the moment, it would do you well to follow your intellectual curiosity and put in writing what you’re aiming to accomplish next year.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Lots of action in Scorpio this month! Best of all, Mercury turns direct on December 6thin your sign, helping to iron out any miscommunications and get back to a clearer head and path forward. Mercury moves onto festively blunt Sagittarius on December 12th, and you may be relieved for the change of gears after hosting the lion’s share of its retrograde craziness. Between the 6th and the 12this a great time to set final appointments or make party arrangements as Mercury will be adding ample intellectual horsepower while not smoke-and-mirrors retrograde mode. You’re also the grand winner of hosting attractive, pleasure-seeking Venus in your sign for the holiday season – lucky you! It’s nice having head-turning Venus in your sign, and after the long slog of Mercury retrograde you’re ready to lap it up. With the Sun and Jupiter lighting up your 2nd House of money, there could be an uptick not only in your ability to create wealth, but also in your appetites, sexual and otherwise. Even so, love affairs could challenge you to just go with the flow and getting a concrete answer on a creative project could feel like an exercise in futility (although creative and imaginative you’ll feel!) You can blame the elusive combo of idealistic Mars and Neptune in your 5thHouse of love affairs and creativity. Artsy types with soulful sex on the mind could be one adventurous manifestation on this energy, but there can also be a tendency to overlook warning signs -- so just trust your Scorpionic x-ray insight and don't say you weren't warned. The name of the game this month is really securing financial opportunities and grounding in your body and indulging in Epicurean delights. Focus on what you can control, and you’ll be all the jollier.
Your November 2018 Horoscopes!
*As first seen on Backstage online
The end of the year is coming in hot, and November doesn’t disappoint in the planetary action department. Firstly, the almighty center of our solar system – the Sun – is in seething, sexual, transformative (read: dramatic) Scorpio. We’re confronted with the truth, or our evasion of it, and as a collective we’re hungry to get to the bottom of things which may mean mentioning the elephant in the room in all of our endeavors. There’s a sense of urgency too because Jupiter-in-Scorpio – which has been inviting in the drama all year – is leaving us on November 8th and entering jolly, devil-may-care Sagittarius.
We’ve been gifted with lots of psychological gristle this year (thanks Jupiter in Scorpio) and probably need not go back to childhood to call up juicy sense memories to feed acting roles. November brings some release as the Jupiterian shift into independent and optimistic Sagittarius sets a more playful tone for the year ahead (until December 2019). We’ve cleared out some of the cobwebs, and now we’ll be in a mood to act. In other big cosmic news, Uranus retrogrades back into Aries for a shot of volatility until March of 2019, Venus turns direct (November 16th) and then Mercury retrogrades (again?!?). It’s definitely a mixed bag … but we’re hip to our patterns and our real dreams now, and Jupiter is promising that we’ll close the year with a bang.
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! You’ve got until November 7thto say your sweet goodbye’s and thank you’s to the God of Luck – Jupiter – who will be leaving your sign after bringing you lots of blessings in the seen and unseen this past year. Expansive Jupiter will enter fiery, optimistic Sagittarius on November 8th into your money house, bringing you opportunities to earn and generate stability after a year of upheaval, growth and expansion. You’re being asked to be an advocate for yourself in the financial arena, and this requires using your wits, big-thinking and confidence. With both Jupiter and whip-smart Mercury in your 2ndHouse of earned income, you need to communicate your vision – especially as it applies to finances. Now that you know what you’re made of and what you have to offer, what’s your bottom line? What gets you excited? Jupiter asks us to believe in ourselves and get out of our comfort zone and you’ve got a year to ground in this newfound sense of self – as it applies to your material desires. Watch for when the Sun leaves your sign on November 22ndand the Full Moon the next day on the 23rd. Something will come to a head which may offer clues to where your efforts are best directed to generate this pot of gold trying to find you.
Sagittarius (November 22nd– December 21st)
Just when you thought you couldn’t take any more of this drama, the Cosmos offers you the planetary Palme d’Or. Jupiter, God of Luck and Opportunity, enters your cheerful sign on November 8thand will stay until December of next year, showering everyone, but most powerfully you, with opportunities to grow, experience passion and have some fun. Having Jupiter in your sign, especially as sign as intrepid and passionate as yours, can usher in all sorts of opportunities that can really pivot one’s life a new direction. The secret is to work with this energy, and not rely on it doing it all for you. There can be some dumb luck this year to be sure, but since you now know that you’ve got this cosmic heavyweight behind you, it’s time to command more from life and knock some doors down that perhaps felt a little immodest before. Jupiter can be a tricky planet in that we’re feeling so good, that we forget to direct the energy into things we actually really care about creating. Make a Jupiter-in-Sagittarius vision board, and it could be worthwhile to consult your local astrologer or ephemeris to see when Jupiter will be exact on your Sun (and thus the energy is the most supportive). It’s worthwhile to note that North Node (the metaphorical lighthouse of our soul) has shifted into homey, maternal Cancer. Any self-development in the arena of intimacy and one-on-one partnership will carry extra blessings. Plan something fun for the Full Moon in Gemini on October 23rdand know that you’re just warming up. You’ll be feeling much more energetic once the Sun enters your home turf on November 22nd.
Capricorn (December 21st– Jan 18th)
Capricorns are having to reach into their big wizard’s hat of wisdom these days as the planets are sending some mixed signal through a ream of retrogrades. They say Capricorns are old souls and benefit from “reverse aging” (they lighten up as they get older), but in the meantime cinematic ingenues and anyone young at heart will have to have an extra dose of trust in cosmic timing and be a little less rigid about how and when their life plan is supposed to work. Just as Venus goes direct in your 10thHouse of Career (yay!), Mercury goes retrograde (in your behind-the-scenes 12thHouse) – so it may be that something is greenlit, only tied up in “talks” for the next 6 weeks. Patience, ambitious Cap! The biggest shift this month is of lucky Jupiter’s shifts into fiery, adventurous Sagittarius and your 12thHouse of spirituality, cosmic oneness and “let go.” If it doesn’t sound very ambitious, you’re right – it doesn’t – but it can make for an amazing clearing. This can mean that the biggest blessings this year aren’t obvious, which should not be confused with any less important – which sometimes the Goatfish can confuse. Everything on the inner plan manifests in the external world – and also Jupiter-in-Sagittarius in the 12thHouse loves spiritual, soul-opening vacation/retreats (Bali? Thailand? India?) so don’t yawn yet. This year - if you can imagine it, you can do it. Use that earthy discipline to consistently visualize and drop into what your soul wants (and doesn’t). When Jupiter moves into Capricorn the following year (mostly 2020), you’ll realized how familiar everything feels because you’ve dreamed it before. Enrich yourself and be patient.
Aquarius (Jan 19th– Feb 18th)
You’ve got energizing Mars in your sign for the first half of the month, making you a force to be dealt with. When Venus goes direct on the 15th and makes a supportive trine to your sign until month’s end making for some powerful and lusty cosmic winds this month. The biggest news, however, is lucky Jupiter changing signs after a year and change in Scorpio. The avuncular planet is moving into fiery Sagittarius and taking up residence in your 11thHouse of Hopes, Dreams and Community. This is a year, starting now, to align forces with like-minded souls and take up dreams that have a benefit not only for you, but for mankind. The 11thHouse is your natural house – so think open-minded, philanthropic, ahead of the curve, connecting. With Jupiter in intrepid Sagittarius here, you’re a magnet for fresh, out-of-the-box company that believes in what may seem impossible. Yes, Mercury goes retrograde in that same house this month (though only until December 6th) offering you a chance to re-think your current team of support and get clear about your long-term vision. It may feel like resistance, but ultimately, it’s to help guide away from old hat and into what truly energizes and connects you. Things continue to cook for you as the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd, promising a stimulating social swirl of activities and connections. Put yourself in the action on November 23rdwhen the Moon brims full in compatible air-sign Gemini and gets your wheels turning for an exciting end of the year.
Pisces (Feb 19th– March 20th)
There’s some water sign love this month with the Sun shining in compatible Scorpio, the North Node (our soul’s lighthouse) moving into Cancer and Mars moving into your very own sign of Pisces on the 15th. Even with the Mercury retrograde coming up on the 16th(in Sagittarius and 10thHouse of Career), all this water-sign action will help propel you forward, especially if you have a strong intention in mind. Mars offers energy and confidence from November 15th– December 31st(lucky you), so be prepared for things to heat up and get interesting. You may even have to re-negotiate a career goal or opportunity in order to make sure you’re really clear on the message you’re sending out and everybody is on the same page. When Mercury goes direct in December, your ducks will have lined up behind you, and you're primed to move forward. Lucky Jupiter will also be taking up residence in your 10thHouse of career this month on November 8th(until December of 2019!) so yes, career growth is on the horizon. Make sure to use this brash and benevolent energy to shine in the world, because Jupiter’s happy-go-lucky energy offers a year of opportunity t0 push past old limitations and step more fully into your career vision and the public eye. A great day to set intentions is the New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
November pulls back the curtain through some surprising twists and turns. While you may have thought the twists and turns were over with planet of surprises – Uranus – moving out of your sign in May, this lightning bolt energy is back until March 6, 2019. Uranus will retrograde back into your sign on November 6threminding you that the upheaval of the unexpected provides great drama and a chance to explore unknown facets of your plucky and capable personality. More energy is headed your way when Jupiter, which has been spiraling in the emotional whirlpool of Scorpio, heads to more comfortable fire-sign territory of Sagittarius from November 8thuntil December 2019. Opportunity-laden Jupiter will be transiting your 9thHouse of Travel and Higher Learning. Same ol’ same ol’ will not do the trick after that date, although no one could excuse you on leading a predictable life. Start paying attention to the recurring ideas that come up (as well as the places you’ve always dreamt of visiting). You’re starting to crave a new sort of life experience – and whether that’s spreading your wings through travel and projects abroad or upping the ante on your study in a wildly fun direction, you’re ready to break out of comfortable routines and give yourself a little space to explore the new.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
The big Jupiter shift this month will be lighting up your 8thHouse of Sex and Intimacy (as well as other people’s money). This sets the stage for a juicy year ahead – Jupiter is here November 8ththrough December 2019. Whenever the 8thHouse is involved, a call to explore deeper layers of our own psyche – often through the catalyst of another – is called in. A playful interest in the dark side, sexual adventure and Freudian slips may be part of the what intrepid Jupiter-is-Sag in that saucy 8thHouse have in store. It can also be a big money year, although it often has to do with collaboration and inheritance over your single-handed (and usually your preferred) efforts. You’ll be more forthright than usual in money affairs however, and perhaps a little more inquisitive about whether you’re getting a fair shake. Follow your intuition about these matters as your intuitive faculties will be in tip top shape, tuned into the undercurrent of things rather than their face value. Mercury and the Sun in this complex 8thHouse this month will only serve to draw you deeper into this spicy vortex of attraction and repulsion and ask you to open Pandora’s Box. A New Moon on November 7thin your 7thHouse of partnership is a great day to set intention around love, beauty and relating – and maybe intend for a little balance as you prepare for the untrodden and pulse-racing territory ahead.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Jupiter, God of Luck and Expansion, is heading into your 7thHouse of partnership this month. After a year of Jupiter-in-Scorpio taking a fine-toothed comb to your house of work and service (think: relationship and life maintenance), you’re ready to soar from the foundation you’ve created. Jupiter-in-Scorpio (sooo last year) was confrontational and utterly necessary, but now you’ll get an opportunity to have more balance and even be buoyed by helpful people who see at your eyeline. The Sun and Mercury also in that 7thHouse will only add attention to this pivotal area of your chart. This is actually a year to receive, so open to the bounty that Jupiter wants to deliver through playmates as well as an attunement to creating beauty and balance all around you. A Full Moon in your sign on November 23rdis a great day to step into the limelight.
Cancer (June 20th– July 22nd)
Jupiter is moving out of fellow-water sign Scorpio and your 5thHouse of love affairs and recreational highs and into growth-loving Sagittarius and your 6thHouse of work. Jupiter-in-Sagittarius will provide big, bawdy, can-do energy to this pragmatic house that loves nothing more than to get one’s health and house in order. You’re likely ready to put the kibosh on the telenovela drama (although possibly quite fun and sexy this past year), and start putting some more thought and effort into what actually makes your daily life hum. Growing your capacity to take care of yourself and in turn others may involve out-of-the-box solutions and trying a bunch of things before settling on a routine that is good fit for you. You might even want to hire a personal assistant to keep up with your big goals this year so that your life is not taken up by the admin that you need to keep your high-profile clicking. The other big news is that the transiting North Node, the North Star of our chart guiding us towards fulfillment, is moving into your sign on November 6th. This means all qualities Cancer – the nurturing, heart-centered, tribal den mother – will be the marquee qualities and ones at which you shine. This is the year to step into being a super Cancer, which may involve getting that home in order so you can churn out the work you do with a clear head and open heart.
Leo (July 23rd– August 22nd)
Jupiter is moving into friendly fellow fire sign Sagittarius and your 5thHouse of raucous good times. The 5thHouse cover love affairs, but it’s also the fun house, and let-it-all-hang-out Jupiter will help you grow as a storyteller, a lover and an all-around fun hog. With Jupiter here from November 8thuntil December of 2019, there’s no need to rush anything, but start paying attention to where you’ve held yourself back (if at all) in the love and creativity department. The root of the 5thHouse is joy, and sometimes we have get out of our own way to experience more pleasure. Be willing to disintegrate some of the Leonine pride and commitment to “looking the part” and dive into the experience – whether it be to a live audience or your playmate d’ jour. Yes, Mercury is going retrograde in this same house, from November 15thuntil December 6th, but that may just mean getting closure with an ex-lover or friend and/or re-visiting a past project to clear it for the next step.
Virgo (August 23rd– September 21st)
Your planet-in-crime Mercury is going retrograde making for the usual stew of delays and mishaps but not too worry. Things tend to slow down for a reason, and this traffic jam seems to be happening in your Fourth House of roots, family and home. The good news is that Jupiter, manifesting planet of dumb luck and good fortune, is taking up residence in this same Fourth House starting November 8th(until December of next year!). So your luck is changing – or at least moving houses (aka fundamental areas of life experience). Now is the time to seed intentions around your home and nearest and dearest faces and spaces. This can benefit children, neighbors and offer more than a sprinkle good luck on a move or home purchase. The 4thHouse represents the deepest (sometimes hidden) parts of ourselves, so with Jupiter here you’re set to experience inner blessings and really call upon that root of faith that all things are possible. Likely, your home and family – in what form that takes – will be a source of fun and expansion this year. Action-planet Mars will be moving into your 7thHouse of relationship starting November 15th, so partners – business or romantic – take on a larger share of your attention as well. However, the nice thing about the 7thHouse is that you can rest your brain and let others present opportunities. You’re in good position this month and into December to practice courting and deciding of which opportunities are worth your inimitable attentiveness and ability to get the job done.
Libra (September 22nd– October 22nd)
Venus has headed back into your sign making for a couple more weeks of that Venusian-glow and sociability. Granted, the planet of love and relating has been retrograde, so don’t be surprised if what’s NOT working in a relationship has come up as much as what IS working. It seems to be all in service of inviting in a deeper experience with another, which of course always begins with a reckoning of self. Loving yourself first, in all the glory and messiness, is a key ingredient in creating the sort of romance that lasts. On November 16th, Venus goes direct and likely you’ll have cleared some cobwebs and be ready to enjoy new possibilities within an existing relationship 0r a new one. Lucky Jupiter is changing his tune, hopping into wildfire Sagittarius and your 3rdHouse of communication and commerce. What does this mean for this upcoming year? Bu-say! It can also be a prolific time, and one in which your mind is stretched, inspired and twitterpated by new ideas, books, podcasts and people. You’ll want to be in the mix and stimulated by company and information. Lucky Jupiter is here from November 8thall the way until December of next year – so pace yourself. Your social graces will be in full swing and it seems everybody wants an appointment. Celebrate something on the Full Moon of November 23rdin fellow-air sign Gemini and seed intention on November 7thespecially around a money-related wish.
October 2018 Horoscopes for Actors
A little spooky cosmic weather makes Shocktober go down with a few appropriate head spins. Mercury isn’t going retrograde, but Venus is – sending us back to the forgotten places of our love script, the shadowy depths of our relationships and others trigger points we dare not touch. Considering Venus will also be in the depth-plumbing sign of Scorpio – think intense attraction/repulsion, transformation, and the dark itself – this one should be interesting. As with all retrogrades, this is an “opportunity” (think positive, Abraham Hicks disciples!) to clear old baggage and make room for new layers of relating. An existing relationship could transform, secrets can out or even old attractions/repulsions can return to test our commitment to neutrality. Is it really over? In most annals of astrology, beginning a new relationship during the Venus retrograde is the only thing that’s NOT recommended. Or if it does, it may be for a quickie karmic clean-up, so don’t get too attached. What is recommended: facing the fear and uncertainty with courage, feeling it all, telling the truth and allowing things to change as nature intended. No, it will not destroy happy relationships – but it may deepen them and challenge the couple to face things together, rather than retreat to their individual caves. Scorpio is about intimacy after all, and sharing…like everything (money, sex, fantasies). It’s not always comfortable. The Sun is in Libra most of the month (until enters like a wrecking ball into Scorpio on October 23, followed the next day by the Sun opposing unpredictable Uranus the following day) so our collective attention is geared towards finding balance, harmony and beauty in our lives amidst the Scorpionic drama and a few blind curves. As with everything, we wouldn’t appreciate the highs, if we weren’t brought to our knees once in a while. Happy Halloween!
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Happy birthday, Libras! Your new year wishes are best planted on a lovely New Moon in your sign on October 8th, but feel free to get in the mood for a month of celebration and attention before that. You’re in a great place to take an eagle-eyed view of what you’ve created in the past year, and decide what’s next. Finances look good with Jupiter amplifying earning potential in your 2nd House. It’s true, your ruling planet – Venus – is going retrograde (see horoscope overview), which can have you re-visit contract negotiations and the heretofore taboo subjects in relationship – unless you’re always 100% transparent. With Pluto hanging tight in your 4th House of Family and Roots, change at the deepest level continues. You’ve been very focused on security and Pluto, as well as Saturn, here is letting you know what needs your attention (Finances? Property? Family?) While it is in retrograde, Venus does enter your sign with showbiz timing on October 31st. I don’t care what direction Venus appears to be orbiting, it’s always a good influence in your sign. Shake the money tree, plug any leaks in your spending and enjoy empowering yourself this month – especially when it comes to self-worth and finances. A Full Moon on the 24th in your House of sex, death and transformation promises to bring things to a head – enjoy the denouement.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
A lot going on for you this month, Scorpio! For one, alluring Venus is in your sign (September 9th – October 31st) putting love and intimacy on the marquee. Yes, Venus does go retrograde on October 5th so you may be due for a blast from the past, or some sort of re-frame with current relationships. It’s definitely a time where relationships will be tested and will reveal themselves for what they truly are. Welcome transformation and embrace the exciting side of uncertainty: anything can happen. On October 9th, busy bee Mercury enters your sign turning the dial up on business correspondence and enlivening your mind and curiosity. This is a month of seeking new information and understanding, so lean into asking questions. While observing behavior is always a better barometer of another’s intent than observing their words, you’ll be in a good position to use both to form conclusions. Your signature intuition and gut feelings offer a good balance to this investigative spirit buoyed by chatty Mercury. Things that were heretofore hidden from you will come to the fore if you allow a little space. Look forward to the Sun moving into your sign on October 23rd and amplifying your charisma, energy and confidence.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
Venus – planet of love and relationships – is hanging out in your 12th House of surrender which is as vague as it sounds. It’s actually a time of cleansing relationships and your orientation to others; if there’s any self-defeating patterns or way you’ve been giving too much of yourself for others, this is a time to restore balance. Also, if you’ve been giving too little of yourself, you could also feel the sting at this time. This is a good time to take a step back and seeking some peace and quiet. You’ll want to open to a spiritual kind of romance, whether that’s a shared walk in the woods with your hubby or taking time to draw a bath and spend more time convening with your own soul. You may not be feeling as exuberant as usual, but honor this time as building block to a strengthened foundation. There’s no clear path to intimacy this month, and independent Sags may feel a little more vulnerable and uncertain when it comes to meeting their own and others’ needs. Nature is always a great balm for this rugged soul, so take some intentional space to arrive at the truth about how you really feel about someone. You’ll be feeling more verbal next month, as Mercury – planet of all things communication – moves into your sign on Halloween. Set intentions around your most cherished dreams on the New Moon of October 8th. It’s in the 11th House of community and future plans, so see where fresh ties and groups of people may help you get there a lot faster than going it alone. Indeed, it’s community this month, not necessarily one-on-one, where you’ll really shine.
Capricorn (December 21st – Jan 18th)
Good news first: Pluto is turning direct after a long retrograde in your sign and this could translate as a powerful step in a forward direction. Meanwhile, Venus goes retrograde which hangs a looming question mark over all our relationships. Starting October 5th, the planet of love and relationship slows its roll and internalizes our deepest, darkest questions around emotional commitments. This sort of emotional magnifying glass can be unnerving to earthy Caps who feel more comfortable finding their footing in work. However, this is an opportunity to unearth patterns and really take a look at how we are participating and creating every relationship around us. It can be a time of break-through, but as we know from observing Mercury retrogrades, it can feel like a confounding, if near comic, struggle for a bit. Since Venus in Scorpio is bringing the transformation to your House of Helpful People, Hopes and Dreams, there could be a deep cleansing around your future direction and who will help you get there. This portends an opening, but you’ll have to be real honest with yourself about who you see as part of your journey for the next phase, as others may be similarly giving you side-eye. At the end of the day, we just want what’s best for us and others, so an attitude of loving non-attachment works best during this time. As they say, if it’s yours …
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
Mars continues to charge through your sign, only this time in direct motion, until November 15th. While Mars can be feisty and provocative, it also imbues you with energy and verve to move forward and not accept no for an answer. Assertiveness is in full swing, and the next month will be punctuated by delightful leaps and charismatic expression. The Venus retrograde beginning on October 5th makes for an interesting and coincidental transit. In your 10th House of Career, it could feel like you’re getting mixed messages. Two steps forward may be accompanied by a step back. This is a good time to reflect on how you’re projecting yourself on the world stage, regarding your public persona, brand and choices that broadcast things about who you are. There may be something that is not a fit anymore, and Venus retrograde can aid and abet in transitioning away from public personas that aren’t an authentic expression of who you’ve become. A New Moon in fellow air sign Libra on October 8th is a great time to seed intentions around 5th House themes of children, creativity and fun.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
The action for you really starts towards the end of the month when the Sun enters fellow water sign Scorpio (joining seductive Venus, Mercury and Jupiter!). All in your 9th House of new horizons, you may feel a sense of liberation after the soulful intensity and self-analysis you may feel you’ve been enduring lately. A trip may be in order or something else which provides a bookend to your introspective investment. The Venus retrograde in this 9th House may be asking for a review of long-held beliefs, and if coupled, a shift in approach to the traditions of relationship. Contraction may have to be experienced before exploring new ways of being together, including what feels adventurous and enlivening as opposed to structured and routine? With “shared values” being high on the list for a twosome’s compatibility and longevity, this could be a time where you really get clear on what your values are in relationship, and determine if you’re being true to them. A New Moon on October 8th in harmonizing Libra is a good time to tune into your needs around intimacy – and if changes to need to be discussed, to initiate a dialogue. The 24th may be big surprises for everyone, so the more open you can be at month’s beginning increases the likelihood that those surprises tilt in the delightful, over unsettling, direction.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
The New Moon on October 8th in coupling Libra sews a seed of peace and an opportunity to soften and beautify an important relationship. This can include the one with your home as this Sun/Moon connection in Libra can inspire your heart to seek beauty and balance not only with people, but the spaces you inhabit. Romance will be in the air over these couple days, so do whatever it takes to amplify the mood and magnetize harmony. Transformation through time and contemplation continue to be major themes this month as your 8th House of beginning and ends is alive with planets – Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and after the 23rd, the Sun. This all seems to be in an effort to bring more balance into your life. So if something is weighing too heavily on your psyche and needs to re-negotiated or dropped altogether, this is a month it may show itself. Eighth House transits can be confrontational, usually on an unseen, inner level, but it is to make you aware of what you want through really feeling what you don’t. There may be something in the ether waiting for your forthright decision – and if you don’t listen to its whispers, it will make sure you hear in other ways until you get the message. Something around your career is ready to shift, specifically in regard to the seriousness with which the community perceive you, as Pluto is now direct and giving you its full attention. You just have to believe you're worth of it. It’s time to stand for something – and with Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn here – this can be communicated through the quiet dignity, clear goals, and the strength to stick to your terms.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
A Full Moon in your sign conjoining electrifying Uranus on the 24th definitely sends a buzz of excitement to you this month. The sure-footed Taurus character may be acting uncharacteristically Aquarian as planet of the unexpected – Uranus - retrogrades to the beginning degrees of your sign. A thrilling opening chapter to what this 7-year transit is all about should keep you and everyone else on their toes. What usually accompanies a Uranus transit is a certain restlessness that ends up placing you in unexpected and expansive situations that bring out new, heretofore hidden sides of your character. Be ready for the new and embrace change with gusto. In other parts of the sky, Venus, your ruling planet, is slowing its roll and making you do a double-take of emotional commitment, specifically in one-on-one partnerships. Parts of agreements, spoken or not, may have to evolve to fit the needs of both partners. This will come to a head the 3rd week of the month, but it certainly need not be disastrous; quite the opposite, it could feel like the elephant was allowed to leave the room and you can sit back and enjoy each other. If single, relationships could enter and exit so quick, you’ll wonder if it was even real. Age-old advice around beginning a relationship during a retrograde is don’t, at least not with expectations of longevity. The caveat to this is existing or pre-existing relationships – which began before the retrograde.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
No planets are in your sign, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be action! Your 6th House of work and health is packed this month – especially the latter end, as Jupiter, Mercury and Venus ensure you’ll have plenty of business to take care and life to organize. Focus on immediate commitments now and cementing a productive groove; the freedom this discipline creates will pay off later. You’ll likely enjoy what you’re doing with beneficent Jupiter and Venus here – although with the Venus retrograde, don’t be surprised if you find you have to let go of a task or two in order to spend more time doing what you real love on a soulful level. Venus retrograde can offer a healthy shake-up and ensures your time and energy are being used wisely, not only for the sake of efficiency but for your health as well. This is month to focus and not have to get lost in extremes or do things that exhaust you on any level. The Sun in fellow air sign Libra is sending supportive beams all month balancing out your personal workload, and giving your delightful opportunities to let off steam and express yourself. October 8th is the New Moon and great time to feel into this energy and resolve to enjoy romance, even as other commitments may be shifting.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
It’s your home and intimate space that gets some special love and attention with the New Moon in your 4th House of Family and Roots, setting the stage from October 8th to October 24th. A new energy is ready to enter, whether that’s enhancing the décor or cultivating a greater sense of belonging where you are. With Uranus opposing the Sun in Scorpio on October 24th, this could culminate in an exciting, if unexpected, piece of news. Uranus is at the cusp of your House of Hopes and Dreams and can help usher in new community that supports your creative goals. The Venus retrograde offers a further wild card, ceasing some relationships perhaps to make room for others. That’s not a hard-fast prediction, but a Venus retrograde can act as a fine-toothed comb over our entanglements with others. With Venus transiting your 5th House of love affairs, recreation and creativity – things may take a circuitous route that doesn’t allow logic as much as intuition. This could be a time of re-defining what fun means to you, what commitments you’re ready to make and zooming way out to see the grand vison of your life can help you make those determinations.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Red hot Mars continues in your 7th House of relationships which may serve up passion as much as conflict depending how you – and an important other – channel this assertive energy. The focus seems to be on compatibility with the New Moon on October 8th in harmonizing Libra setting the intent of this month’s game. However, with Venus in retrograde in your 4th House of family, home and roots, expect to get to the heart of the matter even if it takes some negotiating which could make you feel vulnerable. Anytime Leo gets a chance to work on their shadow – which is usually served up as pride – it can be a good thing in the long run. This is actually the last month for the foreseeable future that the North Node (the guiding light of Zodiac pushing us forward) is in your sign, encouraging you to be your full expressive, creative and courageous self. Of course this doesn’t end when the North Node enters Cancer next month, but it may feel like this is final exams month and you’re asked to account for all you’ve learned over the past couple of years. Have you been to true to yourself and your desires? Have you demonstrated your natural authority with generosity of spirit and integrity? This may be your chance to indeed shine, but don’t expect to know all the answers in the relationship department as Venus retrograde has its own divine timing and your strength is sometimes best demonstrated in loving silence until things become more clear (closer to Thanksgiving).
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
The October 8th New Moon lights up your House of Money and begs an intention this month around peace and stability. Your ruling planet Mercury (still direct – yay!) will move from Libra to Scorpio on October 9th and sharpen your powers of communication and concentration. You may want to be more aware of how you’re coming across – as Mercury in Scorpio in the 3rd can be pretty intense – even if you’re just sticking to the facts. This is a great time to diffuse some of that mental spotlight into your journal, or even intense scene work that gives you full license to use your emotional bandwidth. Having honest communication, especially around an important relationship, may test your mettle. The Venus retrograde this month (from October 5th to November 16th) is also in this 3rd House of Communication amplifying this theme around how you process information and deliver it to others. It may be a busy time, and don’t be surprised if siblings play a more dominant role. You’ve been in a purposeful mood, with serious Saturn and Pluto in your 5th House of Fun, and if you’ve been overly cautious about relationships or expressing yourself, the exciting Sun-Uranus opposition towards month’s end (exact October 24th) could offer some drama and opportunity worthy of a journal entry or two. In the meantime, you’re paying extra sharp attention and being especially discerning – just let yourself off the hook for what you can’t control (which may feel like a lot with Neptune opposing your sign), and enjoy getting back to balance this month.
September 2018 Horoscopes for Actors
*As seen on Backstage Magazine online
We all get the invitation to hold our feet to the fire in September, after having experienced all the challenges, transformation and reframes we were offered through the hot and challenging Mercury/Mars (and every other planet) retrogrades of August. We can’t shrug and say “we don’t know” anymore it seems, because the planets stuck our nose right into the pungent wake-up call (when and if you needed one!). We may still have some cosmic PTSD, but it looks as if the planets are conspiring to help us ground down this month offering a generous helping of sense-and-sensibility Virgo. With ponderous, mystical Neptune opposing the Virgo Sun (Mercury and New Moon), it softens the Virgo hyperdrive and reminds us we still have to be sensitive and slow down and star gaze once in a while. Venus shifts into willful and smoldering Scorpio and the productive trifecta of Mercury, Mars (and soon Saturn) are direct and in their full power to steam ahead. We’ve had enough with the non-linear, free fall and Virgo promises to get our heads back in the game and reward us for diligence and cooperation. Our ability to analyze information, strategize and lay some track on a stronger foundation is the opportunity this month. Brick by brick, bird by bird. It may feel a little like you’re going back to school which could conjure up some Trapper-keeper-shopping excitement. Whatever gets you inspired for the work!
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 21st)
Happy late/early birthday Virgo! Two-thirds of this month belongs to you as the all-powerful Sun lights up your 1st House of Self-Expression. It’s a new solar cycle, which coincides with newfound confidence and a refresh of direction. Not only is Mercury and Mars out of retrograde (thank Heavens!), but Mercury enters your sign on September 5th (until September 21st) making this a busy month of work correspondence, social appointments and meetings of the mind. If you’re feeling especially tuned in and turned on, you are! A great day to set your intention into motion is on or around September 9th with the fertile New Moon in your sign begging for a clear and feel-good wish for the year. Both Venus (love and money) and Jupiter (luck and expansion) light up your 3rd House of communication so it seems, like it or not, that you are meant to get out there and socialize. Have your goals close to your heart as it’s in the most mundane of encounters that magical connections are made for you. Yes, there! This is definitely a month to put your game face on and talk the talk.
Libra (September 22nd – October 22nd)
Until September 9th you’re in the good-hair daze of a Venus transit through your magnetic, coupling sign, so enjoy every last bit of it. In a lot of ways this month, there is the green light to move forward in all your affairs, although I’d recommend being a little cautious and not biting off more than you can chew. Your ego may tell you to go-go-go but make sure your heart is on board. With the Sun and Mercury taking up residence in the sweet drifting space of your 12th House (the Sun bursts into the 1st House on the 22nd) you need to create some space around that to-do list and really tune in to what you have time for and what just feels like a burdensome “should.” A 12th House solar transit can often be a time of letting go an old cycle and resting. With energetic Mars in Aquarius and your 5th House of love affairs, one thing you do have energy for is romance and recreation. So let yourself off the hook if you’re feeling spacey and grant yourself permission to get 50 shades of f-ed up. When Mercury and the Sun enter your 1st House after September 21st, you can put all those brilliant thoughts into motion. In the meantime, do a lot of journaling and perhaps try your hand at some romance writing/reading/missive-writing.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
The pie slice of life that is begging for your attention is your 11th House of future hopes and dreams, as well as the people that help you get there. In a word, networking! This is also a time, with the Sun, Mercury and New Moon (September 9th) in that future-envisioning 11th House to take an eagle-eye perspective of progress made and shoot some arrows of intention if any course correction is needed. Eleventh House transit are great times to hook up with our tribe, and it may have changed a bit so don’t be afraid of endeavoring to connect with people that truly inspire you and your new future vision. Venus is moving into your sign and your 1st House on September 9th (same day as the New Moon, so put some stars on it) and networking will be given some pixie dust that will magnetize others in your direction. Yes, Jupiter is still making your astrology’s angel this year, although you have to meet that opportunity halfway and show up big where your desires lead you. This is not the time to smolder in mysterious isolation. Lastly, your ruling planet, Pluto, is one of the last retrograde hold outs – so get ready for a power surge when the Lord of transformation and personal power goes direct on September 30th. Until then, there’s plenty to focus on and you’ll be a hard presence to ignore if you get thee into the mix.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
Mars and Saturn going direct after a long retrograde in your House of Finances can get you paid, or at least make your prodigious energies towards security show results now. If you felt in a cycle of confusion, that is clearing now. The month really starts for you at the New Moon on September 9th joining the Sun in the pragmatic, get ‘er done sign of Virgo. This New Moon lights up your 10th House of career and honors putting you in a good spot to manifest some public acclaim and put that worker-bee buzz into the career spotlight. It’s a great time to see some new beginnings and think about where you fit in the bigger picture. You’ve been so focused on security and cleaning up the financial department (thanks Pluto in the 2nd House), that is seems some blooms start to show on the money and opportunity tree. Values is the big buzz word for you this year with a packed 2nd House ruling our money, our nature and what we truly need to be a stable and adjusted human; yes, a new look for swashbuckling, freedom-loving Sagittarians but you’re wearing it well. However, you’re back to your ol' tricks and great spirits come the Full Moon in Aries on September 24th in your 5th House of love and creativity. Blow off some steam that day and then get back to work.
Capricorn (December 21st – Jan 18th)
Capricorn loves Virgo and Virgo loves Capricorn. Good news, because this month we’re relishing in the stabilizing, welcoming dryness of your fellow earth-sign friend Virgo, bringing out your natural hues. Not only that, a slew of planets go direct untying our tongues, our projects and allowing our leaps of faith to hit the ledge after testing our dedication. You also have the assertive magic of Mars (direct!) charging through your 1st House of personality, sprinkling some fairy dust on your professional drive (not bad for your sex life, either). Set intentions around 9th House themes of travel and spreading your wings into new and exotic experiences, with the New Moon (September 9th) and Sun here (until September 22nd). You may be itching to take a walk on the wild side, albeit with a practical edge. Mental health trip? Traveling to research a part? Kung Fu? You’re in the mood to shoot some new intentions into the ether and best to do it while you have the swagger of Mars here (until September 10th). The Sun enters your career house on September 22nd, giving you a full month in the most elevated house of the Zodiac to broadcast what you’ve been learning behind the scenes.
Aquarius (Jan 19th – Feb 18th)
As promised, Mars re-enters Aquarius on September 10th and offers you an energetic push and a go-go-go mentality until November 15th. Projects that you left for dead or hit a snag, may re-enter now with obstructions having been cleared, as if my magic. Make sure to take some restful breaks as to not exhaust yourself and then miss out on the primal instinct to surge forward in love or business. Mars likes risks and doesn’t take no for an answer, so permission to be a little less cerebral and a little more commanding this month. Also, anything that gets you sweaty can positively affect other areas of your life, not to mention being a healthy outlet for any pent-up tension from the hair-pulling retrogrades of August. The Sun and New Moon of September 9th suggest that energy may be best used towards intimate partnerships, shared financial investment and agreements of all kinds. Your 8th House of intimacy is lit up and it seems you want to take a fine-tooth comb through your contracts, personal and otherwise. You’ve got a bit of the Erin Brockovich vibe this month so follow your instincts and make sure you’re understanding the facts correctly, whether it’s your Oscar Healthcare Policy or your agency contract.
Pisces (Feb 19th – March 20th)
The Sun and this month’s New Moon light up your romantic 7th House of relationship in the attentive sign of Virgo. If relationships have thrown you a bit of a learning curve ball, things seem to even out this month and you’re in a good position to receive attention and honors for your fastidious and superb efforts to relate to confounding humans. The Sun in the 7th House offers some people support, and with the planets clicking out of retrograde, lots of areas stand to clear and improve this month. It actually may be about doing less not more, especially after September 10th when vigorous Mars floats into the 12 House and you’re best dedicating your physical energy to spiritual pursuits or things that feel chillaxing. You also have go-with-the-flow Neptune in your sign, so you’ve definitely been learning to roll with the punches (insert more metaphors for going downstream here). Follow the spirit of Lao Tzu: “Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear.” This is a time to engage your imagination and allow your vision to be supported through only taking steps as you’re guided. Of course, you have to quiet down to hear “the voice,” but it is definitely trying to reach you.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
This month is about getting back to work and self-care after perhaps the joyful, if bumpy, ride of last month. Your body is likely speaking you and it may even be telling you to slow down and re-acquaint yourself with rituals and routines that get your system humming again. You’re also wanting to refine and fine-tune some recent decisions whether it concerns a new relationship or creative pursuit, taking a bit more of a pragmatic eye across the board. It’s not all work, and no play – sultry Venus joins Jupiter in your 8th House of intimacy and ratchets up a personal investment, where you’ll have to get clear if you want to escalate or get out! Either could make for good soap opera with the sign of Scorpio involved. The Sun then enters the relationship-oriented 7th House on the 22nd and you’re due for some negotiations or re-negotiations to get loved ones on the same page. Your powers of diplomacy will be at their best after that. A Full Moon in your sign on September 24th promises to be radically self-expressed so plan accordingly; could be a great day to stage a show or try stand-up as you’ll be feeling your oats. In the meantime, it’s a month to get back on track and achieve some much-deserved Zen time.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
As an earth sign, you benefit from the Sun and New Moon making a supportive angle from fellow earthy Virgo this month (in effect until the Sun goes into Libra on August 22nd). You’ll relish this much-needed shot of stabilizing earth, especially being that you’re still acclimating to the spontaneous thunder and lightning of electric Uranus fresh in your sign (it’s also potentially very exciting, but hardly predictable … and it last for 7 years so buckle in!). With Venus joining Jupiter in your long-term romance house, there’s lots of cosmic wind pushing you towards juicy moments with a partner or at the very least making your aware of your carnal appetites. Someone could seem especially mysterious, but their presence is definitely catching your attention. It’s a ripe time to bring out a different, perhaps more intense, quality to relationship and sexuality – whether in real life or for a part. You’re learning to fly your freak flag a bit more and celebrate yourself. See if you can’t find a balance this month between your beloved comfort zone and trying something completely new. The planets bet that you’ll get away with it. Set goals – especially in the realm of love, enjoyment and self-expression – at the New Moon of September 9th
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
With your ruling planet Mercury direct, joining the Sun and New Moon in your personal 4th House of home and family, you’re focused on domestic affairs and may be feeling a bit more inclined to stay close to the hearth. Of course, the energy of Virgo is a lot about to-do lists so you may be busy fixing odds and ends and getting things back-on-track after the somewhat chaotic free-fall of August retrogrades. Think: cozy with a productive kick? Neptune continues to waft poetic in your 10th House of career imbuing you with a glamorous 1000-yard stare just past camera…you’ll certainly look the part of the free-spirited artist and it’s a great public face for you to wear right now (Goddess-of-the Collective-Unconscious Neptune will be casting its pinkish gauze over your career house until the she changes signs in 2025, so like, no rush). The real focus is on tweaking your inner world and applying thoughtful reflection and refinement so your outer world reflects even the subtlest changes you make to your commitments. Make any domestic-bliss wishes come the New Moon of September 9th. Relationships may be in a learning cycle with Venus (starting September 10th) and Jupiter in your 6th House of work, service and ironing out the kinks. I mean when are relationships not in a learning cycle, but you’re getting a little taste this month of the work that’s necessary to stay connected and keep the passion alive amidst the pungent grind of life.
Cancer (June 20th – July 22nd)
Until the 10th, you’ll have the caffeinated ambition of Mars in Capricorn spurring you on from across the sky. Being direct and practical in relationships is especially favored since Mars has no shame and Capricorn means business. Expect someone to be the same with you. You’ll feel a bit more like bending the rules and coloring outside the lines when Mars moves onto rebellious Aquarius and the 8th House intimacy after the 10th. At months beginning however, use this kick to show people what you got and make your desires known – be it to agent, friend or lover. It seems the planets are calling for a fundamental openness to change and with so much in compatible earth and water signs this month, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get in the flow. The Suns' rays are warming up your 3rd House of Communication and Commerce, and with Mercury out of retrograde, you’re safe to move forward with negotiations and practice your autograph on contracts without fear of retribution. You may be due for a short trip that wakes up the brain and gives you a new vista to enjoy. Local adventures would do as well, but there’s something about being out and about that nets some favorable experiences and contacts. And with Venus moving into your 5th House of love, self-expression and creativity on the 9th, traveling for sheer delight or to see about that out-of-town-cutie could also prove fruitful.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
The Sun, Mercury (now direct!) and the New Moon of September 9th all vitalize the income sector of your chart and may clarify the where, how and when of finances. Your mind may turn to rather pragmatic matters which could be a relief with all the wheeling drama and double-takes of last month. It’s time to start moving forward in practical ways with the all the big ideas you’ve birthed. Perhaps the question is how to monetize your talent and projects, and before that decide what your number is? Virgo is very dollars and sense and it’s a big piece of this month’s puzzle coming together so don’t run from your inner CPA! Your 7th House of relationship will be awoken when red-hot Mars in cool-as-ice Aquarius enters this territory on September 10th. You may be entertaining new suitors or your current suitor may be showing up a little more energetically. Expect some friendly overtures at the very least. Of course, the Cosmos are all about you stepping into your power (North Node in Leo) and only entertaining relationships that truly support your vision and make you feel like an even better version. All that glitters isn’t gold and Mars in the 7th can certainly glitter and then split, but as long you’re having fun in the meantime, consider alpha-energy partners as good foreplay.
August 2018 Horoscopes!
As seen on Backstage Online
The Sun shines in Leo until August 23rd, giving us all a little extra impetus to be powerfully self-expressed and step into what makes us happy. We’ve definitely been on a bit of a circuitous route lately, what with all the retrogrades (Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Oh my!) Like Winston Churchill reminds, “if you’re going through hell, keep going.” The retrogrades (and eclipses) have been whipping us around but there is method to their apparent madness, so stay present as things are just getting cleared to create space. Whenever we are betwixt eclipses (now!), a portal is being opened that stirs us up our excitement and fear. We have more openings for growth in August, having survived the ride of July, and the good news is that Mercury goes direct August 19thand Mars follows suit on August 27th. Woo Woo!
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
Leo (July 23rd– August 22nd)
Happy Birthday, Leo! This is YOUR time…YOUR time (Goonies, anyone?) You may be feeling asked to believe in the impossible and step into things that rely on your incredible confidence. Of course, fear is being triggered with that the pull of the South Node (conjunct Mars) reminding you of old contracts with people and ways of asserting yourself (or not), that don’t feel satisfying. The real power here is in engagement and being willing to stir things up. Leo’s can get very wrapped up in how they are perceived by others, but they have to be willing to break some eggs in relationships which…wait for it…can end up making a delicious omelet.
With a ton of energy (the Sun, North Node and Mercury) in your 1stHouse of self-expression, your persona is getting a makeover and you’re in the process of telling the Universal hair dresser what you want. With all the retrogrades, it’s not expected to be a perfect process. But this is your time to reflect of what you WANT and put in your order. That may disrupt some things. Just keep betting on yourself and lean into what feels truly energizing (even if it’s scary and you feel like you’re going out on the tiny branches). The New Moon/Eclipse of August 11th is especially powerful for you. Plant a seed, watch it grow, next thing you know … (fill in the blank).
Virgo (August 23rd– September 21st)
The Sun is headed your way Virgo, entering your incredibly capable sign on August 23rd. In the meantime, not only the Sun but pesky Mercury retrograde float in the 12thHouse of your chart, suspending some of the action so you can practice surrendering and enjoying the juicy mystery of life. Being in neutral isn’t your favorite gear, but it has its benefits; namely, to laugh at how little control we have over some things. Also, the luscious magnetism of Venus gives you a good ribbon-cutting for August so enjoy her for that first week, until she floats into your 2ndHouse of income on August 6th. The South Node and Mars in your House of Work is putting on some heat, getting you in touch with your frustration around what feels like a burdensome responsibility but also opening reminding you to envision future possibilities. All change requires some faith and magical thinking and leaning into that may curry just the favor you need to get clear on next steps.
The real pull this month is towards your 12thHouse (Sun, Mercury, North Node – and that New Moon Eclipse!), putting you in the unknown a bit and asking where you can let go; a great space for the malleable actor. Jupiter, the lucky planet, is being energized in your 3rdHouse – which means following your curiosity with any digging and research will likely turn up gems. Getting in touch with your subconscious through writing or really anything creative impulses is incredibly transportive. You’re washing off the dirt before the more focused Virgo phase of next month. Keep the faith and know where to drop the act so the Universe can fill you.
Libra (September 22nd– October 22nd)
Venus heads your way Libra, entering her home turf on August 6thboosting not only your hunger for sweetness and harmony (not to mention money) but also your abilities to generate just that. And thankfully so, this month is no cakewalk. Mercury is in retrograde, joining the pack of other retrograde planets, making it just about inevitable that we’ll have to face up to whatever we’ve been avoiding so we can move forward with more clarity and ease. Venus in your sign will do some of this work for you, making your efforts at diplomacy well-received. With some volatile cosmic weather that first week (Mars square Uranus), don’t be surprised if you’re thrown off balance. Libra is not about keeping peace at all costs but an ability to see things from different angles and be willing to be a bridge in conflict. You can only do your part however. You are being given a powerful opportunity to step into new circles of influence and network, although the gravity of the past to re-ignite arguments or create drama for drama’s sake (unless you’re getting paid), will be on the table as a choice (South Node conjunct Mars retrograde in the 5thHouse). You’ll be able to see where you over-do it in the 5tharena of appetites (sex, love, rock-n-roll) … and how to more positively seek attention and connect to the larger world…which appears to need you right now. Get out there and mingle around the New Moon of August 11thwhere the confluence of an eclipse magnetizes a new chapter in the life.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Your 10thHouse of Career and Status is lit up this month not only by the Sun’s transit through confident Leo but a powerful New Moon eclipse here as well (on August 11th). The Universe is giving you a sort of publicity re-set in the public eye so make the most of it. Chances are you’ll be heard and seen on a larger scale. Mercury in retrograde floats in this powerhouse as well, so keep an eye out for how to capitalize on past relationships and you may hear from groups and organizations you long thought dead, if you haven’t already. Jupiter direct in your First House of persona has been inviting in an entirely new cycle of energy and giving you a chance to show up in a totally new way. If others find you unrecognizable or if you find yourself laughing at old versions of yourself, congratulations! You’re peeling away surface layers to exhibit more of your bad-assery. This month, even through the confusion and intensity of these crazy retrogrades, your courage and expansiveness is showing itself to the world through your professional status and offering to the world. Have some fun.
Sagittarius (November 22nd– December 21st)
Your 9thHouse of Travel and Adventure is lit up this month by the Sun’s passage through Leo. You may feel like taking all of August for a holiday, although be aware that with Mercury, Mars, Pluto and Mars in retrograde, you’ll have to be flexible and let a trip take you where it needs. Uranus joins the team of other retrograde planets on August 7th, stirring up some surprises and angst around side gigs, routines and even health. You’re being prodded to bring change, and remain open, to alternative forms of self-care and it also looks as if you might need a little more space. Whatever it is, it seems as if you don’t want to be under the thumb of anyone but yourself. It’s helpful to get into action this month, especially around asking questions, doing informational interviews and seeing what options are available. A change of scenery may be just the kick you need to get some answers and meet helpful people. Be patient while the big pieces change; with so many planets in retrograde, August may be best spent reviewing, re-framing and even releasing old burdens to make space for more permanent changes next month.
Capricorn (December 21st– Jan 18th)
First things first; Mars, the planet of action, initiative and sex will retrograde back into your sign on August 12th. This is a key transit for you Capricorn as it will show you where any lack of assertiveness or courage has been stifling breakthroughs. You’re getting a chance to review where anything is in knots and then when the fiery planet turns direct on August 27th, take some bold and decisive actions that set you on a powerful new Mars cycle around the Zodiac. While Capricorns hate confusion and blurry lines, you’ll have to comfortable in some grey area with this months’ heaps of retrogrades. This can be especially hard-hitting around your 2ndHouse of Finances (where Mars travels retrograde until the 12th). Retrogrades are necessary pauses, where the Universe gives us a chance to review what we’ve learned and make sure we’ve really had time to absorb its gravity of the lesson. For you it can also be reviewing your budget and investments and make sure there’s some attention here. We can of course feel a little stuck, but ultimately it is liberating and helps launch us into the next phase. With the Sun and Mercury retrograde in your 8thHouse of Intimacy and Transformation, you’re doing some inner reconnaissance. Take time to check in with yourself. This might be the month to finally try out one of those sensory deprivation tanks you’ve heard are all the rage. A lot of your power, although the world may tell you otherwise, is in your silence and inner knowing. It’s time to re-visit the parts of yourself that needs no one else’s approval beyond your own.
Aquarius (Jan 19th– Feb 18th)
Well you get a reprieve from a prodding, hamstrung retrograde Mars in your sign – specifically starting August 12th. You’ve been a trooper with the very active, but internalized, planet entered this hurry-up-and-stew retrograde on June 26th. Of course every other planet is retrograde this month, but you’ll feel a release from pressure mid-month. Mars comes in for the final act, re-entering your sign on September 10thwith the road to your dreams leveled of speed bumps and cleared of wonky obstructions. This time has been infinitely valuable, if frustrating, and you’re getting really clear on what you can and cannot fix. Social Aquarians may not be the best at taking a step out of the limelight but with three planets in your 12thHouse, especially from August 12th– September 10th– you’ll want to marshal your spiritual and creative forces by connecting with something beyond the mundane. This would be a great time for a retreat, vision quest or staycation with some star gazing. Your 7thHouse of Partnership is lit up this month, suggesting that closest loved ones or a business partner may be a big source of the action. Relationships may need some attention with the Sun and that Mercury retrograde shining a spotlight on intimates. The delicate balance of you-time and couple-time may come up, but ultimately, you’re in the mood to absorb the glow of partnering. Set intentions around partnership and receiving the support you need on the August 11thNew Moon Eclipse, and surrender to the twists and turns of all these retrogrades, setting your sight after September 10thfor the denouement.
Pisces (Feb 19th– March 20th)
With the Sun, Mercury retrograde and the guiding North Node in your House of Work and Health most of the month, you’ll be in a refreshingly practical mood. You’re exuding the confidence to get your act together, and are willing to do the reps to get there. While it doesn’t sound glamorous, this is the month to look at the nuts and bolts of relationships, your health and any role as a student or apprentice you may be playing. Since long-term security is on the mind, it’s affecting the kind of groups you run with and you may be eclipsing out communities that don’t reflect this focused vision you’re at least working on for your life. Pisces are so good at looking like their enjoying themselves, that people may be confused on where they stand with you. Make sure, whether it’s teachers or friends, that everyone gets your “no” or your “yes.” You’re wanting to break free of something, and this month is helping you get clear on what that is. In the meantime, pour all that Leo sunshine that’s available to everyone into work, self-care and routines that make you feel good. A juicy Full Moon in your sign on August 26thwill provide the deliverance or at least some juicy epiphanies that have been elusive lately.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
August’s cosmic weather is the kind that Aries are made for; unpredictable and volatile. Of course it can be difficult to keep your eye on the prize when it feels like things are constantly shifting, but your optimism and spirit will carry you through. Creative opportunities abound and you’d do well to focus your best energy there. Where you may be feeling the tug backward is where Mars and the South Node spin retrograde, which is in the area of friends, communities and the five-year plan. It’s actually best to keep your attention in the moment and focus on what you can do now, and do with a joyful heart. You feel pressure to “mature” in the eyes of society, or even play the stoic and self-reliant leader on the mountain top who wants to show how far they’ve come. The best vehicle for positive publicity is authentic performance and playing – even if it feels for the moment like it’s not going to go anywhere. Venus in Libra brings a soft and adoring glow to your 7thHouse of Partnership, so you shouldn’t have to go it alone in the romance department. Playfully join with others and you’ll see how your inner state brings positive, if subtle changes, to your persona in the wider world. The 11th(the New Moon) and the 19th(when Mercury goes direct) are key dates to focus on love and creativity. Rely on your strengths of being in the moment and trying things for the sake of just-doing-it.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
Just when you thought unpredictable, electric Uranus was getting comfortable in your stabilizing earth sign, the planet that seeks liberation from routine turns retrograde (on August 7th) and gives you a pause to get clear on what changes are brewing. This is a huge re-set month, maybe especially for Taurus, who are getting hit with some tense and transformative angles from other retrograde planets like Mercury and Mars. What does this mean? Simply that you’re getting a chance to re-look at your energy investments and plug the leaks. You’re likely in the mood for something new and challenging – although a different type of challenging. Close relationships have been and will continue to provide a mirror to give you a sort of personal progress report. It could be possible that too much attention has be focused outward, and you need to do a little huddle with yourself and loved ones. Uranus in your sign tends to bring some out-of-the-blue set changes so the best advice is to stay open. August may not be as simple as straight-talking Taurus would prefer, but it will save you wasting time in the future. When Mars turns direct on August 27th, you’ll likely get some sort of greenlight to move ahead. In the meantime, beautifying home projects and anything celebratory in your own space brings the needed sparkle to August.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
This Mars retrograde has been sending all of us on a bit of a scavenger hunt, keeping us busy if cerebrally overwhelmed. The assertive planet re-enters your 8thHouse of Intimacy on August 12thand ask you be bold in your conversations and negotiations with others. For the sign that wants to understand everything, August can pull us back into the past, but can also unearth some helpful people and experiences we may have overlooked. The light of Leo (as well as Mercury retrograde) is sending energy to your 3rdHouse of commerce and communication, which amplify business, messaging, meetings and the like, but can also be a source of overwhelm and mix-ups, at least until Mercury goes direct on August 19th. Venus, planet of love and beauty, comes into a supportive trine angle to your Sun on August 6thand helps soften relationships and usher some positive attention and admiration your way. Trust your communicative gifts and if anything is bothering you in intimate relationships, this is a great time to just be curious and ask about someone else’s experience. It may be totally different than yours! You’re especially open to new information! Include someone else in the conversation –- or at the very least a journal -- if you find you’re getting lost in your own head.
Cancer (June 20th– July 22nd)
As a Moon-ruled Cancer, you’re very much affected by the lunar phases. This month the Moon is especially influential as we’re being hit by eclipses – signaling fundamental openings and closings. The most recent Full Moon – on the 27thof July – was in your 8thHouse of intimacy, secrets and transformation. Something might have come to a head in close, personal relationship. You’re building or re-building towards the New Moon of August 11thin your 2ndHouse of finances and stability. This is also the house where the bright Leo Sun and Mercury retrograde animate this month, meaning there’s a whole lot of energy available in the money department for you. Money of course can translate as a drive towards embodying our self-worth and committing to confidence that means security not just financially but also personally. Getting out of any drama and staying present are your best allies. Sure, you may have to review some financial decisions or even confidently communicate anywhere the ball may have been dropped, but a new day is dawning in this most security-oriented of houses. The Full Moon Eclipse of August 26thin your fellow-water sign Pisces in your 9thHouse of Travel, the Higher Truth and Lofty Experiences will be an expansive one. In the meantime, stay grounded and let self-confidence magnetize what you deserve – love, work and otherwise.
July 2018 Horoscopes!
As seen on Backstage Online
July dishes up a hot pile of eclipses and retrogrades just when you thought you had this life handled. The good news is that you’re already in Mars, Pluto & Saturn retrograde, and only have Chiron (the 5th) and Mercury (the 27th) to gird yourself against. Actually the best advice for retrogrades isn’t resistance but attunement and patience. The Cosmos may make it clear, especially with Mars Rx and Mercury Rx (although we won’t start feeling that until mid-month), that the Universe isn’t really concerned with our plans, our to-do lists or our egocentric needs for gold stars or linear paths. We may do best to focus on what is working, which may be wherever Jupiter (going direct on July 10th) lights up your chart. We’ve got two eclipses, which just translate as more monumental, path-altering New and Full Moons, which fall on the 12thand 27t, respectively. The Full Moon of the 27thlooks especially robust and unpredictable; an equal opportunity wake-up call to say hello to a whole new way of living. It seems everything is trying to cue us in to our tiny blind spots or missteps, so that we can live more consciously and enjoy a richer life. So invite every struggle with open arms and ask what it is trying to show you. And who knows, it could be a-mazing!
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
Cancer (June 20th– July 22nd)
With the Sun returning to your part of the Zodiac cruising in your sign until July 22, you have that the “chosen-one” glow about you. This is a great time to re-set and make sure you’ve set your sights high enough for the coming 12 months. July is definitely a turning point although it can take some energy to stay centered amidst the retrograde chaos. As you lap up the birthday love, even if you decide to keep social engagements intimate and personal in true Cancer fashion, take a mental note of what people love about you. You may find your dream role is less of stretch than you thought. While there are a lot of planets retrograde this month (ahem, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron and Mercury soon!), the good news is that the friendliest planet of all – Jupiter, in fellow water sign Scorpio – goes direct of July 10thand lights up your 5thHouse of true love (creativity, fun!) – giving some rocket fuel enthusiasm to this area of your life. This burst of faith also happens just in time to inspire a big yearly intention of the New Moon in your sign on July 12th. Dream not just of where you want to be in a year, but how you want to feel – and translate that feeling into a visual you can look at every day. And so it is!
Leo (July 23rd– August 22nd)
You’ve been enjoying soft and lovely Venus in your sign since June 13thand have her glamorous glow in your sign until July 9th. Don’t fret, while Venus moves on (to your 2ndHouse of money!), the Sun is headed your way to celebrate July-born Leo’s starting on July 22nd. Before that, you may feel a little dreamy or out of sorts as a lot of us do the month before our birthdays, due to the Sun floating through the imaginative, but sometimes enervating 12thHouse of the Zodiac. This is actually an intense month for you Leo, with a flurry of endings and beginnings. Not only is busy Mercury traveling through your sign all month filling up your iCal, but you’re the big winner of the Mercury retrograde which begins July 26th(although be prepared to exercise extra patience and flexibility up to two weeks before that date). Mars, God of War (sex, passion, energy) is also traveling retrograde through your 7thHouse of committed partnership, giving us astrologers clues that there’s some relationship business to clear up through passionate confrontation of one kind or another. You’re re-setting your love life, and the almighty Cosmos may feel like it’s poking and prodding you to get clear on what you really want. A Full Moon Eclipse in that 7thHouse on July 26thwill be the icing on top of what looks to be a truly colorful month.
Virgo (August 23rd– September 21st)
Well Venus is headed your way, due to arrive July 9th, so a summer of love – or at least the sweet and lovable feelings that a Venus transit offers --- will sweeten the pot until August 6th. While there is a lot of introspection and review this month with 5 planets in retrograde, Jupiter turns direct on July 10thand lights up your 3rdHouse of communication and commerce. Follow the leads that feel promising – even too good to be true -- and do it before the smoke-and-mirrors Mercury retrograde that begins July 26th. Virgos have definitely been learning to go with the flow and that life is what happens while you make other plans. Uranus, planet of change and the unexpected, is making a refreshing and supportive trine to your Sun (which will last the next 7 years). You don’t need to do anything special to accept the re-boot this planet offers, except be willing to listen. The more you can empty out the old, the lighter you’ll be when Uranus calls on you to leap into the new. In the meantime, use all these retrogrades for a healthy dive into imaginative possibilities and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You’re being tested to trust and celebrate life just as it is.
Libra (September 22nd– October 22nd)
An extra powerful New Moon eclipse is occurring in your 10thHouse of Career and Public Honors on July 12th, so feel into new leads and sparks of big life changes around that date. Are you ready for new responsibilities? To show the world a new you? Your 4thHouse of Home and Family has been another big area of focus, where transformational Pluto and tough-as-nails Saturn have been touring. On the deepest level, perhaps out of view from everyone except your closest intimates, you may be undergoing fundamental inner changes. It could feel like the Cosmos are putting your feet to the fire and demanding you take accountability for your life and put in the effort to confront the emotional challenges of maturity. On a lighter note, this transit is also about a deep desire to root and build – be it a literal family or a home. The common theme is security – which starts as an inside job. Who and what can you count on and what is solid about your life that you can relish in the here and now? This year continues to teach you about your investments – emotional and otherwise. Yes, you are the Director of Communications when you walk into the room, but what truly feeds you and how are you showing up for what you value? If changes are needed, it will take courage and tenacity but it seems you are at least in a good enough financial position (thank you, Jupiter in Scorpio in the 2ndthis year), and will have the freedom to act if needed.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
With the Sun in a water sign making a supportive angle to your Sun, the first 3 weeks of the July should be buoyed by confidence or at least the propensity to “act as if.” With more than a handful of planets retrograde, probing Scorpios may feel the flashes of an inner psychological X-Ray more than anyone. Being under the cosmic microscope can feel vulnerable and confrontational. However, waaaait for it, lucky Jupiter in your sign goes direct on July 10thproviding an uptick in your enthusiasm and summer possibilities (it has been retrograde since March 8th). Trust yourself as you’ll be called upon to takes some leaps of faith. A New Moon in watery Cancer on July 12thand your 9thHouse of travel conjures of images of long journey’s over water, although it doesn’t have to be literal travel that broadens your horizons. Whatever you decide to do in July, it seems to require a certain faith and openness. While you may want all the facts and figures together (thank you relentless Saturn and Pluto in your information-sponging 3rdHouse), it seems the biggest pieces fall into place when you take a broad view and remain open to lightning-quick impulses that make you exclaim “Life is beautiful!!!” a la Roberto Benigni. Remember, you only have expansive Jupiter in your sign once every 12 years, so use this “lucky”, growth-oriented energy consciously. Go big. Fail big. Win big. You’re in a rare position to let the Universe know you’re capable of expanding and are willing to believe in the benign forces at work. The outcome is irrelevant!
Sagittarius (November 22nd– December 21st)
You may find there’s a theme this month around your ability and style of communicating, and finding out where – if any – changes are needed. For one, you have feisty Mars in quirky, independent Aquarius lighting up your communication house which could make for some fiery exchanges, self-expressive flair, and a certain get-to-business vibe. It also is making you more open to new ways of doing things – as your curious to explore and research novel ways of communicating – especially if the old ways aren’t working. Mars is retrograde (since June 26th), which sometimes require that we re-trace past steps, iron out miscommunications and learn or re-learn the best strategies in correspondence. This could be primarily business exchanges, platforms that allow you to share your passionate takes on the state of the world (and keep an eye on those sibling relationships as well). There’s also a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse lighting up this same part of your chart on July 27th, suggesting that something is ready to out so a new quality of openness and honesty can be born. Attractive Venus enters Virgo on July 9thin your House of Career which bodes well for your public standing – i.e. you’ll look pretty cool to the people “out there,” or a project you’re in may receive some good publicity. Dreamy, spacey, imaginative Neptune continues to remind you to remain flexible and spacious, and give some time to just being still as much as growing (the latter of which you prefer). Intentions are most powerfully set on the eclipse of July 12thand around themes of intimacy and inner transformation.
Capricorn (December 21st– Jan 18th)
Get ‘er done Mars continues to blaze in your 2ndHouse of income and stability, imbuing you with a certain magnetism for resources but also firing up your passion to stand in what you’re worth and perhaps brave asking for more. With the assertive planet going retrograde and thus extending its stay in this pie slice of your chart, this theme isn’t going away anytime soon. Trying out new strategies is key with Mars in outside-the-box Aquarius so get to work getting clear on your values and seeing if your energy investments are a match. Remaining stagnant in this area is the only non-option. Since it seems every other planet is going retrograde, let’s focus on where Jupiter is sending pixie dust when the lucky planet goes direct on July 10th. It’s your 11thHouse of hopes, dreams and future plans that’s being fueled – as well as the community of people that help you get there. The 2ndhalf of July through November will be a key time to re-tool the vision for your future and lighten your load by willingly letting go of any heaviness or outdated structures, old dreams or attachments that don’t support your evolution. Don’t underestimate the power of the New Moon Eclipse in your 7thHouse of relationship on July 12thto marinate in your intention for an existing or new romantic partnership. As your values change, especially your self-value, you’ll find it reflected in the people and communities you attract – and easier to say no to any negative hangers-on whether your own or another’s judgement.
Aquarius (Jan 19th– Feb 18th)
You’re majoring in Mars this month Aquarius, as the robust energy of this God of War blazes through your First House of persona and initiation. The planet is retrograde (June 26th– August 27th), so this can be a time to re-charge and re-set more than tackle an ambitious to-do list. Even so, the ambition to push ahead is there although you may have to really tune in to see where the doors are open for action, and where it’s best to get ducks in a row first and retreat. This can also be a reactive time. Much like when Mercury goes retrograde – and it will on July 26th! – Mars retrograde presents obstacles, only to our physical will power and desires more than breaking our computers. The Universe is really trying to get you clear on where to throw your weight and let you know where your ego is and is not your friend. Mars will bring up the fire and then, as always, it’s in your hands how to respond to these challenges – hopefully in a juicy Mars triumph of celebration, authentic confidence and a strengthening of one’s principles (even if it’s a silent victory). And for Aquarians, who can tend to value the cerebral over the emotional, passionate Mars is probably good medicine to get you into your body. The New Moon on the 12this asking for intention in your House of Work (health and service). In cozy, caring Cancer there’s seems to be a cry for balance and self-care. Any heart-centered service or volunteer work would greatly amplifying your well-being if it’s been on the mind. You can’t run from your tendency to do things your own way, but you also aren’t in it totally for yourself. Benefiting the world, being an integral part of community and having your ideas make impact the global community may start with … adopting a kitten (or insert your own cozy fantasy here).
Pisces (Feb 19th– March 20th)
You may find all those words which people usually use to describe Pisces – like sensitive, imaginative, open – are especially apt now with Neptune (described by the same qualities) in your sign. The blue planet is retrograde (June 18th– November 24th) which can make for a deeply introspective time which demands consciously spacing out (lest we fall into patters of escapism) and rest. That’s not the whole picture, but just know you’re like a Pisces on steroids right now, so the bandwidth of Piscean qualities are amplified – and should be enjoyed as much as managed. Good astrological medicine if you start feeling too Pisces (over sensitive, over giving, whacked out by energy) is to embrace the opposite sign – which for you is Virgo. So making lists, sticking to routine and being as earthbound as possible could do wonders. There’s some good juju in your 5thHouse of love and creativity, so this month will give you the impetus to have some fun. Not only is the Sun here (through July 21st), but a powerful New Moon Eclipse ushers in a re-set point in this most joyful and expressive house. Jupiter is also shifting direct and thus unleashing enthusiasm and action in your House of Travel. Going to distance lands, or at least playing someone on TV who does would be a wonderful expression of this saucy and adventurous energy you’re enjoying. Just take care to stay grounded!
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
Now that unpredictable Uranus is out of your sign, you might be thanking your lucky stars with your newfound stability. Even so, this month may feel like the 1 step back after the 2 steps forward. Not to fear Aries, you’ve got luscious Venus in supportive Leo sending some love your way and the Sun will join in friendly fire on the 22nd. Jupiter also turning on the luck in your 8thHouse of intimacy – so it seems relationships of the one-on-one variety are getting your best energy. In the meantime, hunker down and see what questions keep popping up or where there’s a need to review what you thought was long-shelved, as several planets slow down to retrograde mode. Your career may feel under a serious microscope as you’re showing the world what you’re made of and it looks to have a rather tough-love vibe going on (Saturn and Pluto in your 10thHouse). Chiron, the “the wounded healer,” goes retrograde in your 1sthouse on the 5thwhich just suggests the mask you wear in the world is undergoing construction, possibly being more careful about your hard-won grit and how able you are to receive constructive feedback. Set intentions around home and family on July 12thand celebrate the somewhat electric Full Moon Eclipse on July 27thwhere big news could affect a partner.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
It seems the Cosmos are stretching you between the “opposites” of home and family (the 4thHouse) and Career (the 10thHouse). It seems there’s a focus on this axis in July, perhaps the tug of both demands and how this affect your ability to show up creatively. With feisty Mars in your 10thHouse of Career there’s definitely energy and ambition here to showcase your work and get in the game. Mars is retrograde, so this is not necessarily a linear path but it is likely that old projects or communities may resurrect to feed this hunger for public accolades. Mercury retrograde in your 4thHouse could simply translate as a lot of business to attend – fun stuff like broken lightbulbs and wifi issues. Where the bell really tolls for thee – although this is a long-term theme for this year and beyond – is in your 9thHouse of travel, belief systems and faith. It’s as if you’re being forced to review your broad belief system about the world and your place in it … 9thHouse transits stir up our passions, especially about the larger world and the politics that go on within it. You may be feeling the pressure to pick a side or break down your old world view and rebuild. Taurus doesn’t generally like to change their mind once set, but if something not sitting well – you may need to go out there and get more information so you can win the next roundtable discussion with your superior knowledge.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
After a deep dive into your psyche and deep sexual longings last month, Jupiter turns direct in that petri dish of an 8thHouse and releases some steam on July 10th. You’ll have a clearer idea on what you, or a partner, has or is willing to offer after that. On July 12th, the New Moon eclipse in Cancer lights up your 2ndHouse of finances begging for a clear and simple intention around what you desire. Put a number on it and know you’re worth it. There’s so many retrogrades this month that it’s important to get in touch with the non-negotiables of our life. Fireworks come later on the Full Moon Eclipse of July 27th, in supportive fellow air-sign Aquarius and your 9thHouse of Travel. You’ll be feeling adventurous to say the least, so plan on celebrating your wild self or at least make room for the unexpected. If a door slams to a close or whooshes open, trust it. Eclipses are the stuff of great drama. This is also a wonderful time to broadcast your artistry to the world, as you’re naturally projecting a sort of soft and healing presence. With Neptune in your career house opposing Venus exact on July 24th, you’ll be especially magnetic and imaginative but careful to go overboard with illusory thinking or inviting charlatans to your party. You’d do well to keep your wits about you, even under the most alluring (confusing) of cosmic placements.
For Kelly's past Horoscopes, visit Backstage for the full cosmic log!
June Horoscopes!
Happy June, everyone! We’re halfway there! We’re under new marching orders from Uranus, planet of the unexpected, officially amplifying change in all things related to Taurus – the earth, sensuality, money and our values. Good medicine for Taurus is usually to keep it simple, but with rebellious Uranus here for the next 8 years, we’re due for revolution and (hopefully!) progress when it comes to this earthy terrain in ourselves, and the world around us. The Sun and Mercury kick us off this month is flirtatious, mentally dexterous Gemini, promising synapses will be firing and our curiosity roused. Yes, Pluto and Saturn continue to pull us back into a mini existential crisis, but when the tensions releases in September, we’ll be all the clearer. Enjoy the new chapter that’s opened this month and allow your strange instincts to lead you forward into the untrodden. Feisty Mars fresh in innovative Aquarius will help light the path.
For the full skinny, be sure to read your Sun and Rising sign.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Happy Birthday, Gemini! You’re in the zone of the Sun returning full circle to its starting point in the Zodiac, ushering in a fresh cycle of energy. The first half of the month (from May 29thuntil June 12th), you’ll have the winged messenger planet Mercury whipping through your sign, upping the ante on appointments and correspondence. It’s a great time to show off your sparkling intellect or put sprinkle your communicative fairy dust into networking and publicity campaigns. You’ll be feeling both more curious and assertive, and with the power of the Sun doubled on your sign, it’s well within your realm to get some answers and clarify where your prodigious energies are needed. Meanwhile Pluto and Saturn continue to retrograde in your 8thHouse of Sex, Death and Other People’s Money, pulling you back into transformative lessons around boundaries and your deepest, sexual self. With all the infectious buzz of Mercury and everything you’ve learned of late, set clear New Moon intentions on June 13th– which also happens to be in your sign; a powerful month for Gemini indeed!
Cancer (June 20th– July 22nd)
You’ve been enjoying Venus, planet of all-things-pleasure, cruising through your sign since May 19th. This dopamine-inducing planet will give you that Venusian glow through the 19thuntil she ditches you for Leo. Enjoy that extra spotlight on your lovable charm while she lasts. If anything, the planets always teach us to enjoy the moment and not to get too attached – unless, of course, you’ve found the real thing. After that you enter a more Mercury phase as this busy planet inches close to your Sun, acting like an espresso shot on communication and correspondence. It’s your 7thHouse of partnership that’s been getting the relentless retrograde of Pluto and Saturn, unearthing any beliefs around pairing, trust and compromise that have become antiquated or need to be updated to reflect who you are today (this particular retrograde will last through September, so slow-and-steady wins the race in the team-building department). In short, the world will be giving you ample opportunity to relate and build with others, but be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone and feel vulnerable. Likely, you’ll be given some roles that reflect this theme. If you’re not at least a little afraid, you may need a juicier part – and what timing with Venus in your sign to ask! The Full Moon of May 28th(in Capricorn directly across from your Sun) should give you something to talk about it. In the meantime, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.
Leo (July 23rd– August 22nd)
It’s your globally-conscious Eleventh House of future hopes and dreams that is lit up for the first half of the month by the Sun and Mercury, both in the connective, sparkly sign of Gemini. Reaching out on the worldwide web and social media is the tip of the iceberg. It looks like you’ll have a platform or be inspired to broadcast your unique brand or service to everyone in the rafters. Getting by with a little help from your friends is also in the cards – and you’ll be hungry to meet some movers and shakers heading in a similarly upward direction. You’ll have June 13thto look forward do, on and after which Venus – planet of love and beauty – will be touring your magnanimous sign (until July 9th). Another thing to keep in mind is red-hot Mars is fresh in your 7thHouse of relationship serving up a somewhat eclectic sampler platter of lovers or business partners, that could be as vitalizing as they are triggering. Either way, it seems you are meant to forge some new connections for purposes you may be unaware of at the time. Stay open and keep your larger purpose in your mind’s eye.
Virgo (August 23rd– September 21st)
Your relationship with your creativity, as well as your ability to play seems under review with Saturn and Pluto retrograde in your 5thHouse of creativity and love affairs. The 5thHouse is the house of the actor, and you’ve got some heavy hitters here that seems to be asking some tough questions about self-responsibility and self-empowerment. It may be that your ego needs the boost of achievement, but the planets are demanding that your quest is about more than just seeing your name in lights. The pride of a job well done, even if no one knows about it (yet), has shot to the top of your values or at least is trying to get there. You’re learning that all the other stuff … the external trapping of fame ... are just icing, and ephemeral at that. Your big payout is your personal investment and the exhale of personal contentment for delivering the goods. And the more fun you can have while you work, so the two become inextricably linked, the better. It just so happens that the Sun and Mercury are lighting up your 10thHouse of career the first half of the month, so world-famous storyteller is a role you’ll easily step into – whether that’s with a group of friends or on stage.
Libra (September 22nd– October 22nd)
The Sun, Mercury and Mars are all in fellow air-signs offering some supportive winds this month and putting some loose ends in place. Feisty Mars in your 5thHouse of fun and creativity is particularly stirring up the pot in romance giving you an opportunity to take a walk on the wild side, whether in your real or imagined life. With a New Moon in air-sign Gemini on June 13th, you’d do well to set some intentions around themes of travel or broadening your educational horizons. Where you can expect or have been experiencing the biggest change may be in the realm of the sexuality and intimacy as Uranus – planet of the unexpected – has landed in the smoky, psychologically-adept chart for the next 8 years. Intimate ties may be due for a shift in the rules, as you’re seeking a certain liberation from old identities in relationship, starting with the one with yourself. Meeting this energy halfway by really getting in touch with your body and impulses – in ways deemed unconventional or on the cutting edge by the collective – could prove incredibly transformative and healing. The key this month seems to be in exploring the untrodden and being courageous as you work out this new balance of power. A little travel to see how the other half lives can only help.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
The big change this month, Scorpio, is that Uranus is now officially in that 7thHouse of Commitment, which promises to shake things up and poke at the boundaries of your comfort zone. Whether single or hitched, this is a time where you or a partner may crave more novel and thrilling experiences – be it a shared adventure, financial investment or creative pairing of your artistic talents. It’s also time to strengthen the friendship portion of any relationship – and something platonic could all of a sudden shift into the romantic arena. Supporting this romantic roller coaster, is Venus in sweet and supportive fellow-water sign Cancer, sending you all sorts of opportunities to bond with new or existing loved ones. You’ve got Jupiter in your sign for another 4 months, so live it up (12 years before this happy-go-lucky planet returns to your sign). It’s time to make your own rules and find partnerships that light you up and make you learn something about yourself. Even if some are lightening quick (Uranus in the 7thHouse can sometimes bring in thrilling, if unstable pairings), they are no less valuable.
Sagittarius (November 22nd– December 21st)
You might notice you’re getting more invites this month as the flirtatious pairing of the Sun and Mercury travel your magnetic 7thHouse of all things relationship and one-on-one bonding, be it romantic or business. A New Moon on the 13thinvites intentions around these romantic themes so include some fresh rose petals on your vision board. After the 13thwhen Venus enters fellow-fire sign Leo, you’ll see an even greater uptick in your enthusiasm to say yes to some of these invites. It also should be said that Mars, feisty planet of action, courage and sex has entered intellectual Aquarius and your 3rdHouse of Communication and Commerce (and will be here until August 12th). Because of your sign’s propensity to be blunt, you may do well to consider what you’re saying before saying it. It can of course lead to wonderful, extemporaneous bursts of rhetoric that can really inspire a crowd and garner lots of likes (that’s the Aquarian part), just consider treading more lightly in personal relationships or be aware of your tone as you’re espousing the opinions that you’re likely feeling as absolute fact. This can be a very busy month and likely you’re dealing with a lot of different personalities and projects, so make sure to take some conscious time outs and rest your mind before it takes over completely.
Capricorn (December 21st– Jan 18th)
Industrious Pluto and Saturn continue to take you to the upside-down world as they retrograde through September and carve a path into your subconscious so you can become aware of any self-defeating patterns. This is not bad news – only to say that you might feel like part of your life is dedicated some sort of scavenger hunt of the past where you’re given the opportunity to heal and make sense of any confusing feelings or stagnant spots. This way you’ll be free to move forward unobstructed and clearly grounded in your own goals. The work you do on the inside will show itself in the maturity of the roles and responsibilities you’re offered so be grateful, even if you feel like once in a while you have to get drug through the mud. In lighter news, Venus flirts with your Sun sign the first half of the month, making a powerful 180-degree angle from the cozy and complimentary sign of Cancer. Make some room to be and feel adored – a sweetie may only need know that you are available. The other change this month is the kick off of feisty, go-getter Mars in your 2ndHouse of income. I’d suspect you’re getting more comfortable with the management of resources and you’ll have energy here (until August 12th) to drum up some out-of-the-blue opportunities to earn quickly – and maybe pay for that summer vacation after all. Wherever Mars is we have to exercise courage – so while it may not be comfortable to be clear on what you need and by when, put it out there anyway and see how the world responds to your clear, financial goals.
Aquarius (Jan 19th– Feb 18th)
With the Sun and Mercury in Gemini kicking off the month in your 5thHouse of play, the skies look good for Aquarius to kick up their heels a bit and have some fun. With all the behind-the-scenes contemplation and upheaval (you can thank Pluto and Saturn in your 12thHouse of letting go), you deserve a little fun. Also, your brand-ambassador planet – Uranus – is making headlines as it has shifted into new territory for the next 8 years. What does that mean for you? That this planet of shock and awe is leaving your busy, busy, busy 3rdHouse of connectivity and shifting the landscape in your more personal, below-the-surface home-and-family sector. This electric planet is waking up your roots – which could translate as a literal move, a sudden wistfulness for unconventional living arrangements, or just a shake-up of your routine that more aptly reflects your evolving values. If it weren’t for Mars busting the gates into your sign until August, I’d almost say you were mellowing out. Mars however pits you at the center of the action until the end of summer, begetting that can-do energy and productivity.
Pisces (Feb 19th– March 20th)
Your sign is one of the stars of a grand trine this month in water signs – basically the winning lottery ticket of the Cosmos. Dreamy Neptune in Pisces is sending flirtatious signals to Venus and Jupiter, which means you’re in the mood for love and need only float in space of receptivity to attract in some pretty lovely circumstances and people into your life. Your imagination and access to emotion is also at an all-time high. Of course, there’s always the possibility of completely zoning out and escaping in unhealthy ways, but it’s definitely a time to dream up new possibilities, step into creativity and play. It’s best to engage with these energies consciously. Be sure to set some intentions on the New Moon on June 13th. Your more serious energies (Pluto and Saturn) are lighting up your House of long term plans, so you may be re-thinking the entire trajectory or at least the next chapter of your life. Remember to have some fun while those pieces are falling in place – it could take until September when Pluto and Saturn go direct to have greater clarity around your next big moves. In the meantime, enjoy the sweet spot this month and be someone who can see greater possibilities than what exists in the here and now.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
You’ll be in the mood to learn this month, and get your mind on any new piece of information you can, especially concerning the subtle shift in your career direction. With the Sun, Mercury and the New Moon on the 13thall in your 3rdHouse of Communication and Commerce, it seems like your meant to open a lot of doors and see what sticks. Don’t focus as much on perfection this month, as just getting your hand in a lot of pots and having faith you’ll be guided towards the next baby step as you go along. This month is all about connecting the dots and trust you’ll have more time later to sharpen the lines. Enjoy village life as it’s the mundane places and faces you encounter every day that could hold the next clue. After the 13th, when Venus moves into friendly-fire sign Leo, you’ll see an uptick in your romantic life and may be ready to act on some of those intellectual connections that have been brewing. This is also the first full month of shock-and-awe Uranus out of your sign – so if anything, as busy as you may be, you’re not guessing what’s around every corner as you may have been for the past several years. Enjoy being able to review the long-term picture and know that you have a little more control these days in how you move forward.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
By now, life may have given you a feel for what planet-of-the-unexpected -- Uranus -- in your sign means. Such a momentous event as an outer planet taking up residence in one’s Sun sign for the next 8 years will usually have a symbolic opening, that at least gives you a hint of what’s to come. An external change of late or a radical shift in one’s attention and direction could be part of this rebellious energy shift. Going one’s own way and getting comfortable making the unconventional choice (at least from an outside perspective) is instrumental to your success. Trust your instincts even as they seem to erupt out of nowhere. With Pluto and Saturn in your 9thHouse of education, travel and belief systems, it would be weird if you weren’t mulling over the old way of doing things and asking some questions about life and how to really take the bull the horns (the answers will show themselves closer to September, when these two cosmic juggernauts turn direct). The other big change is Mars entering Aquarius (here until mid-August), which will give a burst of energy to your career house and give you a chance to demonstrate that Martian chutzpah on a grander stage. It might be a test run to see how well you do with receiving attention for your lesser known and unexpected talents.